As You Know
As you know I cannot stand people that litter and I am a fierce animal lover. Of course I am NOT the only one feeling strongly about littering and animals. I am glad that other do too.
This is what people mentioned when asked what they do not like about others.

That is the TRUTH spelled out right there. "Littering is the biggest sign that you have no respect for 1) the earth 2) the animals 3) your fellow human being. There's is no fucking excuse for littering."
I am AMAZED over how many people in the US litter. Americans are very quick to loudly declare how proud they are to be Americans but at the same time have NO problem to leave their trash behind all over the place in the beautiful country they supposedly love so much. That is hypocrisy right there!
And I like this one too. This is often what I hear after people ask me where I am from and I tell them......and then they proceed to tell me that they are Swedish or German or whatever country it might be. I'm like....ok so you were born there? No my great grandma was Swedish......well yea ok. So you speak Swedish then? No? Ok.
By the way, I like Robert's last name there. Not really his last name but if you know Polish then you know that the word "kurwa" is used A LOT. You need to be Polish to truly understand how to use it.
I have the luxury of being Polish and I understand these things.

Favorite movie anyone? FAVE movie made number one! I love this movie! It is BEAUTIFUL and SAD.
Other movies high on my list.....Breakfast Club and Lost Boys. Besides those three I like movies in general. There are so many good ones.
Favorite color? All colors are beautiful. Favorite food? I love food too much to have a favorite dish but I am partial to Polish food (pierogies and barszcz czerwony), also ice cream, Princess Cake and pies, especially the fruit pies you find in Sweden served with vaniljsås. And I love Indian food. I love food in general. No diets for me.

This is what people mentioned when asked what they do not like about others.

That is the TRUTH spelled out right there. "Littering is the biggest sign that you have no respect for 1) the earth 2) the animals 3) your fellow human being. There's is no fucking excuse for littering."
I am AMAZED over how many people in the US litter. Americans are very quick to loudly declare how proud they are to be Americans but at the same time have NO problem to leave their trash behind all over the place in the beautiful country they supposedly love so much. That is hypocrisy right there!
And I like this one too. This is often what I hear after people ask me where I am from and I tell them......and then they proceed to tell me that they are Swedish or German or whatever country it might be. I'm like....ok so you were born there? No my great grandma was Swedish......well yea ok. So you speak Swedish then? No? Ok.
By the way, I like Robert's last name there. Not really his last name but if you know Polish then you know that the word "kurwa" is used A LOT. You need to be Polish to truly understand how to use it.
I have the luxury of being Polish and I understand these things.

Favorite movie anyone? FAVE movie made number one! I love this movie! It is BEAUTIFUL and SAD.
Other movies high on my list.....Breakfast Club and Lost Boys. Besides those three I like movies in general. There are so many good ones.
Favorite color? All colors are beautiful. Favorite food? I love food too much to have a favorite dish but I am partial to Polish food (pierogies and barszcz czerwony), also ice cream, Princess Cake and pies, especially the fruit pies you find in Sweden served with vaniljsås. And I love Indian food. I love food in general. No diets for me.