Opinions - 8

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Monday, July 16. 2018

World Cup 2018

And today is the day when World Cup 2018 came to an end. The next one will take place in Qatar in four years. Perhaps I will be there? Who knows?
What I love about the World Cup is how all kind of people come together, how emotional it is (I get emotional watching) and when they celebrate you see genuine excitement and happiness, sadness as well and people hug each other. I think it is beautiful. And fotboll (soccer) players are pretty easy on the eyes as well.
But then I read some articles that brought up that domestic violence, I am talking about men beating women now not the other way around, increases sharply during the World Cup depending on how the team the asshole the woman is together with is doing and I am also guessing his level of intoxication. That makes me mad. Fuck that shit.
I also watched members of Pussy Riot run onto the field during today's finals. I don't think the Croatian player should had used the hands on approach like he did, the French player on the other hand showed a good response. An event of this caliber is a good time to make a political or social statement. I have to give it to Pussy Riot - they are brave. And they are definitely not stupid, they do have a message. And now I am a bit worried for what is going to happen to them. As we all know Putin is still ruling Russia and he is not too fond of Pussy Riot. Russia is not a safe place to openly question and criticize Putin and the Kremlin.
I have to admit it though, I still have a soft spot for my Volodya (that is Putin). He is such a CUTIE!
And tomorrow Putin and Trump are meeting in Helsinki. I know one thing for sure....Putin will not be intimidated whatsoever, he is fully in charge. Besides that I have a few more thoughts on democracy, totalitarianism, politics, corruption, the New World Order etc but my thoughts are swirling around in my head and I am getting tired so trying to make sense of my thoughts and typing them down is not going to happen.....at least not tonight.

Monday, July 9. 2018

Occupy Ice Portland

The political climate in the US is confusing and many are angry. Some are upset over the recent situation with the migrant children being taken away from their parent/s or the person who accompanied them when crossing the US border looking for asylum. Some blame the Obama administration for this and some blame Trump.....honestly I do not know who and what to believe anymore and who is telling the truth. It's fake news this, fake news that - so who has the REAL news then? What is real anymore? I have listened and talked to intelligent and educated people on both sides of the fence, Democrats and Republicans and what they said made sense on both ends but in general people are really divided. It seems like there is no meeting in the middle, you are either pro Trump or against him. I feel the truth must be there somewhere but it seems like it is deeply embedded in lies, manipulation, power struggles, corruption, politics all layered so thick that I wonder if there is any hope for any good to come out of this situation.
Anyhow, when I was in Portland this week I found out about Occupy Ice Portland. People had gathered and set up camps outside the ICE building, of course I had to go there and see for myself what was going on.
ICE stands for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. And here are some pictures, I could not take many pictures because the people protesting don't want that.

I don't have much to say about the occupied area, people were calm there, they had it set up pretty well. They have a kitchen area, bathrooms, wash stations....I mean the place can be there for a while.
Like I said, I don't know what to believe anymore. I know that I believe in good. Human beings are flawed, some more than others. Some are beyond flawed and pure evil. I just want to be a good person in general. I am far from perfect but I am trying, sometimes I am trying a lot....sometimes less. But I am trying.

Monday, April 9. 2018

Facebook And Social Media

From yahoo.com today, "On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Facebook co-founder and CEO will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, and later he'll appear before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. This comes after weeks of uncertainty over whether Zuckerberg would agree to meet with lawmakers following the Cambridge Analytica (CA) scandal, which may have exposed the private information of up to 87 million users."

I am not sure how to feel about this. And I am not sure that I comprehend what really happened with the sharing of information.
But a former Facebook executive, Chamath Palihapitiya, said this about the company he once worked for, "The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that we have created are destroying how society works. No civil discourse, no cooperation, misinformation, mistruth.”


