Burning Man 2016

Welcome to Chaos !!

Saturday, October 1. 2016

Last Night

So after one week at Burning Man (I have already been away from Burning Man for several weeks now - it feels unreal) the time came for the last night........and the end was in sight. It is not a fun feeling at all.
It was a Sunday night. That is the night when the Temple burns down but I don't go to that anymore. Too sad. Instead I head out and take in all the sights and impressions and then I go to Planet Earth to DANCE! I want to dance and smile my last night. Well, I want to dance every single night when I am at Burning Man.
I had on the best shirt ever but I was so cold that night, even inside Planet Earth, that I spent the most time bundled up but when I did take off my jacket all kinds of people told me they loved my shirt. Me too! So I am wearing the exact same outfit next year.

I ❤ the 80's! If I could be any pop star in the world I think I would be Simon Le Bon. Singing all those amazing songs and looking super sharp while doing it? Yes please. But my huge teenage crush, one of the most beautiful humans ever is Nick Rhodes (Duran Duran). Look at his smile, mouth, eyes and style. Nick has it all. Simon is crushingly good looking too but Nick was always my fave. Still is.
After Planet Earth I went to Center Camp for a hot chai. Iced latte during the day, hot chai at night. So they have a book about Burning Man at Center Camp. It is an extremely entertaining read.....I thought I should mention that fact. You can own your own copy, Burning Man Live: 13 Years of Piss Clear, Black Rock City's Alternative Newspaper .

Woke up around 9 am on Monday September 5. Reluctantly started to take down the tent and packing up. Nooooooooo!!! People were slowly leaving, we were in exodus for about five hours. Grueling.

Thank You! ❤

And that my friends was the last entry of my Burning Man 2016. I hope I can go next year....!

Friday, September 30. 2016


Sometimes random people just give you stuff at Burning Man. I always get the best stuff, I love all of my gifts. I keep all of them.
This year while sitting and reading at Center Camp a girl walked by and gave me these, what she called "love crystals". They were in a pretty pouch. ❤

And another time while I was walking away from Center Camp a man walked up to me and gave me this wooden necklace. ❤

I have an idea for what I am going to stock up on and give away next time I am at Burning Man.

Black Rock City Pics

I have some more Black Rock City pics to show......
First a pic of ME. 🙂

You have to stay hydrated.

With my brother. ❤

We drank tea.

I spent time at one of my face places to be.....Planet Earth. Depeche Mode time!

Wandered around.....

I like this pic, a stranger at Center Camp.

With friends.

Read the message. New beginnings.....yes, I walked through that door with determination.

Wednesday, September 28. 2016

Far Out Camp

So this year at Burning Man I felt more tired than usual. At first I was not sure why......am I finally getting "old", am I out of shape? What could it be? Well, I am not a teenager anymore but I am not old and I sure have a lot more energy than some people. I have definitely been in better shape but I am far from out of shape. Then I think I got my answer. Our far out camp location. We set camp at the very outskirt of the Playa. On L. Way too far out and way too windy out there. Now I know.
When me and my brother finally arrived to Black Rock City it was getting late and the sun was perhaps an hour away from setting. We were driving around trying to find a spot to camp at and had to set up the tent before it got dark. So we just went with L. Well, biking back and forth all the way to L several times a day is more tiring than I thought it would be. So never again am I camping that far out, hopefully never again. We talked about moving camp a few days into it but were too lazy to.
Here is a map of Black Rock City 2016, if it makes any sense to the people that never been there before. It is very well structured.

The canopy we set up for shade blew away and got destroyed on the second day (windy). We had a canopy before we left for Center Camp and when we got back it was gone. We got it back and it was all bent and broken. Well, I made sure we still got shade and did what I could with the broken canopy structure, the car, rope and some fabric I brought with that was intended to be hooked up to the canopy anyways. Yes......shade! The tent got dusted in until I figured out what had to be done to keep the worst of the dust at bay (tarps).
I will be even better prepared next time, you live and learn. Luckily we had a neighbor that borrowed us some rebar. She was prepared for Armageddon.
We had some interesting neighbors out on L. Helpful and fun. And our canopy was not the only one that blew away. Of course having an RV is much more convenient and comfortable but Burning Man is absolutely doable in a tent. I kind of like tenting at Burning Man, it's cozy. Plus if you have done Burning Man in a tent you have really experienced Burning Man.
One afternoon me, my brother and our neighbor Herman sat around camp and came up with a theory that Burners are the chosen ones. That Burning Man is a preparation for the end of times and if you go to Burning Man and make it, especially after a whole week in a tent, you are (although you don't know it yet) part of a bigger plan that is preparing you for the end of times. I should add here, if you spend at least a week at Burning Man in a tent and STILL want to come back and do it all again next year......then you are chosen. Because I am sure that there are some people (like girls that are scared of dust, being uncomfortable and are just annoying and whiny in general) go once and never want to come back. Not that I am sure if I would like to be fighting for my survival in some end of the times scenario.....
During the day I look like this. I don't want any sun or dust on my face and hair (especially sun). I can't stand the sun burning my face. My hair turns into a dusty ropey looking mass by the end of day 2 usually. I just give up on my hair when I am at Burning Man.

Biking around the Playa. Back and forth......back and forth.....

This year was not as cold as last year. I was only cold the last night this year and I wore a jacket and a hoodie. Brrrrr! The year before I was FREEZING more than once. There were some windy moments this year and complete whiteouts but that is how it is out there. I like it. It's Burning Man.

Tuesday, September 27. 2016