In Sweden we have a system on how to count the weeks in a year. There are 52 weeks in a year, each week in Sweden goes from Monday until Sunday. Today is Sunday January 5, so it is week 1.
My plan for the blog in 2025 (let's see if I can keep up with this not hold me to my word) is to recap each work week in da strip club with some descriptions. It will be repetitive, simply because it is. So let's start now - week 1 2025.
This week I was scheduled Friday and Saturday. I injured my back at some point during the week which resulted in me having to roll/crawl out of bed for several days. I could barely get in and out of the car. Waddled when walking. Bend down? Forget it. Therefore I called out Friday, there was no way I could had worked with almost no mobility and pain too.
So I go in Saturday. It was just me and Siren. We get along great. She is kind of crazy but in a fun way. Not much happened. It was slow. I talked to the regulars. Discussed politics with the bartender. A man that had never been to the club before decided to join us. He did not want to spend the rainy Saturday evening all by himself and decided to check us out. He was nice and generous and stated that I was simply amazing. Yes Thank You I know. My back was still not all the way healed, I noticed that while on stage. I could do about 75 % of my boring and repetitive stage routine. So it was extra boring last night. I felt lazy, so no make up (like when I say no make up that means absolutely bare faced). I kind of don't care anymore but I do muster up an effort once in a while. One guy wanted some dances at the end of the night, he usually gets dances from me. I said I only had time for one, he said he wanted at least two.
I told him to come back another time. I just wanted to go hoooooooome. I start wanting to go home the minute I arrive. We closed at 1.
As always, I was happy that it was over.

I feel like I need to learn the people around here some useful Swedish words.
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