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Sunday, January 19. 2025

Week 3 2025

Week 3 already? February is around the corner.
Tuesday a friend came in with a nice surprise, several gifts. An upcycled one of a kind denim vest called "Wanderlust" made just for me, some books, a deck of mini card with naked ladies, a mini Hello Kitty purse and a pair of Anora panties.
I feel spoiled!

Friday we got another surprise at the club. Four new additions. Not welcome additions.
They did not speak English, or so they said. We are a NON touching club, something that was blatantly ignored by all of them. So us regular girls were not pleased. The manager wants them gone but the owner wants them (them = the four that she hired) to stay. We shall see how this situation will unfold. At this point it is not good.
Also we never have ten girls working. I have not seen more than seven and that is during busy season, which is summer. Seven is the max, all of a sudden having ten is ok. And all of a sudden behaviors that have gotten girls immediately fired in the past somehow became totally acceptable. Like allowing touching. Their attitudes were shitty, their music was shitty and their behavior was shitty. Go back to were you came from and do not come back.

My compliment of the week? Somebody thought I looked like art by Michelangelo. Yes I am the equivalent of a female statue of David. I don't think Michelangelo did Venus. I worked with a girl at Riverside that thought I looked like a statue. Perhaps I do?

Sunday, January 12. 2025

Week 2 2025

Let me see if I can remember this week at work, week 2.
We had way too many girls on Wednesday, no room to move around in the dressing room which is small already. I could barely dance because my back was hurting still and I was very tired because I only got 3 hours of sleep the night before and had a super busy day on Wednesday. So I spent my night yawning, shivering from being cold and slowly shuffling around due to my back. Not a fun night.
I did not work on Thursday BUT there was some drama in the club. So this is what happened......what I heard happened.
One of the girls did $200 worth of lap dances. The guy paid her with Venmo. Then he was going to get more dances with another girl when it somehow was discovered that he had no money in his account, so the first girl did not even get paid. He then decided to leave the club without paying his bar tab, left his credit card behind so the bartender called the police. The police just so happened to have pulled him over for something, not sure what exactly, maybe a suspected DUI (?) and brought him back into the club to talk about the owed money for the dances and the bar tab. Somehow his girlfriend also joined him into coming to the club, I guess he must had called her when they pulled him over for the DUI. He would not admit to getting the dances and his girlfriend totally belived him and basically called the girls liars.
You know......all strippers lie and bla bla bla. That is until the bartender showed the police the video of the guy getting the dances.
The club records everything. Except inside the dressing room. That shut them up. I do not know the outcome of this little adventure yet because the bartender sent everybody home at some point, except the girl that was owed the $200. And I have not seen her since Wednesday. I really have no comments. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Friday I can't really remember much from. A nice older man got dances at the beginning of my evening which I like, then I can just take a two hour nap afterwards (I wish). At the end of the night I helped one of the girls unfold all her dollar bills from her stages. She makes really good money on stage so it took a while.
One of my fans gave me this note. When I got home and read it I was like......Spanish?
Turns out he thought he wrote it in Swedish. Well.....no. Something about beautiful goddess and free foot rubs whenever I want. Dinner and lunch. I love everything spa related, massage, foot rub, facial - you name it. And I love food. A very sweet note and he (the author of the note) is super nice BUT I like my alone and quiet time when I am not at work. 

Saturday three of us were scheduled - Tati, Fatima, Siren. It ended up being just me and Fatima, so the Tati & Fati show. 
That means extra fun and crazy. I played interesting announcements for everybody.
Things like songs about eating cats and dogs, the pinworm song (it is great) and educational stuff about penis problems. It is hilarious to watch people's reactions to that stuff. We went on stage kind of like whenever we wanted, very relaxed which I prefer over the militant rigid style when all of us are there and the "rules" are followed. The only rules that should always be followed are the touching rules in my opinion, everything else is not as important. It is a strip club not a court house. 

I brought in sumo mandarins, happy they are back in season. Discovered them in the grocery store last Monday.

I don't know why but this week I got showered with compliments. Almost to the point of making me feel embarrassed. We all get compliments at work but people were extra appreciative this week. Must be the new year.
The older man Friday called me a perfect goddess. Last night a group of four women came in and they were loud and fun. They would not stop talking about how beautiful they thought I was (I was like ????). One of them loudly declared, while I was on stage that she wanted to suck my big toe and lick my butthole. Sure, when!? It was like a comedy show. They yelled at the men to give us more money. The men looked nervous and bewildered. It was great.
A guy told me (twice) that he thought I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. 
Then at the very end of the night a woman I never seen before came in with a guy. Turned out she is a bartender at some bar in Long Beach WA. She looked at me and then came up and asked how old I am. And then she said that last week Saturday a group of guys came in to the bar while she was bartending and would not stop talking about one girl at the club. She said they kept going on and on about what turned out to be me......that I was the prettiest by far even though the other girls were younger. She was like, they would not stop talking about you and that she got kind of annoyed at having to listen to them go on and on about me and then she added that she had to say that they were right. Awwwww......
I don't know what to say. It must be the new year. In my opinion I look tired and stressed. I am not taking care of myself lately because of stress. 

