Last year when I worked at Frank Day's it was totally unplanned. I was actually booked at Scarlett O'Haras in Sioux Falls for two weeks and after a week I've had enough because the club was slow with no money to be made. When you travel for work you can't be at a club making $100 - 200/night. With that kind of money I might as well stay home and have no expenses related to the travel.
So my friend Kiko told me about Frank Day's and I went there. Worked seven nights and did alright. I came late in the season, everybody told me it had slowed down and that I should come back next year for the opening of the pheasant hunting season. So I did return this year and decided to come about one week early. I asked the owner twice if it would even be WORTH my time coming a week early and she said that she did have large groups of guys coming in and that there should be money to be made. Well, that was a mistake. Friday - Wednesday, a whole six nights were awful. I mean, I was expecting at least $300/night on the slower nights. Not under $100. That is unacceptable. And the other girls working didn't make any money either, with the exception of one that supposedly got paid to hang out and acted very lovey-dovey with some guy. And I don't work like that anyways, I like to do many lap dances in between my stages for many different people. Certainly not act like somebody's date, hang out all night, maybe even during the day and after work and exchange numbers.
Different strokes for different folks. I've heard that many girls were mislead to believe that there is LOTS of money there before the official start of the season. NOT OK! Because that is not true, unless you get "lucky" and you can't count on that. So when Thursday came around I had far from what I had expected to have with four nights left to try to make up for it. And out of the four, I did ok three of them and bad one night.
It's just NOT my kind of club. Many of the guys that visit Frank Day's are kind of rowdy, many are rude, drunk and expect way too much from you. They like girls who act wild on stage, lots of crotch diving, flipping VAGINES (no panties) and asses in people's faces on the stage.
I mean literally, in their face WITH two way contact. Boob touching on the stage. Sorry but that is NOT how I dance. I am more of the soft, pretty, feminine dancer.
Girls were simulating BJ's on beer bottles and in between guys legs. Sure, that's "entertaining" maybe - but it's not me. I stay on the stage, don't get off it during my songs and if you have been reading my blog for a while - well then you know that my lap dances don't include anything that would make me feel uncomfortable and that includes having my boobs groped. I would not like to have many different guys touch my boobs with different variations of groping every time I work. My boobs are sensitive and I want to save those moments for the person I have a relationship with, when I do.
I did a dance at Frank Day's for a guy and he wanted to BITE my nipple. And got kind of upset when I refused. I don't think that every girl dancing in there would let him do that (I certainly hope not) sometimes the guys try whatever just to see what they can get away with. But most people I encountered in there (the guys) thought I was shy or stuck up. Fine. I was totally out of my element. And so many of them wanted to meet up after work. I saw things that made me cringe and I felt sad at times. I think dancing (stripping) can be done in a very beautiful and sensual way without having to act vulgar. I've had many people compliment me on my dancing before saying that it is like "art" and beautiful. I like to keep it fun, flirty, sexy, cute, pretty - NOT vulgar and/or porno looking. And like I said earlier......different strokes for different folks. I can only be me. Here some girls were flashing guys off the stage, just pulling their underwear down and bending over on the floor - hoping to get a dance like that.
Other girls did dances out on the floor for small tips. One girl was standing by the DJ booth while some guy was sucking on her boob. I already told you in a previous blog about the boob sucking on stage. Some girl was sitting on a guys lap around a large round table in the dining area, while he pulled her top to the side and played with her nipple. With all of that going on - why buy dances? There IS money to be made here. Some girls did really well the last three nights I worked. I am talking amounts between $1200 - 3000 each night. Good for them, I am happy that they made that. I didn't but that's ok. Well, of course I wish I would had made lots of money too, that would had been nice if I would had left South Dakota with a nice chunk of change but I can only work the way I am comfortable with. In fact I made more that first week I was at Frank Day's last year than I did in my ten nights combined this time around. And although I thought the place was the craziest place I ever worked at was even crazier this time around. So if you are ok with working in a very hands on club, flipping your VAGINE in guys faces, acting wild and rowdy.....then this might be the club for you.
Do not come before the pheasant hunting season begins. Come a day early and go to work. You don't have to be that pretty, decent looking is ok as long as you act wild and and hustle good. I did work with a couple of very pretty girls.
Naomi - OMG, one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen. And I told her this, I give out compliments freely. Got her number too.

Sway that I first met at Heartbreakers in Williston, also a very good looking girl.
There are also some porn stars (I guess) that work here, ladies that use a first and last name because they are known for other things than just dancing. I do have to say that we all got along and I made some new "friends". You know people that you get along with right then and there but that you might never or rarely see again and probably won't stay in touch with too much or at all. But the girls were nice, with a few exceptions.
When the pheasant hunting officially starts the club charges you $130 to work each night.
You have to agree in advance to how many nights you want to work and pay either all of it or half of it Friday night before midnight. The first week I was there, it was only $30 to work and trust me it should had been free, we weren't making any money! Friday night I had to pay $390 to work for my three remaining nights. So if you want to stay 10 nights once the season starts it's $1300, you have to pay half of it upfront. Some girls refused to do that and went night by night instead and I heard that they got away with it, good. I don't think a club should charge upfront like that. Other girls payed upfront but wanted to go home because they didn't like it and got told they wouldn't get any refunds. Hmmmmmm........that's kind of brutal. Also, you have the give the club $10 for every dance you do.
