And in the middle of the Russian election there is also the recent incident in England involving a former Russian intelligence agent (spy) and his daughter, poisoned by a nerve agent. This has led to tension between Russia and the UK. And this is not the first ex Russian spy and exile to be poisoned in the UK. There have been a few. Basically the Kremlin is showing its power. Although any involvement in this is strongly denied by them. Who might be next to be poisoned? Alexei Navalny?
What does Putin want? To stay in power of course. He is a very patriotic man that thinks very highly of Russia. Look at the size of that is the largest country in the world by area. In Putin's mind, he is the only one that can lead Russia on the road to the great power he foresees for his country. And Putin wants to meet me too of course, we can go horseback riding, take a few great selfies and I will get an amazing interview with him.
Putin is like a modern day Genghis Khan. OK.....Ksenia, send Tati a pair of those rubber boots.

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