Lost of dollar dances but also more lap dances. I will give it a try tonight and the assess the situation.
Here is the main stage, it is quite large, the picture does not do it justice, one pole that spins. Not a good stage if you have stage fright.....I would not recommend this club for beginners.

Here is something I think is......funny? Maybe it's just me? I share a dressing room with three other girls. Two of them spray their VAGINES down with VAGINE spray. It's a "feminine deodorant". It smells bad, overwhelming. My thoughts are that a shower before work should be sufficient and if there is a bad smell down there that seeps through your panties during the night, so much so that you need to deodorize the VAGINE, then maybe a visit to the gynecologist should be scheduled? I don't know, for me a regular shower works just fine. Besides, I don't shove my private parts in peoples faces at work either. Just some thoughts........

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