Like WTF is this? I must be old and completely behind on the trends because I do not see the appeal in any way shape or form here.
Or perhaps it is not me, it is them. Kanye or YE and his new hanger on Julia at some fashion event in Europe.

(Source of picture TMZ.)
Julia’s “dramatic” eye make up looks like when a toddler gets to rummage through Mom’s make up bag and smears their eyes with some black color. It was actually Kanye that did his magic here, not only with Julia's outfit, her make up as well. Kanye is a MUA also, next thing he will be painting the faces of the models walking in New York Fashion Week. Julia's way too large earrings look painful. And Kanye…..well the ski mask hood makes him look like a headsman for ISIS (Jihadi John). Those oversized boots that he has been stomping around in lately belong on the floor in a slaughterhouse. Combined they look like they are going to an S&M party. And those gloves, like why? Everything about this is CRINGE.
Kim did not do much better herself the other day when she met up with Hillary and Chelsea Clinton for coffee dressed in something similar. A long black shiny leather (?) coat, yeah…..a tough Matrix bad ass babe right there! You have to look extra special when grabbing some caffeine. And those terrible gloves, their hands must be cold hence the gloves. Thigh high boots and a long fake braid to top off her “look”. I should take notes cause I look like a bag lady when I roll up for my London Fog in the morning, I could maybe muster up a bit of effort tomorrow and at least wear my black thigh high boots. I bet my baristas will love it.
Kim recently announced that she passed the baby bar exam on the fourth try. Mind you the way she is going about getting her law degree according to her, is close to impossible and harder than the traditional law school route. Impressive! Yep, Kim is not only a busy Mom of 4, she is also managing several successful businesses (like SKIMS and showing off her rear end on IG) AND pursuing a law degree the almost impossible way.
The rest of us peons should just sit down.
And even after all the money she invested in changing her body with surgeries, implants, BBLs and fillers, she is still not happy and tweaks the pictures she puts up of herself on IG. CRINGE.
Khloé also after all her surgeries changes her whole face with filters on IG and her body. She must be running low on funds because she is selling her daughter’s used clothes. For a lot. The thought of giving the clothes away must not resonate with her. Especially since some of those items were probably given to her for free. So many millions but still wants more. CRINGE.
And the rest of them are CRINGE as well, Kylie, Kris and bla bla bla.
Seriously if you follow them you are contributing to their wealth and the dumbing down of society. So please do everyone a favor and unfollow them. Why they are even relevant is a sure sign that people are dumb.
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