Entries by TATIANA

Welcome to Chaos !!

Saturday, February 8. 2025


A TRUE BLESSING happened today. After missing since January 31 my friend's dog appeared from the forest today. No words can express the relief and joy. That poor baby survived all alone in the cold, dark, rain and snow next to a very busy road leading up to the Astoria-Megler bridge. My friend and myself put out food for him. I went and checked yesterday and the kibble she put out on Thursday was gone and although it could had been any animal that ate the kibble there were fresh dog paw prints around the kibble. I put out more food. We were hopeful. Please please please come back! My friend spent last night sleeping under a tarp waiting for her dog to appear. She was prepared to sleep there on the side of the road until Monday. And he finally did show up this afternoon. I got there about five minutes after she found him.
My friend lives in Portland about 100 miles from where the dog went missing. I am so so relieved. I cannot even imagine going through something like this.  This is Taz. ♥️

Thursday, February 6. 2025

Dog Is Missing

A friend's dog is missing since almost one week. I feel bad. If my baby went missing I would be frantic. The dog went missing by the Astoria-Megler bridge on the WA side. I drove to where the dog has been spotted (supposedly) by random people. 
I first went there today during the day and then I went again in the evening after dark. No dog.
Only some weirdo that got upset with me that I was looking for the dog. So yea some angry dude yelled at me, in the dark in the middle of nowhere. Must be fun to be paranoid, perhaps I interrupted his meth transaction. I suspect that is what he was doing.
Anyhow....I will try again tomorrow. I am hoping that somebody sees the dog and manages to grab him. And then brings the dog to an animal shelter or figures out how to get the dog to my friend. I have found a few dogs in the past and managed to find the owner/s.
So I am hoping this will end well.
The Astoria-Megler bridge is like four miles long. 

That is WA (Washington) state over there in the distance.

And speaking of dogs. A man in GA (Georgia) was recently sentenced to 475 years in prison for dog fighting and animal cruelty. Finally time that fits the crime. I hope the sentence sets the tone for all future animal cruelty convictions.
Everybody involved in working on this case are amazing humans, amazing humans care about animals. They pointed out the importance of the concept, "if you see something, say something". In this case a delivery driver noticed that something was wrong and alerted authorities. I hope that all the dogs rescued go to safe places, preferably loving forever homes.
If I could I would have six pit bulls living with me at home right now. If I had a lot of money I would help animals.

Wednesday, February 5. 2025

Hearts Of Palm

Out on the daily walk with my best friend. 

Hearts of palm. Who else really likes this? I have tried hearts of palm from like every store from Astoria to Portland and I think that Trader Joe's might have the best one (not pictured). I eat it weekly.

I realized that my electric blanket makes me thirsty. I wake up thirsty, sometimes I wake up because I am thirsty and that is from sleeping with the electric blanket on all night. So I now turn it off. Maybe the dehydration contributed to the high A1C number? I don't know. I am drinking more water and I cut down on the sugar in my coffee and tea but that's about it.

Sunday, February 2. 2025

Week 4 and Week 5

Can I even remember week 4 at work? It's been like 13 days and I have brain fog. I do remember that I was the only girl on Tuesday. And it was cold inside the club. If it is cold outside, it is cold in the club. I walk around in a robe. Not trying to look appealing, trying to not freeze. So yes, Tuesday only girl. And of course it got busy. I told everybody in that night that since I am imported goods then they have to pay a tariff now. The price of a lap dance went up 50% overnight. 
Wednesday and Friday I do not remember.
Saturday a guy asked me for coke. I told him that I have no clue where to get some. Yea if I really wanted to get some coke I could probably find it but believe it or not, I do not do drugs. And if I was going to do any, it would not be at work. It is not like I have the number to a coke dealer named Tony in my phone ok. Then he asked me two more times. And I told him that in fact a friend of mine knows of somebody in town that got some coke laced with fentanyl a few months ago and ODd and died. I said I would be extremely cautious if I were him and stay away from getting coke from random people. At this point fentanyl is in a lot of the street drugs. So be careful. Seriously, it is no joke. If you are lucky you will OD and somebody will give you Naloxone (Narcan) and you will live, if not that is it. You will die. It is a vey sad reality.
I wish I could say I knew nothing of this reality but I do. And it is a terrible reality.
I often get asked if I want to go and party after work. Party? Like where? I have been at work for like six hours, listening to loud music. The last thing I want to do is "party". Now had I been in Vegas and could go to like a fun after hours club with great music and plush couches, party would be a possibility.
Let me tell you......when the club closes on Saturday and I am gathering all my things and putting on my (in this case) very comfortable Bearpaw boots I am very happy. House fee and tip out in the heels. Go home, take a hot bath, get comfortable underneath soft blankets, read and drift off to sleep.