I have Facebook but my group of contacts or as we know it "friends" is rather small. I am not sure what Facebook could had gathered from me besides a lot of pics of me and Chhaya, me posting about my political views and opinions on animal cruelty and pictures from places I went to and with whom. As of today I have 57 friends. And almost all of them I know IN REAL LIFE. Two are cousins in Poland, that I have never met on my Dad's side that I connected with and exchanged a few messages back and forth with about family related stuff. One is a guy I really don't know but I have communicated with him about important Burning Man stuff that relates to me and my interests. The rest are friends and family. And it is more convenient and cheaper to PM my family and friends in Sweden instead of writing letters, emails or calling.
I call my Mom and brother through Facebook for free, in the past I spent a lot on long distance calls. But I do not have random friends and I am also like that in real life, I don't like loose and fake connections. I do not believe for a second that the people with several hundreds or thousands of friends on Facebook know all those people in reality or have even met all of them, regardless of what they claim. I can see the benefits of having that many contacts on Facebook if you are a professional in some field where networking is important (like real estate, designer, photographer/artist or DJing come to mind) but other than that.....no. Not for me.
I know someone with 5000 friends (I think that is the limit), the famous Sarah Jane aka WonderHussy and through her network I was able to rent a car for several months from a private person instead of using a car rental place, so that worked out great. She also helped me out with some other things through her network of people. She also promotes herself on Facebook so I guess all those connections work in her favor. Besides my meager 57 friends (does this mean that nobody likes me??!! boooohooooo) I am also part of two Burning Man communities and two dog related groups on Facebook, the latter have been very informative and helpful. So I can totally see the benefits of Facebook but I am also aware of the fake lives some people pretend to have on social media. And that I don't particularly like.
The perfect relationship or #GOALS when in reality the relationship sucks really bad.
Your significant other abuses you verbally and/or physically but on Facebook you have the perfect relationship and many likes, because likes are important. It is embarrassing to live a lie like that. Plus who really looks at a complete strangers couple pics and thinks "goals"? I can see immature kids doing that maybe but an adult? I hope not.
Or distorting/filtering your face until you look nothing like what you do in reality. Do I put up a pic of me that makes me look in my eyes ugly or a pic where I look normal or pretty?
Of course I pick the one where I look "pretty", I am not going to pretend that I don't but I would hope you would still recognize me if you saw me out. Perhaps not when I wear my hair in the bun I fell asleep with last night and my glasses on but with my hair loose or braided and my face washed and contact lenses in. I pretty much look rather disheveled during the day anyways. Because I don't care, I am not trying to impress any men out there.

I would be lucky if 57 people came to my birthday party.

Although I genuinely enjoy taking pictures. Before Facebook and all other social media I loved taking photos (both me being in front of the camera and behind it) and I really like photography. I have several very thought out photo albums, unfortunately many of them went missing (stolen), which still to this day makes me sad.

I think this is true for some people......

The internet has been of great benefit to me. I real A LOT. I love absorbing news, information and facts, so many subjects are interesting to me but I think that social media and the disconnection especially the younger generation, today's teens, is experiencing, the lack of REAL eye to eye communication is damaging and I think we see this development when kids go to school and shoot people. Even when adults go on that shooting rampage that is so common here in the US. There is a major disconnection and desensitization happening and that is very bad. Society in many ways is sick.
Here is an interesting article that touches the subject.
"Social media led to numerous instances of cyberbullying and sexual harassment, and several students said it had contributed to their depression."
""The kinds of challenges that I experienced in high school along with my peers are now 24/7 issues because of technology, computers, cellphones, and social media," Shane Feldman, an undercover student who graduated from high school in 2012, told Business Insider. "There's no real escape."


Also young girls feel, due to social media, very insecure about their appearances. And turn to surgery to fix whatever they feel makes them imperfect. Those ass pics on Instagram that women put up.....everyone's behind can look plump and great if you just take the picture from the right angle, have good light and pump your behind out and arch your back.
Trust me, I can put up two pics of my butt, one where it looks like Instagram #GOALS and another where it doesn't look appealing at all, according to social media. Plus it makes me feel uneasy that girls need that much attention focused on tits and ass ONLY, fishing for comments, likes and approval from mostly strangers that are male that really do not care anything about the girl behind that image, they only want to have sex and more pics of your body parts.
Having said that, I can't be a hypocrite. I too have pics of my body parts (butt & boobs) on this blog and even a full nude or two but the latter were the results of photoshoots and I feel that the pics are both beautiful and tasteful and not at all intended for getting random dudes interested in me. I feel that there is beauty and art in the naked body but there is a fine line and also a line in the eyes of the observer to what is artistic and what is pure objectification.
The butt & boob pics can be explained to my reality as a dancer, this is normal to me and I am surrounded by women in various stages of undress and the pics were perhaps put up in relation to a blog entry but I am sure some made no sense at all.....kind of cringe worthy probably. LOL. Although I do see the beauty in nudity and form.
Besides if you have been reading my blog for a while, there is much more here than butt and boobs.


