Burning Man Other - 3

Welcome to Chaos !!

Thursday, September 10. 2015


Well, I'm back in Kenai now. Reunited with Chhaya, my laptop and my bed. I drove to Vegas from Burning Man, it took about nine hours back to Vegas and flew out of there at 11 am today. Let me tell you, as soon as I got off the plane in Anchorage I felt this heavy feeling of sadness and anxiety come over me and my heart actually ached. It is not easy to separate from Burning Man, at least not for me. Maybe I'm crazy, I don't know. I won't be going to sleep and waking up to beats and bass somewhere close by in the background. I feel SOOOOOO SAD! Maybe I will cry a bit more again. Just like the previous times, Burning Man withdrawal is difficult for me.
My baby spent time in the kennel and although she gets great care there I always feel so bad leaving her there. But she seems happy.

Next Burning Man is just around the corner! Kind of......

Sunday, September 6. 2015

I'm Here

The reason there haven't been any blog entries for a while it's because I'm here......I'm at Burning Man! :-D
This is a time prepared entry, I am writing this while still in Kenai (while sipping on a latte of course......) I'm leaving for Vegas later this evening and then driving up to somewhere outside of Gerlach, NV tomorrow night.

This is my third year in a row attending Burning Man. And if course I will tell you and show you everything when I'm back to normal life.
And for you that have never heard of Burning Man (some people haven't, I encounter them all the time) and for the people that don't understand what it is.....it's an amazing adventure, difficult to describe in words. You have to experience Burning Man to get an understanding BUT I can tell you this much......I am super excited and very grateful that I am going again and it's going to be AMAZING! ❤
Right now.....I'm somewhere on the Playa feeling ALIVE!

Friday, August 8. 2014

Lot On My Plate

I've had a stressful week. I have a lot on my plate right now. GAAAAAAH!!!!! Chhaya went to the vet as you know, she is on antibiotics and I'm doting on her and making sure she is OK.
I have an extremely annoying and crazy person in my life that I have been dealing with for years now but I think our "relationship" might be coming to an end soon. Thank goodness! Right now she is creating problems and being her psycho self and annoying and no, it's not some insane lesbian you might think I'm involved with, it's not THAT kind of relationship......
I also had a bunch of stuff lying around at home that I have slowly been digging into, paperwork and such. I like my stuff organized, put away and my house clean. That's how I am. I don't like messy. Then all the drama with the Wild Alaskan boat in Kodiak that's been happening. I still haven't said much about it here, besides when I was there I put up pics and stuff. Well, things have taken a rather interesting turn since I got back from that adventure but like I said I haven't said much......yet.
Tomorrow I am going to Kaladi. Then I have to send out some stuff, write a letter and hopefully get a break from the crazy person I've been dealing with. I am actually looking forward to working tomorrow night so I can have other things on my mind. Sometimes working is like a break from reality, when my reality is too much.
Having said all that, I got back from a long walk with Chhaya not too long ago. It's almost 11 pm here and dark, no more going jogging around midnight unless I run with a headlamp. Chhaya is good, I woke up with her laying back to back with me, very close. That made me happy. She is a snuggly cuddler. I am going to be up for a few more hours, I am a night owl.
I get creative and want to do things at night.
I do have something AMAZING to look forward to this month......BURNING MAN! I looked through my pics from last year and wow.....no words can describe it, really. I will be talking to God again, telling God how thankful I am to be able to have this experience again........and just enjoy every minute on that playa to the fullest. Plus I am going to DANCE! OMG......DANCE,
I so miss dancing to good music!!!!!

Monday, December 23. 2013


Some late nights thoughts on a late and dark nights.......thoughts about life. This journey of being here, being alive. I read a magazine the other day (Shambala Sun) and came across
The Five Remembrances.

I am of the nature to grow old. There is no way to escape growing old.

I am of the nature to have ill health. There is no way to escape ill health.

I am of the nature to die. There is no way to escape death.

All that is dear to me and everyone I love are of the nature to change. There is no way to escape being separated from them.

My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions.
My actions are the ground upon which I stand.

That has been on my mind. I don't want any of that! I don't want to get separated from people and Chhaya by death. I don't want to get old, sick and die. I don't want to! WHY???
This is why I think life is suffering. But it's also happiness and wonderful.
I have so much that I am grateful for. Every day. Since 2013 is coming to an end I want to express my gratitude to KISA, my friend in Germany. He has helped me with the blog, there is much more to it than just writing a daily entry and uploading a few pics.....I found out.
He does not ask for anything in return, he spends something very valuable on ME, a person that he has never met, he is spending his TIME and effort and time we can never get back.
I know the value of doing for others without getting anything in return at best and in other cases (from personal experience) getting negativity in return. Therefore I am grateful for KISA. THANK YOU!!!

I am also so grateful that I got to experience Burning Man this year. That I decided to go basically by myself. I had the time of my life. Here is a video that I got in my inbox yesterday, it's a short Burning Man documentary.

