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Tuesday, February 7. 2023

Tati's State Of The Union

Did you watch the State of the Union today delivered by President Joe Biden? Yes? No? I did not but I briefly read a bit about it just minutes ago so while I still have the enthusiasm and energy I will now deliver to you Tati's State of the Union. The only one you will need. First of all let me address hecklers. People that act as immature and stupid like Marjorie Taylor Greene did during Biden's speech should be banned from attending all public events. She is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside, a real embarrassment. My eyes hurt when I look at her face......seriously. During MY speeches you either shut up or get kicked out. An adult that holds a position in Congress should be held to a higher standard. Taylor Greene makes $174,000/year and she is not happy with that because she made more money before. Pack your shit up and quit then and I will take your position for LESS pay and actually get stuff done instead of what you do. Let's touch on some of the issues Biden addressed. Fentanyl. I am for the legalization of drugs because people do them regardless. I wish people were not using Fentanyl to get high and instead only used it as it is supposed to be used, closely supervised pain management. Unfortunately Fentanyl is here to stay, so either DO NOT DO these kinds of drugs or get some Naloxone. I do not know how to stop Fentanyl coming into the US since drugs have been coming into the US since several decades now. People do drugs. It is what it is. According to Donald Trump's response to Biden's State of the Union, the murder rate is higher than it has ever been in the US under Biden. OK....? Look people are INSANE nowadays in case you haven't noticed yet. Ever since Trump's presidency the a large amount of the US population has became borderline unhinged. So I would not blame Biden for it. Biden is certainly not responsible for randos shooting people. That too has been going on for decades in the Land Of The Free. Perhaps Trump should scrutinize himself and ask himself if he has a role in the according to him higher than ever murder rate? Sit down Donald. Be glad Melania has not officially left you yet. My input, because Tati's State of the Union is THE real State of the Union......guns are not the answer. Too many crazies out there now with guns. So many that even I'm thinking about getting one just in case. Sorry America, WAKE UP, time to get with the times. This is not 1791 anymore OK. Time to rethink The Second Amendment. I know it is a difficult pill to swallow for many but it is time. Time for the boys to stop playing Rambo and put those guns away. No....the Government will not take over your life more than it already has, you pay taxes so you are not truly free. People in other westernized countries somehow live so you can too here in the US with very strict gun control. Bipartisanship and unity? Absolutely! Remember united we stand divided we fall, there is real truth in that statement. I am all for more help for seniors. Seniors are awesome and should enjoy their retirement and absolutely support Social Security. I will also say that Universal Health Care needs to happen in the US. Like immediately. How should we pay for it? Tax the rich more. Why not? They can afford it. Tax large companies like Amazon. And tax churches and religious organizations. And stop wasting money on bullshit. And spend money where it matters, like on affordable healthcare for all. Also start teaching responsible parenting. To save money it is time to only allow responsible people to reproduce. If you cannot take care of yourself you cannot take care of a child and I do not want to take care of your child. I am for population control as well. This planet has too many useless humans on it. Stop squeezing out kids. By the way.....poor children that have to deal with this disaster that is happening all over this planet. Who in their right mind wants to put children into today's world? And as far as abortion goes? I am PRO CHOICE of course. Pro lifers only care about the fetus. Once the baby is born they do not care what happens to it. Way too many children in this country get severely neglected, abused and murdered by their parents or Mom's new boyfriend. Care about the EXISTING children. Not unborn children. Figure out a way to make rents affordable or deal with more homeless. Many Americans are only one paycheck away from homelessness and that is terrible. Put a cap on rents. Allow people to be able to afford the basics - food and shelter. How to deal with Russia and Putin? I told you many times before, let me deal with Putin. How to deal with North Korea? I am not sure. I hope Kim either gets to his senses but as the dictator he is I don't think he will so my next hope is that he dies soon. I really do not care how he dies. I truly feel very sad for the poor innocent people of North Korea. I cannot even imagine how miserable life must be there. So Americans hold on to everything you take for granted everyday and be GRATEFUL that you have it. As far as the "American Dream" goes.....there is no American Dream. That is an empty promise to keep you from either rebelling like the people in the 60s touched on or completely losing your mind. You will never be truly free unless you are one of those rare very fortunate people. Most of us will be forced to go to school, some will be conned into getting an expensive and useless education, then some will squeeze out innocent children that will repeat all of the mistakes of their parent/s and more, you will be forced to work in order to survive, pay taxes and scrape by until you are a few years or a decade plus from death. So try to make the best of it. It will not be easy. Is that it? What else? Better care for animals. ALL animals. We can always improve on that. Because animals are beautiful contrary from us. Do YOUR part to improve the world.

