Opinions - 9

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Monday, February 5. 2018

Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday is here and the big game is over.
I am definitely not an American football fanatic, I did watch the game but to me it does not matter who wins. I don't have a favorite team or a favorite player. I barely know anything about the sport. Somebody will win, somebody will lose, they all get paid very well and it's only football after all.
I can say this much since there has been much debate whether to stand or kneel/sit (or whatever some of the football players do to show a form of protest) during the National Anthem. My opinion? Stand. Absolutely. And sing. Did you watch the game today? If so, did you see the medal of honor recipients that were being honored before the coin toss? One of those older men had a walker. If he can stand, so can all the players. They are being very well compensated for their efforts in the game. They should all be very grateful. If they have anything they want to change in the community, anything they want to protest, they can do a lot of difference with some of that coin they rake in each year. Be a role model. Do positive things. Be kind. Everybody can do something.

Friday, December 22. 2017

Rapes In Sweden

Five years ago I wrote a blog entry about a girl in India that was brutally raped by several men, she was only 23 when she died from her injuries. I recall feeling sadness for what happened to her deep in my heart. There would be several more reports about other gang rapes in India after that. That incident and also reading a blog called White Indian House Wife made me decide that I can't go to India on my own as a tourist, probably ever. And I would love to see India, always been fascinated by that country. But my safety is my priority.
Three years ago I wrote about a rape gang in Afghanistan. Those men actually got sentenced to death by hanging.
Today.....it's 2017 and I am writing about rapes in Sweden. Right now there is an uproar in Sweden. Several men suspected of a gang rape were all found not guilty. They admitted to having sex with the woman but they said she was a willing participant, that it was a drug exchange. I have to say that the woman is a known drug user and changed her story a lot. That contributed to her credibility being diminished. The police did, according to the prosecutor in the case very shoddy police work. So there was not enough evidence to find the men guilty. And in court the law has to be followed, that is just how it is. And no matter how you look at it - that is ultimately a good thing. According to the victim there were up to maybe eight men involved in the rape but several more present watching and cheering on. I am not sure, reading about the case online I gathered different information. But at least three men had sex with her from what I understand. I do not think it is likely that a woman would agree to random sex with several unknown men in public, a high-rise stairwell. We are talking about real life here now, NOT the fantasy world of porn. But it is her word against theirs. And they are walking free. The ones that were briefly incarcerated for this incident might ask for monetary damages. Also, monsters like these have figured out that you can gang rape a woman and then blame each other.....to complicate the case even more. Then demand monetary damages. It is truly sickening.
Another rape and this for sure is a rape, happened in Malmö Sweden a few days ago. A 17 year old girl was gang raped and supposedly her vagina was set on fire. The rapists fled and are roaming free. Meaning they can do this again and they probably will. This was the third gang rape in Malmö since last month. Third gang rape in one Swedish town is a short time span. I am waiting for the outcomes of these rapes if ever solved.
When I was 17, living in Stockholm Sweden I was out EVERY weekend. I would come home late night early morning sometime......sure I was aware of the possibilities of danger but I was not scared to go out. Was I perhaps young and naive? Now women are being warned against being out alone in Sweden. What the fuck changed?
I will tell you what changed. Immigration. I am far from a racist, I am a realist. Growing up I was an immigrant kid in Sweden. My friends were a mix of Swedes and first and second generation immigrants. I still keep in touch with my friends, they are from former Yugoslavia, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey. My two most significant boyfriends when I lived in Sweden were Fadi and Alex. Fadi lived in Märsta and was an Armenian from Lebanon. Alex was Swedish born but his parents were from Serbia and he lived in Fittja (where one of these recent rapes happened), so I was in Fittja a lot. It's an immigrant heavy suburb of Stockholm.
I didn't worry when walking to or from the subway to the high-rise my boyfriend lived in.
So do NOT call me a racist. My political views have changed some since I was a teen living in Sweden because society has changed.....the problems in Sweden now are not the same as they were then. Sure there were rapes in Sweden back then. Yes Swedish men rape women too but now there is an influx of rapes and also brutal gang rapes and the perpetrators are often immigrants or the offspring of immigrants. Dare I say in the majority of the gang rapes without having statistics as clear evidence on hand? Many people in Sweden tiptoe around speaking up about immigration in any way that can be perceived as negative.....being labeled a racist is very shameful. Sweden is a very politically correct place. But I bet if you or a family member or a friend gets subjected to a violent crime any political correctness will fly out the door.
Well, there is an election in Sweden next year. My vote goes to the Sweden Democrats (abbreviated SD) and had I been voting in France earlier this year my vote would had went to Marine Le Pen. Still not a racist.
Some cultures view women as second class citizens, as property and having no rights.
Those cultures do not have room in Western society. Sweden should not have to readjust to accommodate immigrants, the immigrants should accommodate to their new country. If they don't want to they have no room being there. Radical Islam does not belong in Europe. Neither does FGM and halal slaughter. As far as animals go and what I think about killing them for our consumption....well I am a vegetarian and against it in general. Forcing women to cover up does not belong in Europe. Forcing women and young girls to get married against their will does not belong in Europe. Honor killings do not belong in Europe either.
I can bring up the New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Cologne Germany that happened a few years ago, almost all of the men were non German asylum seekers or illegal immigrants.
How about the attacks on the female reporters in Egypt's Tahrir Square? One of the women (Lara Logan) estimated that the attack on her involved 200-300 men. I cannot even imagine being subjected to that kind of horror.
Like I said.....some cultures think that women are some thing that you can treat however you want. A thing that is yours to use and abuse. That mentality does not belong in Europe. Really....that kind of view doesn't belong anywhere but I am not trying to go and impose my beliefs in those societies because I want to live.

