North & South Dakota - 4

Welcome to Chaos !!

Sunday, October 14. 2012

Ready to Go

The small suitcase with all the essentials for tonights evening at work is packed and ready to go. There are no lockers at Frank Day’s so we have to bring all we need with us and take it away at the end of the night. And this year I am not staying in the trailer that the clubs provides for the girls either. I got my own room which is much better.

And here is a pic of one of the areas where the lap dances are done. In case anyone is curious......

Besides that, the on the road life as a dancer in an extremely small and remote town doesn't offer much excitement.
Work, sleep, shower, eat, get ready, work , sleep etc - that is the repetitive cycle. There's nothing here, lots of roadkill on the side of the road and a flat landscape. Anyways, I have to run, if I am not there by 7, smiling and ready Shelley will spank me.

Saturday, October 13. 2012

South Dakota

It took me a long time to get here......but I made it safely. Four different airplanes and a three hour long car ride.
This is what greeted me when I got off the final plane in Sioux Falls. I think they forgot to mention the dancers. The sign should say Welcome Hunters and Strippers. Or dancers, whatever word you prefer to use, I tend to mix them.

On the drive to my destination I crossed over the Missouri river for the first time ever. It is large and majestic. I had to take a pic.

The reason mostly men from all over the US come to small places in South Dakota at this time of the year is to hunt pheasants. I guess they think it is a "fun" and "exciting” sport. Though I think it is pure animal cruelty. The pheasants are brought up just to be hunted. Barbaric if you ask me.

I work in a very small town called Dallas, population 144. I can't even imagine living here year round. Well, I guess I could if I had a farm full of horses and other cute animals to occupy my time with.
The food here sucks. There is one coffee shop in Gregory a few miles away from Dallas and the place was closed down at one in the afternoon. I ate at some "restaurant" and I do not think I will go back there. Two ladies eating at the table next to me complained that their food tasted bad and was cooked wrong. And most people that I saw around town were on the heavy side and unhealthy looking, even the kids. Soda and fried food seem the be the staple foods here.

The place I work at is called Frank Day's. I was here last year in November, look for it in my archives to read the blogs from then.
I remember thinking last year that it was hands down THE craziest club I have ever worked at. And all those memories came back in full force last night, just as crazy now, if not more! The guys here expect A LOT from you. And most of the girls do whatever touching wise, it seems . I had to wrestle with almost every guy I danced for and say NO repeatedly - kind of like entertaining rapists. Not fun. It's actually really fucking annoying to have to tell grown men NO, over and over again. Really? I don't know if I am going to last 10 days here......maybe, maybe not.
But no means no. Yes, really! Until I slap you hard and kick you in the balls. I am not at all interested in having some strangers touching me in between the legs with their dirty hands or giving me breast exams. No thanks. GROSS.
And the girls do a lot on stage too. I saw a girl get off the stage, sit down naked on a guys head and pick up a one dollar bill with her VAGINE.
I had to follow her (of course). Some fat guy put up a $20 and I just danced around on stage as usual, I would never get off the stage to straddle people, sit on their heads and certainly not pick up bills with anything else besides my hand. So he got all huffy and puffy, didn't think that I delivered a "good enough show" for the $20, so I told him to keep it. I don't need it.
Last year I did ok here (actually), sticking strictly to the way I work, so it might be decent this year too but I don't think I will be coming back here, it's just a tad too much for my taste. But never say never! Frank Day's is owned by a really nice lady, Shelley Day and it is a very lively and fun place. If you are a guy that wants to practice giving breast exams to many different girls for a very cheap price, then this certainly is the place to come to. Also, fun people watching, good food (might try it for lunch tomorrow) and enthusiastic dancing in the dining room to the juke box that blasts mostly country songs on full volume.
A few girls were pretty, two really nice black girls, both very beautiful. One of them reminded me of Stacy Dash, her name is Naomi and she is my girl crush here......And one blonde very pretty girl I remember from last year. The rest of the crew so far.....ok.

Well, I am going to go outside and enjoy the weather before getting ready for work. I hope tonight will be better than last night because it wasn't that good.
Oh and my new fave song? Diamonds by Rihanna. I love her!

Tuesday, August 7. 2012

Questions about Williston

I have been getting so many e mails sent to me and girls commenting on my Williston entries about how they can get a job dancing at either Whispers or Heartbreakers. I have been answering every single one because I believe it is the nice thing to do. But to the girls that want to work there, if you read this......things sometimes change at those two clubs. If you have read my blog for a while or if you just now came across it, you should know that I do NOT live in Williston and neither do I go there often to work. I do not know how much money YOU can possible make there. And I do not know where you should stay or who you should contact for work there anymore, since managers, information etc change there every so often.
I can advice you of that it takes MONTHS to book a motel room in that town, the two cheapest places that I know of are The Vegas and The Travel Host. Or check on Craislist or something to find a room for rent. Whispers used to house girls, I do not know if they do anymore, it is very possible.
I also HEARD, don't know if it's true, that Whispers recently started charging $120/night in house fees to work, just as Heartbreakers does. It used to be less (at both clubs). And the amount of girls working every night at Whispers also increased and I've heard girls say that it is no longer worth going there. I don't know.
It might not be worth it to YOU but for somebody else it might be. Everybody has a different opinion and experience.
Am I going back there? It is very possible, if I do - I will let you know here, on my blog, you just have to keep on reading!

Monday, July 2. 2012

I'm am glad to help

Got an email today from a girl that had asked me a while back how she could get hired at Heartbreakers. I think at least 40 or more girls have asked me so far. They read about Heartbreakers in the blog and then I get an email from them. I am glad to help in any way I can.

This is what she had to say. Her name is Sandi.
"Hey girl! In Williston! Got my wallet stolen yesterday but thanks to your help I already had an in and I get to work at heartbreakers tonight! Thank god! Thank you!!!!!"

My email is

Wednesday, May 30. 2012

Boom! Behind the Bakken Promo

So if you have been following my blog for a while, and if not you really should start right about NOW, then you know that I mentioned that last time I was in Williston North Dakota I got interviewed by some journalist students from the University of Montana.
I told you that I would share the results of that interview and here is some of the material, stay tuned for more.......!
I would like to thank Tara and the rest of the people I met that put this together.

That's me applying the pink lip gloss in the video.....

"Tatiana has been dancing at the local gentlemen's clubs here in Williston. She says the rumors of making $4,000 each night are far from the truth."

"Boom! Behind the Bakken - Haha well I'll give you a little math equation she gave us.... At Heartbreakers, lap dances are $20. A girl would have to do 100 dances in a 5-6 hour period to make $2,000. Unless the girl is doing something "extra" or happens to be incredibly lucky with tips, Tatiana says that is nearly impossible. She told us the money is good, but the rumors have been blown way out of proportion. She says there are good nights and bad nights, but consistently making $2,000 or more each night is not likely.
- Tara"

Monday, March 12. 2012

You know......

You know.......I am not the only one that has written stuff about Whispers and Heartbreakers in Williston.
To the girls that e mail me, asking how it to get hired this too, the more you know the better....