Tuesday, January 24. 2023

Shroom House

Sometime in October of last year a place called Shroom House (with the cutest sign) opened up on NW Burnside in Portland. They managed to stay open for about two months with not much buzz......until a local newspaper/website sent in a reporter that purchased some psilocybin. And then he wrote an article about it. After the article was published the word was officially out and people were standing in line for hours to get some. Basically to get some "magic" mushrooms. And a bit after midnight on December 8 2002 local police officers raided the place, arrested several people and Shroom House is now permanently closed. Psilocybin got seized and most likely destroyed which is terrible. Yes yes....I KNOW that psilocybin is considered a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act and bla bla bla but there is no way I think that you can compare psilocybin to heroin (also a Schedule I substance) for example. Cocaine and methamphetamine are considered Schedule II drugs.....just some random facts. People do all kinds of illegal shit every day. Some illegal things are not that bad in my eyes.....like buying and using magic mushrooms. Although personal use of psilocybin here in Oregon is legal. If I am not mistaken it is illegal to pick magic mushrooms like for example psilocybe azurescens in the wild.....like WTF. The law differs on possession and consumption, educate yourself on it because I am certainly NOT doling out legal advice. I totally believe in microdosing although I do not do it. Currently at least. Who knows if I ever will in the future. But I also believe in being responsible and educating yourself about these matters before taking anything mind-altering (for microdosing one can look up the Paul Stamet's Stack Method). Same as educating yourself on the possible side effects of whatever prescription drugs you might be taking. I think it is too bad that Shroom House closed down and that people were arrested. I wanted to at least go inside to see what it looked like and feel the vibe. It would had been better in my opinion to arrest pedophiles, animal abusers and scum like that. Close down some other place that perhaps is not contributing to anything useful or good. Not that the police is not working actively to arrest random scum bags and criminals out there but I think that Shroom House was a nice addition to Portland. The city’s (un)official slogan is “Keep Portland Weird” after all. In case you do not know....I am a sober person like 99.5% of the time. But I am also for psychedelics, to be utilized in a responsible manner as should alcohol and marijuana as well. Most people that can think for themselves have realized that psilocybin mushrooms are an amazing fungi that can be of great benefit for humans. Of course not everybody should eat a handful of magic mushrooms. Just like most people should limit their alcohol intake to one or two beverages in one sitting, three at the most. There are several articles written about Shroom House if you are interested in finding out more about the place. Something called Measure 109 passed here in Oregon in 2020. I was in total support of Measure 109 and went to see Sheri and Tom Eckert speak about it in 2019 and I had a "Yes on 109" lawn sign in my front yard (now it is in the back yard). I have even considered becoming a psilocybin facilitator but for now I am holding off and gathering more information about the whole psilocybin thing here in Oregon since it is still developing. You can read about Measure 109 here. https://ballotpedia.org Oregon_Measure_109,_Psilocybin_Mushroom_Services_Program_Initiative_(2020)

Monday, November 14. 2022

As You Know

As you know I cannot stand people that litter and I am a fierce animal lover. Of course I am NOT the only one feeling strongly about littering and animals. I am glad that other do too.
This is what people mentioned when asked what they do not like about others.

That is the TRUTH spelled out right there. "Littering is the biggest sign that you have no respect for 1) the earth 2) the animals 3) your fellow human being. There's is no fucking excuse for littering."
I am AMAZED over how many people in the US litter. Americans are very quick to loudly declare how proud they are to be Americans but at the same time have NO problem to leave their trash behind all over the place in the beautiful country they supposedly love so much. That is hypocrisy right there!

