Well one afternoon we went to a restaurant and we rarely looked at the prices, we just ordered whatever we wanted because we could always afford it, so we ordered a meal each and two Coca Colas. The female server raised her eyebrows and said Coca Cola? Like are you really ordering Coca Cola? I was like yes.....two please. ?
When the check came it was a very high amount, more than we had on us. Turns out that Coca Cola must had been some American luxury item and priced very high. Same with Levis jeans back in the day in Poland. We were so embarrassed, my friend Jenny had to stay at the restaurant while I got in a taksófka (taxi) to go and get some more money at my cousin's apartment. Yeah......
For some time I would drink a can of coke a day, it was the soda of choice for me. Then I quit drinking soda. But once in a while I will have some. I recently discovered Mexican Coca Cola, that one does not have any high fructose corn syrup instead it has regular cane sugar. Around here you can get them at the Mexican food stores.
And the other day I found this at Fred Meyer, coffee Coca Cola with vanilla flavor. What? I haven't tried it yet, it is sitting in my fridge.
I guess I am waiting for my next Coca Cola craving, I don't get those very often.

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