Week 5. Compliment of the week came from somebody that comes in on a regular basis.
He said that the club sign is of me. The club sign is a silhouette/drawing of a girl in heels bending over, long hair cascading forward. I should try to re create that pose in a photo.
That sign caused some controversy in town when it replaced the old sign. Several people called City Hall and wanted the sign to be taken down so that children did not have to look at it. The sign stayed.
The second best compliment came from a girl that came in Saturday with a group of girls, they were all very nice. She called me stunning. A person that has been coming in a lot for the last year and became a friend is moving about two hours away, he will be missed.
It was cold all week. The stage was about 56-58 degrees, a bit "warmer" in the dressing room since we have a small heater in there. I sit in front of that heater a lot.

Saturday night's house fee and tip out. Dressed to go hoooooome! 62 degrees in the dressing room.

If you have a 20, 50 or a 100 dollar bill that has "Tati" written on it you should hold on to it.
You might have a future collectible in your possession.

Wednesday, January 29. 2025


I had a doctor's appointment this week Monday, a year since the last time. Last time I told them no blood test because I am so scared of needles, I have a fobia. So this time I decided I should try to get a blood test just to get it done. Because it is important after all.
Blood pressure 121 over 81. I don't even know what that means but the doctor said it was good. Weight 135.
Listened to heart, lungs, breathing and pulse and all of that was good. And then it was needle time. First I said no and then I decided I just had to go through with it. And I survived but it was not pleasant. It leaves a lingering weird feeling in my arm afterwards.

Wellllll.......the test results came back and everything that they test for came back normal EXCEPT that my A1C is 5.7 and that is mild prediabetes. What? I guess I do need to start thinking about all the sweets that I eat. I do not seek out exercise on purpose, I used to run (can't do that anymore) and go to the gym (no more of that either). Now I walk Kaya and work. Another factor that can lead to diabetes is stress. Like there is a link between stress and type 2 diabetes. I have been living with stress for years. The last few months have been awful. I do not know how to reduce the stress. I do not see that happening anytime soon. But I will try to reduce the sugar intake when I can. Not sure when I should have another blood test done, six months maybe?
Yeay......prediabetes. Another fun thing to add to my life.

Friday, January 24. 2025

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Last Monday, January 20th it was Martin Luther King Jr. Day here in the US. A big YES for Martin Luther King, he seemed to be a beautiful human being. What else is there to say?
I suggest starting with reading up on MLK if you want to learn more about him. We need more people like him in the world.
Martin Luther King Day which was January 20th this year is the most important thing that happened in the USA that day.

Now on to the circus that took over the White House this week. I am just waiting for some other additions to the roster of crazies. How about the QAnon Shaman, Bigo, Enrique Tarro and Andrew Tate? They seem to be a good fit.
So my first personal strong disapproval of what Donald Trump did this week is the renaming of Denali, the tallest mountain in North America, located in Alaska. He decided to rename it to Mount McKinley after a former US president that never even went to Alaska. Denali has been called Denali by the Native Alaskan people supposedly for over one thousand years. And for some time Denali was named Mount McKinley, until Obama reversed it back to Denali in 2015. IT SHOULD BE DENALI! If you want a mountain to be named after a former president from Ohio then the best solution seems to be to find some mountain in Ohio to name after him? In my opinion this is an action of showing disrespect by Trump but hey can you expect anything else really? Renaming Denali was an urgent issue for Trump I guess. 
How about the price of eggs, bacon and gas that the Americans that voted for Trump were SO concerned over? Well guess what honey......billionaires do not care about the prices of eggs, bacon and gas and they do not care about YOU either. But according to whitehouse.gov, one of the several priorities mentioned on there is "all agencies will take emergency measures to reduce the cost of living." OK. What does that mean to you? To me it means lower rents, lower interest rates so people can afford to buy a house (especially for first time home buyers), lower the price of real estate so people can even afford to buy a house, condo or land, lower the price of food, lower the price of child care, significantly lower the price of prescription drugs, make health care affordable for everyone and do not let insurance companies make profits on people seeking medical care and purchasing medications (FREE LUIGI!).
What else? Trump repealed Executive Order 14087 and to quote pharmacytimes.com, "a measure from the Biden administration aimed at reducing prescription drug costs and increasing access to innovative cell and gene therapies for Medicaid recipients. Although the reversal did not immediately alter existing laws and regulations for Medicare and Medicaid prescription drug pricing, it has introduced uncertainty about the federal government’s strategy to address these critical issues and sparked widespread debate about the future of health care affordability in the United States."
YES......all you poor Republicans living paycheck to paycheck or on fixed income or on social security disablity that have health issues and need prescription drugs - enjoy the future! You voted for this. 
And I am curious to find out what the Saudis will invest $600 billion in here in the US? Buy up more real estate perhaps? That will really help reduce the cost of living.
I mean I can go on and on about this. But before I quit this rant.....who in their right mind thinks THIS is normal and acceptable behavior from a person currently serving as the Administrator of the Department of Government Efficiency or DOGE under the Donald Trump administration?

Another thing that just baffles me is how the MAGA people cannot see anything wrong ever with any actions stemming from Trump and his administration. It is like a cult.