Tuesday, November 14. 2017


There is a sex doll brothel in Germany, owned and operated by a woman.
The most popular girl/doll, the star of the team is Anna, a petite blonde. In fact the first Anna was so popular that she broke and they now have Anna 2. I think this is a great idea. No real women get hurt, used and abused. Perhaps I should invest my money into a sex doll brothel? And be the stern Madam.
The debate about prostitution is ongoing. They are now talking about legalizing prostitution in California, as most people know it is legal in Nevada and that's one of the 50 US states. Although it happens everywhere, legal or not.
Quote from a Judge named Carlos Bea that I assume is in California, "Why should it be illegal to sell something that it’s legal to give away?”
Sure, that can be debated. Plenty of women have sex with their significant other just to keep the household calm and have a roof over their head, is that prostitution too?
I have read quite a bit about prostitution and people's opinions about it.
Read interviews with women that have been in the business, because they if anyone know. I find the story about Louise and Martine Fokkens fascinating. Twins that worked in the Amsterdam brothels for five decades until they were 70 years old.
I still stick to my personal belief that the age for any work in the adult industry should be upped to 23, yes even stripping. Anything under 23 is too young I think. Studies say that the human brain is still developing until 25....I feel that some people are too immature and do not understand what they are getting themselves into while still in their teens. A 19 year old might regret some choices later on. When you are 23 you know yourself better (hopefully) and can make more informed and thoughtout decisions and have enough backbone to be able to say NO when uncomfortable. We make mistakes throughout our lives, even as adults but when it comes to participating in porn or prostitution I feel that there is a greater chance of damaging yourself and deeply regretting certain actions.
Upping the age might eliminate some of that.
Here is the article about the sex doll brothel in Germany.


Of course human trafficking and pimping is NEVER OK.
And speaking of brothels…..actually, I don’t think the term brothel is appropriate for these kinds of activities. Illegal torture is more fitting. There are animal brothels in Europe and other places. But come on, Western Europe? This really makes me angry. It’s sad. It’s horrible. It should be illegal and punishable.
Some people think that zoophilia is a lifestyle choice…..really? I feel those people should get mandatory castration. I would love to castrate them myself.


I feel that animal abuse and yes, sex with defenseless animals IS animal abuse, should be classified and punishable as a top tier felony. Supposedly it is in the US according to the FBI but when it comes down to it I don’t think animal abuse is getting taken as seriously as it should.


