This Thursday I mopped the floor in the kitchen and in the bathroom. I mop the old fashioned way. So I don't really mop then actually.....since I do not use a mop. I hand clean. Bucket with HOT water, some rags, cleaning solution, protective gloves and go.
My initial plan was to go to the laundromat afterwards and wash the bath mats but it got late, so instead of the laundromat I went to the grocery store and got some food, came home and made myself dinner and took Kaya out for a walk afterwards. It is fun to walk around Astoria in the evening. We saw boats out on the river. The fog started to come in so the boats are using their fog horns. I like that sound, a bit eerie but comforting.
And then we came upon a pile of sea lions. I have never seen them basically up on the ground like this before. There are many sea lions in Astoria and they like to hang out in different spots around the area, like in the water. I can hear them pretty much all day and all night.
These crawled up a hill full of large sharp rocks to get to this location. They are loud and large, Kaya did not want to get too close to them.
Now I am home, in bed, Kaya sleeping next to me. I love being at home - solitude, quiet. I am going to read and watch stuff online for a few hours before I go to sleep.