It is HOT in Vegas. The first thing I did when I arrived here was to take off my sweaty clothes and got in the shower and washed the dust out of my stiff hair and lathered up with soap.
It felt so good. But I would had gladly stayed at Burning Man for another week, dusty and very happy. I miss it!

I will write more in depth about my experiences at Burning Man when I get back to AK, I am in Vegas now and have people to see and things to do. I am a busy time for any in depth writing right now.
I am zipping around town in this sexy beast.....a neon green Mustang. Fits me perfectly, I was told that I am Viagra at Burning Man. Yes, yes.....I knew that already.......
Now I just have to figure out how to transform my dna into pill form and become a billionaire. Any pharmacist out there that can assist me? Then I can spend my days traveling, going to parties, dance
(I'm a DANCETRONAUT, my new fave word that I learned at Burning Man) and doing lots of good for others and animals. That is basically what I want to do with my life. And sleep, read, eat, get massages and facials.

Well.....I can tell you this much....I feel very happy. I'm in Vegas, I went to Whole Foods again today and to the mall for some shopping. Yeay!

It felt so good. But I would had gladly stayed at Burning Man for another week, dusty and very happy. I miss it!

I will write more in depth about my experiences at Burning Man when I get back to AK, I am in Vegas now and have people to see and things to do. I am a busy time for any in depth writing right now.
I am zipping around town in this sexy beast.....a neon green Mustang. Fits me perfectly, I was told that I am Viagra at Burning Man. Yes, yes.....I knew that already.......

(I'm a DANCETRONAUT, my new fave word that I learned at Burning Man) and doing lots of good for others and animals. That is basically what I want to do with my life. And sleep, read, eat, get massages and facials.

Well.....I can tell you this much....I feel very happy. I'm in Vegas, I went to Whole Foods again today and to the mall for some shopping. Yeay!