Tuesday, November 7. 2017

Night Owl

It's past the midnight hour in my neck of the woods.....I am a night owl, always been.
I am drinking tea, reading and doing laundry right now. And thinking....
So....all these shootings. What if.....what if it is the Rapture? All those people going straight to God? Could it be? I don't know. I heard debating on Coast to Coast AM about Mind Control in connection to the mass shootings. We can discuss back and forth and look for motives. The weapons in the US are here to stay, very few people will give up their guns/rifles/artillery/ammunition and whatever else they have. Plus "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." I personally like the idea of the people having the right to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. If in reality it is even possible can be debated but at least you stand a chance. For a minute. If something that was adopted in 1791 has the same meaning now that it had then while looking at the bigger picture with all the developments since then and today's society can be discussed.
I feel that some of these shooters are fame chasers and I don't think so much importance should be put on them. It's turning into a spectacle, people wanting to have the largest mass shooting under their belt. The public and media looking into the perpetrators life and detailing everything.
In general people are desensitized, this is what happens when we get more and more separated from each other through our devices. Lives don't matter that much anymore it seems. Likes matter instead.
I know one thing. I wish more emphasis would be put on the connection between animal abuse and unhinged human beings. There needs to be harsher penalties for animal abuse.

“He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” ― Immanuel Kant

Perhaps I should say something about the #MeToo movement. I think it's great in general. People should be made aware and it should be brought up. What does bother me is that somebody would wait until they got what they wanted.....fame, movie roles, money etc before speaking up (I am talking about the whole Hollywood mess here). I have a bit of a difficult time with that...There is something called integrity. I like the way Caitania Tan handled it.
Plus I think it's hypocritical to yell about the way Donald Trump supposedly socialized with women and his (according to some) opinions about women but be quiet (until now) about powerful figures in the movie business because you need something. Somewhat of a similar situation last year with Hollywood types being all shocked over Trump's old "grab them by the pussy" line but Bill Clinton's womanizing was barely mentioned. Why?
Reality IS that the large majority of rapes are committed by men. Yes....yes....supposedly there are guys that get raped by women and there are also domestic violence situations where women beat men. But the vast MAJORITY are committed by men. FACT. If the numbers for men raping, beating and murdering women were as low as women raping, beating and murdering men we would have low numbers in those crime categories.
One more thing that is interesting to me. Around this time last year Sherri Papini, the married with two kids lady disappeard for weeks. I remember that. Now there are some reports out that the details are not adding up. Of course I hope that she is telling the truth and that whomever did this to her gets put away so they can't hurt anybody else. BUT IF Sherri is making this up (lying about rape, abduction and abuse is NEVER OK) then my imagination/theory is that she was tired of her hubby and everything that married life with kids meant to her. She wanted some 50 Shades of Grey action in her own life. Then she needed a story to why she disappeared so she could come back to her family. Have you ever watched Dateline? There are some weird people out there doing strange things. Things are not always they way they look on the surface. 50 Shades of Grey is extremely popular with some women, I don't get it personally but I think the women who have been morally good girls on the outside are drawn to stuff like that. If you been living a sheltered and suppressed life meeting a Mr. Grey might seem exciting. Not for me. Yuck. I would do the beating if anything.
I actually know of a few examples of "good little housewives" that did some stuff I would never do (hello Kenai Peninsula AK).....LOL. But then those are the same kind of people that have no problems talking trash and pointing fingers at others (to divert attention from themselves). I got some stories to tell.....just wait.

