Another broken flip flop. How many pairs of Havaianas have I went through that broke? I mean at some point they do brake......I save the whole one and pair it up with whatever other whole ones I have put away. I usually wear those at Burning Man. They are put in a bag and kept with my Burning Man stuff. Who cares about matching flop flops? I don't match my socks either, stopped doing that a long time ago. Nobody is looking at my socks, besides I don't care anyways.
I feel like a broken flip flop. I've had enough of too many life challenges, sadnesses, shitty people, difficult situations that I am basically a broken person. Some days I barely keep it together. I just want to be around animals and kind humans that speak with soft voices.
Broken "E" at the Lower Lake on :
I feel much the same way. Really love this metaphor of a broken filp flop--withered and broken down a bit from humanity. Life is kind of like seeing a fresh piece of cut lumber being withered all the way down to a plant fossil of petrified wood. Not much keeps the chin up high, except reading good relatable columns like this. Enjoy BM 2024!
Tatiana on :
Thank You - from one broken flip flop to another......