Oh and Tinder.....fast consumerism of human beings. Not for me. But I understand that people want a connection and for some a connection for an evening is better than no connection at all. And there are those who have found love or at least a relationship, however long it lasted, on Tinder. So that is good.
But yes, in Japan especially younger people are not interested in real love, they instead fall "in love" with a meme or a game character. I don't get that. Again, the disconnection. There is a difference between wanting to be left alone and have some quality alone time and being disconnected from society. I don't think the latter is good for your mental well being.
Unless you are a true hermit, a Buddhist monk or a person searching for an enlightenment of some sort.

Every time I take that first sip of my hopefully well brewed latte, I am grateful and enjoy the moment.

I have wondered this many times. And I still wonder sometimes.

Today's latte with a pretty heart on top. I sent this pic to two friends that comforted me yesterday when I was sad and upset. Yes, I have those days. Like a good part of 2016 I was sad and upset. But I am so over that sadness. But I encounter situations where I need to talk to somebody and get their input and somebody that is there, listening and caring. It is nice to have friends.

All the pictures for this entry (except the latte pic) come from the March/April 2018 issue of Adbusters. A rather good issue this time, I am sending one copy to a friend in CA.

Sunday, March 18. 2018

Russian Presidential Election

Well.....will Putin remain the President of Russia for a fourth term? Most likely. I have loosely followed the Russian presidential election. Imagine if the only female candidate would go ahead and win? Ksenia Sobchak.....Russia's own Paris Hilton, a blonde socialite and tv personality/actress, feminist and designer of rubber boots. Rubber boots? How do I get my hands on a pair of these boots? Ksenia does have an education so she is not a dummy.....perhaps comparing her to Paris Hilton is not the best example.
And in the middle of the Russian election there is also the recent incident in England involving a former Russian intelligence agent (spy) and his daughter, poisoned by a nerve agent. This has led to tension between Russia and the UK. And this is not the first ex Russian spy and exile to be poisoned in the UK. There have been a few. Basically the Kremlin is showing its power. Although any involvement in this is strongly denied by them. Who might be next to be poisoned? Alexei Navalny?
What does Putin want? To stay in power of course. He is a very patriotic man that thinks very highly of Russia. Look at the size of that country.....it is the largest country in the world by area. In Putin's mind, he is the only one that can lead Russia on the road to the great power he foresees for his country. And Putin wants to meet me too of course, we can go horseback riding, take a few great selfies and I will get an amazing interview with him.
Putin is like a modern day Genghis Khan. OK.....Ksenia, send Tati a pair of those rubber boots.

Thursday, March 8. 2018

International Women's Day

Here we are again...it is March 8 and that means International Women's Day. It IS a very important day because women were considered second class citizens subpar to men not too long ago in the world we consider the civilized world and women are still treated as second class citizens in many parts of the world today. So yes.....a day like today where we highlight and bring forward that women still struggle is needed and important.
I am definitely for women all the way. That does not mean that I agree with everything some women do and how some act but I am for women's rights all the way.
I am an adult (unwillingly, because in many ways I am still like a child) and since childhood Pippi Långstrump has been my role model. Pippi is a GREAT role model for girls because she is independent and strong. I roll around with Pippi on the dashboard of my car and a Pippi wallet in my purse. I don't need a "nice" wallet....my Pippi wallet made of now faded fabric is what represents me the best.
If you are looking for a quiet, non opinionated, timid, nodding yes in agreement to everything you say and do kind of girl then keep on looking cause I ain't it.