Sunday, January 5. 2025

Week 1 2025

In Sweden we have a system on how to count the weeks in a year. There are 52 weeks in a year, each week in Sweden goes from Monday until Sunday. Today is Sunday January 5, so it is week 1.
My plan for the blog in 2025 (let's see if I can keep up with this plan.....do not hold me to my word) is to recap each work week in da strip club with some descriptions. It will be repetitive, simply because it is. So let's start now - week 1 2025.
This week I was scheduled Friday and Saturday. I injured my back at some point during the week which resulted in me having to roll/crawl out of bed for several days. I could barely get in and out of the car. Waddled when walking. Bend down? Forget it. Therefore I called out Friday, there was no way I could had worked with almost no mobility and pain too. 
So I go in Saturday. It was just me and Siren. We get along great. She is kind of crazy but in a fun way. Not much happened. It was slow. I talked to the regulars. Discussed politics with the bartender. A man that had never been to the club before decided to join us. He did not want to spend the rainy Saturday evening all by himself and decided to check us out. He was nice and generous and stated that I was simply amazing. Yes Thank You I know. My back was still not all the way healed, I noticed that while on stage. I could do about 75 % of my boring and repetitive stage routine. So it was extra boring last night. I felt lazy, so no make up (like when I say no make up that means absolutely bare faced). I kind of don't care anymore but I do muster up an effort once in a while. One guy wanted some dances at the end of the night, he usually gets dances from me. I said I only had time for one, he said he wanted at least two. 
I told him to come back another time. I just wanted to go hoooooooome. I start wanting to go home the minute I arrive. We closed at 1.
As always, I was happy that it was over.

I feel like I need to learn the people around here some useful Swedish words.


Tuesday, December 31. 2024

A Few Minutes Before Midnight

Last day of the year......wow. As I say in the blog a lot, time goes by so fast.
Yesterday me and Kaya ended up on the beach. This was the scenery......beautiful.

A few minutes before midnight and I am prepared for a big party night at home in my bed, a London fog and some chocolates. It is just me and Kaya tonight. She is scared of fireworks so I am hoping to make it into a fun experience for her. My 2024 was in some ways OK. I have a lot to be grateful for and that I AM grateful for. A roof over my head, food every day, a vehicle, my health, income, Kaya, I have a Mom and a brother, friends. But my year was also full of sadness. Like a lot of sadness. Sometimes overwhelming. I hope one of the extremely stressful situations I am dealing with will get resolved in the new year to come and that I can get some personal peace for some time.
Wishing you a Happy New Year. 🌟

Monday, December 30. 2024

The Last Month

December is the last month of the year and also my birth month, therefore I got the month of December for our club. I am the only one of us girls at the club born in December, my astrological sign is Capricorn. I was always the youngest in class in school. Well at least the first nine years of school (grades one through nine). I picked this for my calendar picture. From a photoshoot I did in December 2022.

This year a photographer came to the club and took pictures of the girls. The backdrop was a white sheet (yikes). I told everybody up front, I will pose for some pictures for fun but most likely I will not be in the calendar. White sheet backdrop, terrible lighting, dinky strip club room......it just did not feel right. Not my style of photography.


Sunday, December 29. 2024

Disappointed In Humanity

About 15 minutes ago I clicked on a video that showed a group of men on duty as correctional officers using violence on a handcuffed inmate that lead to the inmate's death. His name was Robert Brooks. He passed away December 10. There are yet no arrests in the murder of Robert Brooks. No perp walk. No flyers up with the faces of these men that ganged up on one handcuffed person and murdered him. They kicked and punched him for a while. He was probably scared and in a lot of pain. Truly abhorrent. What else have these individulas done to other prisoners or other people out in society that is not known? Yes I know that Mr. Brooks was incarcerated for assault but what did he do to get handed that treatment earlier this month? I will be waiting to see what charges all the correction officers will receive and the follow up to that.......
Meanwhile Luigi Mangione shot and killed the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, Brian Thompson on December 4. The difference in how the deaths of the two victims are handled is very obvious. The spectacle surrounding his arrest looked like a movie scene. Way exagerrated.
Obviously a warning from the insurance companies to the public to think twice before trying to do something similar. We will find you and charge you with murder and terrorism so you might face the death penalty.
Yeah I am on team Luigi. I DO think what he did was wrong BUT what role did Brian Thompson have in thousands of people not getting proper healthcare that ultimatly lead to suffering and/or death? I totally understand why some see Luigi as a hero. I doubt Luigi has been shooting people for fun prior to shooting Mr. Thompson.
The problem lies with US healthcare and insurance companies and how much people suffer physically, mentally and financially from the impact of this severely flawed system.
According to The Guardian, "In a new poll, more than two-thirds of respondents said they believed denials of coverage and profits in the health insurance industry were partially responsible for the killing of Brian Thompson, the UnitedHealthcare CEO, in early December".
You can clearly see that justice has a price tag attached to it. There is no justice for many. People with money can buy freedom and special treatment. Is anyone suprised that people are angry? I am suprised that there has not been a revolution yet? But as long as people can watch football in giant stadiums or on giant TVs and sip on beer and soda and stuff themselves with hot dogs they are OK. Why rattle the OK? 
Yeah my life will go on......we all struggle along in this wheel of life/suffering. People say that money does not buy happiness. I can guarantee you that money makes life a lot easier in many ways. When things are easier it is also easier to feel happy.
I would rather sit around at a spa several times/week for a few hours and hang out with Kaya at home later than go to work in order to keep a roof over my head. 
Anyways.....I am disappointed in humanity in general. In case you haven't noticed yet.

(The picture above might be altered).