And remember that I mentioned that I got so fed up/upset that I cried a little Friday night? Well, I wasn't the only one crying that night, I found out later that three other girls were sad that night too. LOL. Kind of funny. We were all weeping. Sad stripper party!
Where do you stay? Find a room early. The owner has trailers for the girls. I stayed in one last year, I did not want to experience that again this year so I got a room at the Parkside Motel in Gregory. Nothing luxurious but it has what you need, shower, bed, tv, fridge. $40/night.
The bed is large so you can travel with a friend and split the cost.
I heard that Burke has a motel too. Both Burke and Gregory are close enough to the club. Also, ask around. The staff has rooms for rent too.
The DJs were super nice and funny. They like mostly country and rock here with an emphasis on the country. I still played some Rihanna, Ellie Goulding and Deadmau5. When the season starts and the club gets filled up with people they open up another area called the Tiki Room. This is another room with a long stage with two poles. Half of the girls will be in the main area and the other half in the Tiki Room. Once you have been assigned your location you are stuck there for the rest of the night. The Tiki Room was badly lit, reminded me of a large shed but many girls like it more because it resembles a strip club more compared to the main area which concludes of two rooms, the dining area and bar with the jukebox and people dancing two step and the room with the main stage and girls dancing. Also the stage in the Tiki Room needs to get cleaned, there are spider webs hanging from the ceiling, the dressing room is very small and full of spider webs too. I don't like that you can't move in between the two areas. That means you are missing out on money. Saturday was my best night whereas another girl had her worse night that night and she is a money maker, expecting to be making a lot this season, she has been returning for years. She got stuck in the room with no money. One night while on stage I put my hand through my hair and felt something. I had a bug or a fly in my hair, I shook it off and it crawled across the stage. Another girl got a fly in her mouth. Yuck! to the disgusting part.......
IT IS SO GROSS !!!!! Saturday night, close to the end of the night the club started smelling like shit. It was bad, I mentioned that in a previous blog. Actually every night I was there somebody decided to rip ass, like foul ass. So absolutely disgusting. Keep your assholes shut please. Anyways......I asked another girl if she could smell how bad it stunk in the whole place and she said that she could, as we looked at each other in horror.
Sunday I had to be in at 5 PM, the place opens at noon, it's a bar and a restaurant too, many people stop in here for a meal. Girls come in to work as early as noon sometimes. Well, it was slow so I sat at the bar for a while. I always sit on a towel.
I got bored and went into the dressing room and while I was talking to another girl, Sway actually, I could feel that horrid poop smell again. So I asked her if she could smell it too and I told her that it smelled like that last night and that is was gross. So she told me that some old man shat his pants at the bar late Saturday night and that people were VOMITING because it stunk so bad, I mean I could smell it from the other room. When he got up from the chair he had diarrhea all over the back of his pants while he walked out of the club. Then she kind of yelled out, "He was sitting in the chair you were just sitting in while he pooped himself." OMG OMG OMG, I FREAKED OUT!!!! We both did. I picked up my towel that I had been sitting on, got a whiff - sure smelled like that diarrhea smell from last night. I ripped off my panties, almost started crying. Sway handed me baby wipes, I got sanitizer and started to frenetically wipe down my backside, my legs........while just wanting to cry. I have never in my life experienced anything like this. Turns out that Jen, one of the managers, thought it was a good idea to KEEP the fucking chair that had poop all over it, a chair with a cloth cover.
A cloth cover soaks up stuff. She just sprayed it down with Lysol, my friend witnessed it. HELLOOOOO!!!!!!????? This is a FUCKING restaurant too, people EAT here. HEALTH CODE anyone? How the fuck are you knowingly going to let girls sit in that contaminated chair all afternoon without saying anything?
I was LIVID!!!! I told Jen and they took the chair out. I said I wanted money for my ruined underwear and it took about three hours and I got handed a $20 and an apology. Mind you, I was not the only girl that day sitting in that chair, others did too......then we went on stage, sat down in other chairs, other guests of the bar sat in it too. Spreading feces bacteria around.........How wrong is that? I still can't believe that they kept that chair, I can't believe this happened to me......! I am a very clean person. One girl that works there doesn't usually wear any panties, just a big belt with a large buckle barely covering her VAGINE, she sits around all night long on those chairs with her bare ass and lady bits. I am SO grateful for my towel, I never sit down without a towel under my butt. Of course I threw it away and the panties.
And guess what? That old man supposedly shat his pants a week earlier in there, I wonder if he was sitting down then too or did it standing up? And to make it even worse......he returned to the club Sunday night, back sitting at the bar. FUCKING GROSS! I don't care that he is old and might be demented or sick, that is a health violation and hazard. They should give him some adult diapers and tell him to put one on and not come back until he can control his bowel movements. Do YOU want to go out dining and be exposed to somebody shitting themselves next to you? Or even better, get seated in a chair that has shit on it, by the staff that is aware of that fact? WTF!!!!????
That right there really made me certain that there is no way in hell I am ever returning to this place. Ever. That was so wrong, disrespectful and low to leave that chair out for us girls and guests to sit on. And no, I am no longer embarrassed that I sat down on it, I actually was for a second, wasn't sure if I was going to write about it or not........ BUT I didn't know about what had happened to that chair and I didn't do anything wrong, other girls sat on it too that day.
The people responsible for this happening should be ashamed. I cleaned myself off and I am still alive. It's in the past now.
Besides that, I am in Vegas - the sun is shining. I have people to see and things to do.
Life is good. 🙂