The person that initiated a special day for women in 1910 was a German woman, Clara Zetkin. These are the kind of people I look up to......people that made (and currently make) a positive and meaningful change in the world.
This is a poster from 1914 Germany, bringing up voting rights for women. Women obtained the right to vote in all the US states in 1920. Sweden was a year before that. And Poland 1918.

And a poster from 1932 Soviet Union, illustrating lifting women up from their second class citizen status.

Wednesday, March 7. 2018

Trump's Gal Pal

Trump's "gal pal" Stormy Daniels is scheduled to make an appearance in my neck of the woods. I am definitely going to try to take a pic with her, who knows maybe Tati News will be able to score an interview with Stormy? Better than a sit down with Barbara Walters for sure! I am kind of excited over this. But let's not get too excited.....a lot can happen between now and May.
I read that Stormy (real name Stephanie) is suing Trump, now claiming that the nondisclosure agreement they supposedly agreed upon after a monetary exchange of $130 000 was paid to Stormy by one of Trump's attorneys, is not valid because it was not signed by Trump.
If you do not know who Stormy is you don't follow the news, which is fine.....just look her up on Wikipedia or continue reading this blog. I am more than happy to educate you on everything you need to know.
My immediate thoughts on this entertaining American soap opera.....has Melania showed Donald some old school Eastern European rage yet? Preferably using the frying pan or the bread roller, my personal to go tools for beating men. A nice sturdy wooden Swedish clog will do the job too. Or is she just giving him the cold shoulder shooting him icy glares with those mean eyes......biding her time until she files for divorce? Or is this in Trump's own words FAKE NEWS and completely fabricated by Stormy?
Let's see.....Trump was married to Ivana which he cheated on with Marla (he supposedly had many affairs while married to Ivana). Ivana gave him three children and he has one with Marla. Then he got with Melania and she have birth to Barron. I definitely think that Trump used to be quite the ladies man, he was not a bad looking after all when he was younger.
One more thing, $130 000 is not that much money. Stormy should had insisted on another zero to be added into that amount. Who was her financial advisor back then? She should had told him, "You're FIRED."
Now let's talk a bit about Bill Clinton, another ladies man that famously romanced a young Monica Lewinsky back in the day. Monica did an interview for Vanity Fair which I think is very good and she brings up many valid points. Monica was shunned and laughed at back then. Had this affair happened today I think she would had been lifted up in a positive way for coming forward. Plus many were making fun at her appearance as well. What is wrong with Monica I have to wonder? She looks rather attractive to me in comparison to the average woman out there.
Here is a link to the interview,

Bill is not doing too bad. I am sure the ladies still love him. And Hillary stuck with him through it all. I did write something about this back in October 2016 when people were angry over Trump's "grab them by the pussy" comment.
I wrote, "OK.....now all the sexual assault allegations and Trump's private conversation about grabbing pussy. Am I offended personally? NO. Women are objectified pretty much everywhere. Look around you. We live in a culture where porn is easily accessible. That men watch porn even when they are married or in committed relationships is socially accepted and women should just be OK with it. It is "normal" right?"
"What we do know for sure is that Bill Clinton got busy with Monica Lewinsky in the White House while married to Hillary. There have been several women accusing him of sexual assault as well and Hillary still stayed with him. Does that mean she thinks cheating and sexual assault is OK? I mean, she stayed with him. So she condones this behavior then and she is running for president of the United States? Monica Lewinsky says that she isolated herself, felt suicidal and depressed after the whole Bill affair. I believe her. The public turned on her, made fun of her.
Oh yeah.....called her fat and ugly. Did Hillary care about that? That her husband caused another person to feel this way? Did she reach out to Monica or any of the other women that accused Bill of sexual assault?"
Here is a link to the whole blog entry, read it.....it is BRILLIANT.

I say a lot of stuff that could be taken as "offensive" when I am with my friends.
Whatever.....I joke around a lot. I like to laugh and I talk a lot. I don't mean all of it. After all, actions speak louder than words.
Well, that was all for today folks. Here I am typing away on my laptop. I rather read and write than talk to annoying people in various stages of intoxication any day of the week.
Or annoying people in general.