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Entries from February 2025

Friday, February 28. 2025


I just saw this on Reddit. I love Reddit by the way.
Today February 28 total blackout. No purchases period. If you must, shop local.
I have no plans on buying anything today anyways so I will comply with the request for total blackout. I can do the Amazon blackout from March 7 to March 14. I don't shop Amazon often but I do now and then. Nestlรฉ blackout later in March no problem either. Same with the Walmart blackout in April. And then there is a second total blackout on April18.

Deal! Are you going to participate?

Thursday, February 27. 2025

This Thursday

This Thursday I mopped the floor in the kitchen and in the bathroom. I mop the old fashioned way. So I don't really mop then actually.....since I do not use a mop. I hand clean. Bucket with HOT water, some rags, cleaning solution, protective gloves and go.

My initial plan was to go to the laundromat afterwards and wash the bath mats but it got late, so instead of the laundromat I went to the grocery store and got some food, came home and made myself dinner and took Kaya out for a walk afterwards. It is fun to walk around Astoria in the evening. We saw boats out on the river. The fog started to come in so the boats are using their fog horns. I like that sound, a bit eerie but comforting.

And then we came upon a pile of sea lions. I have never seen them basically up on the ground like this before. There are many sea lions in Astoria and they like to hang out in different spots around the area, like in the water. I can hear them pretty much all day and all night. 
These crawled up a hill full of large sharp rocks to get to this location. They are loud and large, Kaya did not want to get too close to them.

Now I am home, in bed, Kaya sleeping next to me. I love being at home - solitude, quiet. I am going to read and watch stuff online for a few hours before I go to sleep.

Sunday, February 23. 2025

Week 8

Arrival Tuesday with everything that is needed for the week. It is funny because we bring so much with us to the club and end up wearing outfits that fit in the palm of a hand, with exception for the shoes.
I get my little corner. Set everything down.

Then I prepare the corner for me and my stuff. This is where I sit and read, sometimes write, eat, take naps and get away from people. At the end of the night I take home the black bag (outfits, make up, lotion etc) and the grey bag (laptop). The rest stays. And at the end of the work week, which is Saturday I take everything home with me until the next time which for me is the following Tuesday.

You never know in advance what the evening will be like. Tuesday and Saturday I had very good shifts and Wednesday it was empty and I left with $25. So you just never know. It could be fun, it could be boring. My mood changes wildly throughout the night. All kinds of people come through. Some are annoying and some are nice. Sometimes I am a dancer, sometimes I am a therapist. 
Swedish word of the day, "lycka" = happiness.


Sunday, February 16. 2025

Week 7

Wednesday somebody ordered us pizza and got us roses. Naaaaaaaw! Before we left I gave my rose to one of the other girls.

Friday looked like this. We got two new girls. They are nice and they love their dogs. One of them is a very talented pole dancer.

I took some Valentine's pics. And they went up on the club's Instagram. (I do not have Instagram.)

Looks like I got fans.

Saturday it was only me and Lavender working. There were a lot of people in town for the Festival of Dark Arts and we were kind of busy so I did not sit down much. It was a relief when we turned off the music at the end of the night and I took my heels off. My feet really need a visit to a foot spa. I think about that almost daily. Foot ruuuuuuuuuub!

Saturday, February 15. 2025

My Dog Is My Valentine

Yes it is true, my dog IS my Valentine. I love Kaya so much and I loved my Chhaya and my Senna and I miss them achingly much. I wish it was me and my three girls now, what a dream. Since Chhaya passed away in 2018 my heart has been broken and will be until I die. And then it broke some more and some more. One day I hope we will all reunite. 
These Louis Sherry chocolates are very good.

Put up hearts at the Rusty Cup for my girls.

And this one too, for my other girls.

What did I do on Valentine's Day? Ate chocolates in bed with Kaya. Went for a walk in the forest. Somebody put several of these flamingos in the forest. I like it. And then I worked. 

This is the February issue of Exotic. I like the cover, that is Axel winner of Miss Exotic Oregon 2020 and 2021. Impressive! I think she is beautiful.


Sunday, February 9. 2025

Week 6

Swedish word of the day. And my pink cup filled with hot London Fog and some Anna's pepparkakor to eat.

Dancers are pay per view. Indeed. I get very annoyed when some people stare and don't tip. Do not look and me and please go somewhere else.
Also we had a bar brawl Friday night. A few bar stools got broken and people were on the ground swinging at each other. I was busy doing a lap dance during the commotion. But I heard it. Fights do not happen often. 
Also Friday a couple came in, young. The girl pulled my hair while I was on stage, tried to touch me and when I told her to calm down and back off she tried pulling my hair again.
That was it. I cut it short and walked off. It all happened within the first minute of me going on stage. She was way too intoxicated and completely out of line. A little while later she decided to sit down on the ground underneath the rack. I told her boyfriend to collect her as she obviously was practicing for an earthquake drill. The week was slow, I felt tired every night.
Hibernated in the dressing room a lot.