Last night we had 30 girls at work, that is the most I have ever seen in there. I remember a few times we had 27. This is a small club and I think it has slowly been going downhill over the years. I have talked to girls that have worked here for a long(er) time and they say that back in the day the club used to be packed and having 40 -50 girls/night in the summer time when the salmon was abundant and the economy stronger was the norm and that basically every girl made money, even if you didn't hustle. Remember, I am not what you would label a "hustler". Plus girls like FUGLY are ruining it for the rest of the normal girls. Yes, FUGLY still has not changed her outfit, going on two months in the same grayish white ratty bra and skirt. She still gets the most dances by far of all the girls every night and I hear stories about her "hustle" and what she does. Other girls are talking too. Her behavior is very noticeable and I don't mean that in a positive way.
Anyhow, we did have about 10 girls too many last night, there were people in the club but not much going on. We did actually have three stages open for a while and that was nice because it has been a while since that happened last.
Here is the list of girls from last night.
I had on my new bra and panties last night. The bra is light green and white with small sparkly rhinestones, I love it....I think it is very pretty. Here is a better pic of it.
And a pic of the whole outfit. Note the green trim on the Honey Dew's.....matching the green in the bra.