WE ARE ONLY HUMAN x BURNING MAN 2013 from Aaron Freeder on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 13. 2013

Nobel Prize

What an honor it must be to be awarded a Nobel Prize......just imagine! This year one of the people receiving the Nobel Prize in Chemistry is a man that together with his wife designed a sculpture for this years Burning Man, called UNITY. His name is Michael Levitt and her name is Rina. I love this! So many people think that only good for nothing freaks and druggies gather at Burning Man for a week of basically bullshit mumbo jumbo. Just a great example of a preconceived opinion many have. Burning Man is actually full of brilliant creative freaks. Besides since when is being a "freak" something bad? So next time you start to smirk condescendingly when you hear something about Burning Man, get off that high horse of yours. Where is YOUR Noble Prize, huh? Yeah, I didn't think so. I myself would love to one day get two prizes, one for Peace and that one I would have to travel to Oslo to get. Hey, if Obama somehow got a Peace prize, so can I OK? And then one in Literature....of course! And that prize I would travel to Stockholm to receive, in case you don't know.....I grew up there. I might write some amazing stuff one day and blow the whole world away. Very few people have been awarded two Nobel Prizes but Marie Skłodowska-Curie (nee Maria) received two, in Physics and Chemistry. And Marie Skłodowska-Curie was born in Poland, just like me. She was a remarkable woman! Really.

Sunday, September 29. 2013

Girl's Guide to the Pervs on the Playa

Here is an article that Sarah aka Wonderhussy wrote for last years BRC Weekly. It is SOOOO HILARIOUS that I just have to share it with you. Sarah is a young lady that has the gift of expressing herself in many fun ways, writing is only one of them......enjoy!

Whoever said Burning Man is about art, community, or any other lofty ideal needs to get their head out of their ass and take a look around them. Anyone with a vagina who has ever tried to navigate the playa will tell you that Burning Man is about three things ONLY: sex, drugs and sunburned ballsacs. Ladies, beware!!!
Here in BRC, a woman of childrearing age can’t take two steps without being humped ferociously by a man in a rabbit costume or a bi-curious sparkle pony in body paint and furry boots. Something about the desert air seems to rev the libido into high gear, so much so that even taking a morning walk to the potty is akin to running a gauntlet of boners. There are perverts everywhere! And this year, what with the bumper crop of fresh, innocent first-timers on playa, they are sure to be out in full force. Burgins, take heed and read this handy guide – knowledge is power!

The Pervs of the Playa can be broken down into five basic categories:
1. Beer-Swilling Frat-Types
First, you have your beer-swilling frat-types, whose sole purpose in being here is to score with the legendary loose hippie chicks of yore (remember, it’s supposed to be a counterculture festival, aka free love hotbed). These types might don a tutu and some krazy sunglasses to give the impression that they’re unconventional artsy types, but they’re really just horny mooks, and there are so many of them that at times you feel like a soon-to-be-roofied sorority girl at the world’s biggest tribal kegger.
Fortunately, these pervs are easy to spot – and avoid.
2. Swingers
Then there are the swingers. Burning Man is actually listed on the events calendars of several “Lifestyle” (blecchh) networking sites – apparently, it’s become a huge swing paradise, with several “play” (blerrrrg) parties taking place in various camps on the lake bed. A girl can’t walk from Dandelion to Edelweiss without an oversexed, middle-aged couple welcoming her with open arms and dusty, sunbaked genitals! Many such camps also offer refuge to the weary playa bunny under the guise of a “free massage” or “free misting…” but it’s all just a ruse to get chicks into the sack – or into one of the many orgies constantly taking place. Be advised!!
3. S&M Freaks
Next, you have a sizeable contingent of S&M freaks, who make their presence known by setting up spanking camps and open-air dungeons, and by
walking around in little more than nipple clamps and Prince Alberts. Such camps lure in passing lovelies with the promise of free drinks in exchange for spankings, brandings, or the application of Burning Man tattoos to your ivory ass cheeks. Apparently it’s very liberating for the S&M crowd to be able to carry on like this in the bright light of day, instead of lurking around their usual converted-basement dungeons; the sunshine makes them bold,
so take care!
4. Furries
The fourth group of perverts is the most unsettling: the Furries, deviants who get off on pretending to be animals and humping each other. Due to the prodigious amounts of Ecstasy consumed at Burning Man, most people are walking around with a heightened sense of touchy-feeliness, and want to rub up on any soft, fuzzy thing they come across. Enter the Furries! Virtually every third person on the playa is wearing a furry vest, furry boots, raccoon tail, or fuzzy hat with animal ears. Most of them are just bean-eating E-tards enjoying the feel of the fur, but a solid minority are legitimate Furries, out to mount one another and whinny, growl and nicker into each other’s ears. Creeeepy!
5. Gurus
The last group of pervs is actually the most insidious, because they appear so artsy and benign: many of the classic Burner artsy-fartsy hippie-dippie counterculture types are actually HUGE raging sex freaks! Often, they disguise themselves as “gurus” or “self- help experts” who are there to help you “open your chakras” with a special “yoni massage” (“yoni” being alterna-spiritual-clap-trap-speak for “vagina”). Many a naïve young playa bunny falls victim to these dirty old men, myself included – I once encountered a particularly smarmy “tantric massage therapist” who persuaded me to let him massage a pulled muscle in my groin… and you can guess where that led!
Then there’s perennial favorite “Mister Orgasm,” who takes appointments in his hexayurt to demonstrate some freaky new sex tool he devised for “playa goddesses.” Exploring your sexuality is all well and good… but when you’ve been riding a bike around in 95-degree weather all week with alkaline dust in every crevice and no running water, the last thing you want is some dirty old man jamming his healing hands up your twat. Ya know?!

Now, girls…with all that being said, if you can navigate the hordes of slavering pervs, it is possible to find plenty of amazing, beautiful things out on the playa. Especially if you’ve remembered to pack your shiny burqa, pink rhinestone chastity belt and trusty Be-Dazzled stun-gun. Only then will you be able to ride around the playa virtually unmolested, actually enjoying the “art” and “music” said to be lurking somewhere amidst all the gratuitous tits, phalluses, orgies and public sex displays.
Welcome home!!!

Me and Sarah. You can read her masterpiece blog here