Thursday, September 21. 2017

Life Lessons

I went to Barnes & Noble yesterday, when looking through the new releases I saw that THIS dude has a book out. Kevin Hart and life lessons? I don't know what kind of life lessons he might be pontificating about and no I did not look through his book. The funny thing is that Kevin is currently in the news because he is supposedly being extorted because he allegedly cheated with a STRIPPER in Vegas (OMG the SCANDAL) although the girl claims to be a model and an actress, of course she is.....if she wasn't earlier she will be now. Welcome to America.
A sexual encounter or a sex tape with a "celebrity" = instant fame. Funny because I can guarantee you that if I would ever be involved with somebody "famous" there would NEVER be a leaked sex tape/footage or anything of that sort.
It was rumored that Kevin cheated on his pregnant wife a few months ago as well but he denied it, what else? I actually wrote an entry where I talked about it (July 19). And now he is busy being a bad boy again and all people want to talk about is that he cheated with a STRIPPER and how bad this girl is. Hello....what about Kevin?
The funny thing is and I talked about this with another dancer the other day.
Once you are a dancer aka stripper that is ALL people can focus on. You will always be referred to as the stripper. Nothing else matters. It makes some people feel good to try to put somebody else down when in fact they are themselves so miserable and pathetic. Stripper.....whore....this that. But look at YOURSELF first! What are YOU?
Kevin on the other hand cheated on his first wife with the current wife and now he is cheating on his current wife while she is pregnant. Perhaps focus on Kevin and his moral compass and how about the current wife that was OK with being the other woman for a while. She is now getting a taste of her own medicine.
I am that stripper that does not think it is OK to go after men that are already involved with someone else. Why would I want to be the other woman?
Break people up? No thanks.
I have in fact met plenty of strippers that possess way more morals and class than a lot of "normal" people with regular jobs do. That is one of the reasons why I started this blog, to prove to people that the stigma/stereotypes associated with dancers are simply not true the majority of the time. But now I am over proving anything....now I am just being myself. If you don't like it.....oh well.

Wednesday, July 19. 2017


Hello from me....I went hiking again this evening. It felt great. Let's see if I can see keep this up, I have been stagnant for too long and it is time to change that!
Came home, ate cherries and got busy reading stuff online. Came across an article talking about that Kevin Hart might be cheating on his pregnant wife. Ewwwww, noooooo! Cheating on a pregnant wife or significant other? NOT OK. Then I continued reading.....I guess the pregnant wife started out as his mistress when he was married to another woman. Well, that changes the dynamic. There is a saying, "how you get them is how you lose them". Maybe there is some truth to that, I don't know. I personally do not think it is right to get involved with a person if that person is in a serious relationship and you know that they are, whether it is a marriage or a domestic partner situation.
In Sweden many people live as domestic partners and that is looked at as serious as marriage and that is how I view it as well. I would never (never say never but I am definitely against it) get involved with a man that has a significant other.
I understand that every couple has their ups and downs and are not always happy with each other all the time but hello.....that is just reality. And every situation is different, there are excuses to why people cheat, everybody has their own story and bla bla bla.....I know. But no, I no longer feel bad for Kevin Hart's pregnant wife, if he really is cheating on her she is getting a taste of her own medicine.
OF COURSE Kevin is denying everything, denying cheating on the current pregnant wife and cheating on the ex wife with the current wife. What else should he do? Admit? No, most men don't have balls like that.

But sometimes it is probably better to be quiet. If you regret the cheating, feel remorse, got caught up in the moment or a situation but really do not want to jeopardize your relationship.....then why even bring it up? Sometimes people get involved in complicated circumstances. This is a difficult subject. I know good people that have cheated and I have also witnessed some really messed up just wrong stuff that I did not think was OK whatsoever. If cheating becomes something that happens more than once or to really stretch it....twice, then it is definitely a problem.
Now.....another "famous" person got involved with a woman and gave her herpes although he denied having any STDs. That is so disgusting, not having an STD but to lie about being clean and transmitting something knowingly. He ended up having to pay her a nice sum in settlement. First of all he can afford it, so pay up. He should pay her medical bills and for pain and suffering. I would be furious if a significant other would come home and infect me with something, there would probably be some legal consequences stemming from that misstep and perhaps a chopped off mentula. One more thing since I am talking about STDs, there is a strain of gonorrhea that is resistant to drugs. Think about that before you engage in some sort of behavior that can have some lifelong consequences, definitely think before cheating on a significant other.
Have I ever cheated? Yes...I can't talk about others and pretend to be holy myself. Yes but nothing "serious" as in going all the way with another person.
Anyhow....enough of this, I think it is time for some Depeche Mode videos now and then it will be bedtime.....Depeche Mode's Violator album has a rose on the cover. That album = amazing songs. I ❤ Depeche Mode.