Beautiful Sweden
I think I said "beautiful" several hundred times while visiting my beautiful Sweden. Stockholm is a breathtakingly gorgeous is difficult to capture its beauty in pictures. All the details of the majestic buildings. The colors. The old cobblestone streets of Gamla Stan. The church bells ringing in the hour. Even the subway is art is Sweden. The lion statues all over Stockholm. The green parks. Lake Mälaren surrounding Stockholm.....I can go on and on. I love Sweden.
I celebrated Midsommar.
Spent hours talking by a lake on Midsommarafton with my friend Marie.
I walked so much and it felt amazing. I love walking. This statue is on Djurgården that me and Rose-Marie walked to from Stockholms Södra and all the way back again with several detours along the way.
I took a trip with Carmen out to Utö, an island in the Stockholm archipelago.
Mariatorget statue of Tor slaying the sea serpent Jörmungandr.
Stockholm is where I grew up and Stockholm has my heart. ❤️
I am planning to go back next spring.