I have been absent from the blog because I have been occupied with life and being overwhelmed with it, well with my overwhelming chaotic life that is. This evening was the first time in almost a month that I paused and took a breath.
So let's see what's been going on lately......
I have been spending time on the Oregon Coast. About a two hour drive from Portland lays Astoria (the oldest city in Oregon). A lot of Scandinavians settled here a long time ago and you can find many things related to the old countries in Astoria. There is even a little park called Nordic Heritage Park.

I got burned by steam on the inside of my wrist. I found this Curad stuff to put on the burn, leftover stuff from when I injured my hand over a year ago. A year ago......! It feels like no more than three months ago, time goes so fast, too fast!

I got laundry sheets, or are they called eco-strips? I have not tried them yet. I am thinking a lot about how I can improve myself as a human. And one of the ways is to be more aware and mindful of the products that I use and discard of.
The plastic laundry detergent jugs are bad, I am trying to use and consume less bad and more "good".

And speaking of laundry. I hang dry most of my laundry, this drying rack from IKEA is great.

I saw a perfect sand dollar on a tree.

Since around Christmas time I have been eating pierogis on a regular basis. I found a brand of pierogis called Jaju -I like! The company is owned by two sisters. www.jajupierogi.com
Finding good pierogis is not easy, unless you live in Chicago or somewhere around NYC. I would go to the Polish Deli in Vegas for my pierogis and they sold pierogis that shipped in from Chicago. Since I left Vegas the hunt for good pierogis has been on and the Jaju pierogis are good.

I like my pierogis with chopped and fried red onion and sour cream. YUM!

This is my new beverage of choice. Grim Leafer by Liquid Death. A funny name but I like the companies concept. Also all their beverages come in aluminum cans. Which is GOOD. Most aluminum beverage containers are manufactured back into aluminum cans. I am trying to eliminate plastic bottles from my consumption.

I added an app on my phone called YUKA. And I don't really do apps. When people say I need an app to do something I rather not do it, like I do not want to have a bunch of apps on my phone - so irritating.
But this one can stay for a while. You scan the barcode (if available) of whatever you are going to eat and drink to see the score of the food or drink. The closer to 100 the better. As you can see this iced tea is "good".

Another thing I have been eating daily for a while are mandarins. They are addicting. I eat like six a day.

There is a place that does two for one tacos on Tuesdays. Tacos? Yes please. Four for me. With jackfruit. And limes.

And one more thing......flip flop weather has arrived! Yeay!

But now it is time for me to sleep......my eyes keep on closing.
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