For example, last night my friend Fatima asked me if I had heard of this thing when you steam your vagina cause she wants to try it....maybe. I was like DUH, I wrote a blog about that in 2011!
So contrary to popular belief Gwyneth Paltrow was far from one of the first to write about V-steaming but her platform reaches millions. Mine doesn't (but it SHOULD, right?). Besides, Chai-Yok has been around in the Asian communities for a long time. Way before Gwyneth Paltrow.
Anyhow.....let's get started. Some brilliant input on some of the latest from me.
A few weeks ago the current Pope (Pope Francis) made this statement, "We see that people do not want to have children, or just one and no more. And many, many couples do not have children because they do not want to, or they have just one -- but they have two dogs, two cats ... Yes, dogs and cats take the place of children," the Pope said. "Yes, it's funny, I understand, but it is the reality. And this denial of fatherhood or motherhood diminishes us, it takes away our humanity. And in this way civilization becomes aged and without humanity, because it loses the richness of fatherhood and motherhood. And our homeland suffers, as it does not have children."
Ehhhhh....what now? I think it is GREAT that people do not have kids or decide to have "just" one. In fact I wish that everybody that reproduces stops at one or two. First of all, the world IS overpopulated. There are not enough resources for all here now and for future inhabitants of this planet, so stop having so many kids! I feel that people that squeeze out four or more kids are selfish and careless. Second, many of the people that do have children should NOT have any. So many bad "parents" out there. Children SUFFER unspeakable abuse in the hands of "parents". That is not parenting!
Currently in Afghanistan parents are selling their children because they can not afford to feed their family. Selling their children on markets. Hard to imagine that some have to resort to that. No child should be born into those kinds of circumstances. So that some of us are RESPONSIBLE and opt out of traditional parenthood and have four legged children instead should be recognized as something positive. I decided as a teenager that most likely I would not be putting children into this miserable world and I have not regretted this decision. Besides I think that I love animals more than I love random people. Well....I know I do.
Then Pope Francis talked about adoption. He suggested that people that can not biologically have children should adopt instead. I think that people should adopt instead of having biological children. There are abandoned children in every country, take those in and care for them. But ONLY if you intend to be a good parent.
The Pope should address all the sexual abuse the priests in the Catholic church are guilty of instead of suggesting that people have more kids. The Pope should also look over draconian abortion laws that force little girls as young as 11 to give birth after they been raped because abortion is illegal in the country they reside in. I am also really bothered by the government of Poland's abortion stance.....shameful.
Pope Francis gets a big thumbs down from me. His views are backwards.
In New York City a vigil was held this evening for a young woman, Michelle Go that was showed to her death in front of an upcoming subway train. Some say that this is one of many Anti-Asian hate crimes. And I looked into some of the perpetrators of Anti-Asian hate crimes and many of them are black. Just like the man that pushed Michelle Go in front of the train. Had this been a white man showing a black person in front of that subway, Portland and other cities would had been on fire (again) tonight. With crowds yelling Black Lives matter. I guess no other lives matter for some huh? Instead people are peacefully gathered in Times Square for Michelle Go. I can not imagine how Michelle's family are coping with this. From what I have gathered Michelle was a wonderful and kind human that contributed to society, so it is a huge loss that she is gone.
And two other young women lost their lives recently in senseless murders while at work. Kristal Bayron-Nieves got shot in New York City while working as a cashier at Burger King over $100.
The offender got caught and yelled at the crowd, "Fuck You all" and ranted about reparations for 400 years of slavery. Is that how you do reparations, by shooting an innocent 19 year old girl while she is working?
Brianna Kupfer was found stabbed to death inside a store in Los Angeles while at work. Only 24 years old.
In 2019 Tessa Majors got attacked and stabbed to death by THREE guys in New York City, they wanted her cell phone. Tessa was only 18. The defendant's pro bono attorney pointed out that "the boy was born while his dad was incarcerated and had a “turbulent childhood,” growing up in public housing and homeless shelters." OK. A bad childhood. I feel for children that grow up like this.
How about we start pushing for NOT having children when your life is in shambles and you cannot provide a stable and safe environment for your offspring? Maybe picking better Fathers for your children? Simply hold off with having children until you ACTUALLY CAN provide what they deserve.
All those young women murdered over nothing. They will never come back. And there are more.
ALL the offenders are black. I see a problem. I guess some people would be quick to label me a racist after making that statement, I am just giving the facts.
Almost daily I read or hear that mental health is dwindling here in the US and most likely in other countries as well. It is very obvious to me that poor mental health is raging. Yes....have more children people! Poor mental health + having children = disaster. Just look at people's behavior at airplanes. Like I don't want to get on an airplane, simply because I don't want to be potentially stuck with some psycho having an episode.
A rat, Magawa recently passed (from old age I hope) that sniffed out landmines. A man got a pig heart transplant. I don't know if that particular individual deserved this grandiose gesture after reading about his past but he did receive the world's first pig-to-human transplant (I hope he is grateful). Dogs are seen as man's best friend. Cats are beloved pets. So are many other animals as well. ❤️ Animals are giving SO much to us, having said that I feel it is time, it has been time to seriously look over how we treat animals.
Treat them better, give them MUCH better living conditions and stop eating so much meat. I promise, your ass won't starve if you start eating less meat. In fact you will most likely get healthier.
And severely punish the lowlife scumbags that mistreat animals, big AND small animals. Make trophy hunting illegaI everywhere.
No animals should be used for human entertainment. People that abuse animals should get locked away for a long time, they belong in the same building as child molesters. Locked up for life preferably.
Jamie Lee Curtis spoke on her striptease scene in 'True Lies', saying that it was a powerful experience and that she felt like a bad ass. She is getting applauded for this statement. I am sending applauds to all the ladies that strip on a regular in clubs across the US. Badasses all of them. YOU got some dusty backwoods view of strippers (I personally refer to myself as a dancer)? Shove them deep up yer ass where they belong!
"Prince" Andrew of the United Kingdom.....WTF? I know I am not the only one that feels that monarchy has got to go. That is a prince? Not my kind of prince. To mention some other winners, how about Albert of Monaco and Juan Carlos of Spain that abdicated only to give the throne to his son (of course), look into why he abdicated. Such bullshit. These families, often inbred for ages, born into a lavish lifestyle funded by working people. Retire monarchy.
Do something useful with taxpayer's money instead of supporting this madness.
And lastly just for giggles......some white trash wedding party in Barstow got broken up by the police. I guess there was just too much fun, like violent wrestling. Who doesn't want that at their wedding? Even the pregnant bride got tasered (!) and detained and there were children present. Beautiful! That is #GOALS right there! What advice did the Pope give to human kind again? Have more children? A great example right there of idiots that should NOT have children. Collect cars and beer cans instead. Reminds me strongly of somebody from my past, that is why I am throwing it in here.
That shit is right up his alley. Fun life.....NOT.

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