And I like this one too. This is often what I hear after people ask me where I am from and I tell them......and then they proceed to tell me that they are Swedish or German or whatever country it might be. I'm like....ok so you were born there? No my great grandma was Swedish......well yea ok. So you speak Swedish then? No? Ok.
By the way, I like Robert's last name there. Not really his last name but if you know Polish then you know that the word "kurwa" is used A LOT. You need to be Polish to truly understand how to use it.
I have the luxury of being Polish and Swedish.....so I understand these things.

Favorite movie anyone? Look.....my FAVE movie made number one! I love this movie! It is BEAUTIFUL and SAD.
Other movies high on my list.....Breakfast Club and Lost Boys. Besides those three I like movies in general. There are so many good ones.
Favorite color? All colors are beautiful. Favorite food? I love food too much to have a favorite dish but I am partial to Polish food (pierogies and barszcz czerwony), also ice cream, Princess Cake and pies, especially the fruit pies you find in Sweden served with vaniljsås. And I love Indian food. I love food in general. No diets for me.

Thursday, October 27. 2022


I am a happy human today, I saw BERNIE live! The minute I found out he was going to be in Portland I decided that I was going to be where he was planning on being which happened to be the Roseland Theatre.

I really like Bernie. I am of course a socialist, well actually a hardcore communist. On my spare time I devour The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. I can quote passages from those two masterpieces in my sleep. Well actually I am more of a HUMANIST neohippie if I would describe myself as anything. A humanist since a teenager, that was the direction my studies took in school in Sweden and a neohippie going on two decades now. The other day somebody I discussed politics with called me a Libertarian. In the end I am a human being.
Bernie spoke eloquently, with confidence and clearly. At 81 years "old" he sure has a lot of spunk. THAT is GOALS to me, true goals instead of dreaming of having an ass like Kim K and similar bullshit to that.

Politics is a very complicated subject. I hate huge amounts of money is necessary to reach anywhere politically in the US. And just like you cannot agree with everything an individual does and says you cannot agree with every choice and statement a politician stands for and has made in the past.
But overall I agree with what Bernie stands for and I think it is time for affordable health care for all, women should decide on their own regarding their own reproduction, education should be low cost and so should child care, rent should be affordable and I believe in caring for the environment because we only have this one planet that is housing us all. GO BERNIE! I wish he was the president of the United States. And me the VP.

Sunday, October 16. 2022

Not Cool

I guess the Jeffrey Dahmer Story is one of the most viewed series on Netflix ever. WTF? I have ZERO interest in watching it, in fact I think it is rather not cool to watch it because I do not think that the sub human the series is based on was even close to deserving anything to remember him by. I think it is a tasteless move by Netflix to sensationalize him (I will not write his name again in this blog entry) and what he did.
There were many victims left behind, the victims have families.
These families have spoken out that they are against this Netflix series and I completely understand why. And I read that Netflix did not contact them prior to the series coming out and they have not been compensated at all. But the con artist Anna Sorkin got paid by Netflix? Unreal. Why she got any attention is also beyond my comprehension.
If Netflix wants they can follow my ass around with a camera crew for some time, guaranteed way more entertaining than some wanna be fake socialite.
Anyhow.....back to what made me write this entry. Definitely not a good move to bring up the past like this and make the victims that are still around and the families of the victims that did not make it to relive this nightmare. Does this make sense to anybody? Hello? Any people with empathy out there?
I do not understand why serial killers and mass shooters are given any attention whatsoever. That is what they want. Do not give them what they want. Their names should be erased and they should be referred to as a number, a number sitting incarcerated somewhere, preferably they should get executed and nobody should care about them ever again. They should be forgotten.
There were victims, innocent humans that were subjected to unthinkable terrors. For people to sit at home and watch that while snacking on popcorn is grotesque.
If you want to watch some true crime stuff watch Dateline or something, where the families get interviewed and the victims get remembered in the right kind of way.
Not to mention dressing up like that subhuman for Halloween. Disgusting. Do NOT be that person please.
By now I loathe a large percentage of people anyways. This bullshit just adds to the fact that people in general suck.

