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Entries from July 2013

Saturday, July 27. 2013

I Agree

When I was in Anchorage yesterday I picked up The Anchorage Press, a free weekly magazine. I read the letters to the editor and really like and very much agree with what a person contributed, so I am going to share it with you.

"This is a response to the article "Eating Eddie" (July 4, page 22) about raising, slaughtering and eating a pig. Raising animals to kill and eat isn't bucolic and romantic, it's gruesome and stupid. It kills the best of what it means to be human. Our advances in technology mean nothing if our ethics do not advance as well. Twenty-first century technology has made the lives of humans infinitely better, and the lives of factory animals a true living hell. People believe the lies and deceptions of the meat industry because they want to be deceived, so they don't have to change ("Change is what people fear most, " Fyodor Dostoevsky). What is morally wrong cannot be culturally, scientifically right. Progress means advancing compassion not only to the persecuted of our own sentient species, but to the persecuted of other sentient species as well. Although the author rightly condemns and rejects the factory farm and slaughterhouse, rejecting animals as food instead elevating them to their rightful place as sentient beings that humans have no right to brutalize, must be the goal of 21st century ethics."
- Thomas H. Morse, Anchorage

I agree with this SO much. The part that our technological advances mean nothing if we do not advance our ethics, ring so true to me. Sometimes I wonder if some people even know what ethics mean.....or if they possess any. I try to improve myself as a person on this journey of my life. Sometimes I get lost, off track and forget but I try to better myself. And I do see animals as sentient beings, anyone that has spent quality time with an animal should know that.
Here are my animal friends. Chhaya looking pretty by the wheelbarrow that holds water for the moose that comes through the yard.

And the cat I found in the crawlspace the other day. I don't know if I can keep it but I will make sure to find a home for it if I don't. It is super cute and cuddly.

Friday, July 26. 2013


Here is my loot after the first time on stage this evening, not too shabby. After I unfolded some dollar bills and counted it all, it amounted to little over $ 100. My feet have been very achy lately, I'm not sure if I might need new shoes.....I have to get in touch with the stripper shoe faerie.....yes, they do exist! Not only do my feet feel achy every time I work, I have also been unusually tired while driving home from work, I was almost tempted to pull over tonight and take a nap by the side of the road.......Falling asleep when you are tired feels so good!
I wish somebody could invent a quality machine that you could buy and keep at home that massaged your feet and calves thoroughly, I would buy a machine like that in a heartbeat and I would put it to good use. I love getting massages. But now.....it is bed time.


I had to drive to Anchorage yesterday, it was a hot day and Chhaya was with me. I stopped at Jerome Lake so she could cool off with a swim.
That is Chhaya's head sticking out of the water, she is swimming with a stick in her mouth.
I can't even describe how happy she makes me. My baby, companion and friend.

Look how beautiful she is........! ❤

Thursday, July 25. 2013


The other night when I was at the bar stage and older man with white hair gave me this $ 100 bill with the comment that he thought I should have it because he thought I was very graceful and pretty. Lately I have not been removing any clothing on the bar stage since most people that sit around it don't care too much and I am up on the main stage right after the bar stage anyways.

I also gave a girl named Taylor a compliment about her dancing, she moves very fluid and sensual, she rolls her body.....it looks really good. I like that. I don't like any jerky, fast, aggressive or vulgar looking dancing. Everybody has different preferences, I like what is aesthetically pleasing to my eye. She returned my compliment with that she told her sister and her best friend (they also work at the club) that when I am on stage she happily stops everything she does to watch me because she thinks I dance so beautifully on stage.
How nice! 🙂

I found an article the other day that might be interesting for you to read. Click here
Of course she should have her money returned to her. She worked and saved - GOOD for her! More people should save like that. And most bills in circulation have traces of drugs on them, not to mention other gross stuff. That is why I don't understand why some girls take tips with their mouth OR (some) with their VAGINE. It is dirty and looks so cheap and tacky too.
That reminds me of when a guy came up to me and asked me if I would give him a lap dance and then be willing to pick up the money with my VAGINE. LOL! Noooooooo thank you.
I quickly turned things around and talked him into pulling down his pants and pick up the money with his butt crack instead. He did it twice because I wanted to see it again and he didn't need much persuasion, he thought it was funny and so did I.

Wednesday, July 24. 2013

Fun Bottles

When I was at Save-U-More the other day I saw this beer, Kassik's, that is brewed at a local brewery in Kenai. I love the bottles, actually Kassik's is not sold at Carrs-Safeway because of the "edgy" names on the bottles. I think they are fun. Come on, Beaver Tail Blonde and Morning Wood! I love that.

Then I saw these, not local but still fun. Moonshine with different berries in the bottles.

Tuesday, July 23. 2013

My Friends

I had a busy morning today. I was so tired after returning from work, I just wanted to shower real quick and rub lotion on my feet and fall down in bed. Instead I heard a strange sound coming from somewhere in the house......a "mjaaaau mjaaaaau". There was a cat in the crawlspace. So cute and cuddly! I don't know where it came from and if it belongs to somebody but I cuddled it and gave it some milk. If it comes back I will name it either Forest or Mouse.

While I was dealing with the cat I had two caribou come through the yard and later a mama moose and her baby came by and made themselves comfortable. The wheelbarrow also serves as a water bowl around here. The mama and her baby were still there when I woke up this afternoon. I love my animal friends.

Chhaya was super exited and probably wanted to eat the cat but I had her lay on her bed and watch while I cuddled with it instead. I have to get some cat food so I can fatten it up a bit if it comes back, poor baby was kind of skinny but very friendly.