How was last nigh? Decent, actually. If tonight is ok too then Tatiana will be ok. But she will probably, not 100 % sure yet, but probably venture out on the road to try some other place next week. Might as well try, right?
So how are the girls at this current club, (the club is called Scarlet O'Haras by the way)?
The girls are young and skinny, most of them. You know the kind of skinny that you are in your early 20's. Some are pretty. Tatiana's fave is Gabrielle, she is gorgeous. She has a nice, skinny yet curvy body. A pretty face with flawless pale skin and long, very blonde hair.
She is 25 but Tatiana thought she was 22 tops. Gabrielle used to have a Polish boyfriend and knows some Polish words and loves pierogis.
Some girl called Eve, decided that she wants to have sex with Tatiana. She was very blunt and funny about it. She basically walked up to Tatiana and said "I've been watching you, I think you are really cute, wanna have sex?" LOL. Tatiana said "Don't you want to know my name first?".
Oh, and Liz. She is super cute and really entertaining on stage. Tatiana thinks that Liz looks like Britney Spears and named Liz "Malibu Barbie". She is tanned, petite, blonde, super cute and happy. Liz said that she thinks that Tatiana looks like a Victoria's Secret Angel, awwwwww - how nice!
Then there is a girl called Charlie, looks kind of unassuming, until she goes on stage. She is a small, thin, white girl. But on stage she can MOVE like nothing Tatiana has seen before. Amazing! Tatiana loves watching the girls, some are so talented.
Also, there is a "girl" here that Tatiana met a Good Time Charlies a few summers ago.
She told Tatiana about Heartbreakers and other clubs. Well, Tatiana used to think that this person was nice and interesting, until she spent some more time with her in Williston.
Turned out that this girl/thing has an awful personality.
All she schemes about is money, money, money - and she is still like that. Tatiana heard some of her phone convos with somebody.
She also had some other personal traits and hygiene issues that Tatiana thought were very bad, so in Williston the friendship basically ended. Well, she is here too and she was NOT happy to see Tatiana. LOL! It was written all over her face. That looks worse than last year.
Is it even more plastic surgery again, Tatiana wonders? She looks soooo weird.
The dollar dances were very popular last night again, Tatiana lost count on how many she did. And they also have a two songs for $30 special before 7 PM.
It is a nice club and many of the girls are pretty but the dollar dances have to retire!
Tatiana heard that the club gets busier when there is snow on the ground.
Tomorrow Tatiana is going to see the local sights and go to Falls Park and take pics.
Now it is mall time!
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