Thursday, July 28. 2022

Eastern Bloc Mentality

I just watched a video and read an article on BBC about orphanages in Ukraine where they (the state) put disabled children that are then stuck there until they die basically, some of them live there until they are adults. In misery. This is nothing new. I remember watching specials on TV about this same issue when I still lived in Sweden. Footage of children rocking back and forth clad in soiled diapers and a dirty oversized t-shirt confined to wooden beds. Screaming, crying with nobody paying attention to them. I recall watching footage from Ukraine and Romania. This is a typical Eastern Bloc mentality, stuffing away the disabled in institutions and let them suffer slowly until death. Extremely inhumane but this is how things were done in those countries and still are done. My Mom used to say that she did not see handicapped or mentally ill people in Poland when she lived there. Yea.....cause they were put away somewhere, hidden from society. That's why.
Who is responsible for a child after the child is born? The parents or the state? Abortion is illegal in Poland for example. I do not know what the abortion laws are in other former Eastern Bloc countries. But one would think that these poor suffering children and adults would had been better off aborted than put here to live life like that. That is their reality, their reality every day and night while so many of us are oblivious to the suffering felt by countless of humans in various states of misery all over the world. Is it better to give birth to a child no matter what? Even if the child is severely disabled? Even if you have no intentions to provide that child with love, care, food, attention and your time for as long as you live? Cause you are a parent for as long as you live, that human you decided to create did not ask to be put here on earth. That was your selfish decision to create another life, therefore you are responsible. All the children that suffer in the hands of "parents" that abuse them, molest them, beat them to death - is that quality of life to live that way? I read about those children in the news almost every day. Was it better that they lived their short lives in fear and pain? Or had it been better to abort them as fetuses? Or even better not allowed the scum that produced them to be able to have children in the first place? I believe in prohibiting the right to reproduce for men and women that are unfit to care for a child. How that would be decided and implemented I am not sure but if I was in charge I am sure that I would be able to decide on that pretty quick.
I read that about 1 in 4 of homeless people were in foster care but I actually think it is more. How many abused and neglected children will turn to drugs to cope with the pain, try to self medicate in order to feel better inside for a fleeting moment? How do you expect those children to grow up and be that contributing responsible tax payer that the government wants us to be? Cause in the end that is what we are.......chattel.
I can't stand righteous fake religious folks preaching about God and abortion and forcing others to suffer through unsafe pregnancies, rape and duress due to their narrow minded thinking. If men were the ones carrying a child for about 9 months and were stuck with doing most the parenting the tables would be turned. I can guarantee that. Abortion until the last day of the trimester? No problem. That is if men were the ones facing the burden of pregnancy and child care.
This planet is overpopulated. I don't care what Elon Musk and Nick Cannon have to say on that issue because they are clearly delusional and so are the women that choose to have children with them but no better way than to secure a life in leisure than to reproduce with a wealthy man right? But then again, can you blame the women that pick a wealthy sperm donor? Like that young woman in China said over a decade ago, "I would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle."
Had I been in charge Elon and Nick would be sterilized already, so not impressed by their attempts to save the planet from underpopulation, according to them. I wish media would stop showing Nick's ugly mug period and the equally dumb looking Instagram thirsty wanna be celeb women that squeeze out his crotch spawns.
The decision to have a child should be the most important decision of your life, also the decision on who to create that child with. But for many it is something that just happens......pregnancy just happens and then you kind of just hope for the best. I think it is safe to say that at least half of the humans that reproduce have no business doing so in the first place.
Whatever. And I have to wonder.....WHO wants to put children onto this planet today anyways? The state of society is rather alarming on many levels. I dislike humanity. I feel truly bad for the innocent.
The children and the animals.
In case you want to read the article, here is the link. Again, this is nothing new. Not much have changed in Ukraine on how they care for children in orphanages since I watched footage on this exact issue as a child myself. If I had Elon's billions the children and the animals would benefit from the money.