Last day of the As I say in the blog a lot, time goes by so fast.
Yesterday me and Kaya ended up on the beach. This was the scenery......beautiful.

A few minutes before midnight and I am prepared for a big party night at home in my bed, a London fog and some chocolates. It is just me and Kaya tonight. She is scared of fireworks so I am hoping to make it into a fun experience for her. My 2024 was in some ways OK. I have a lot to be grateful for and that I AM grateful for. A roof over my head, food every day, a vehicle, my health, income, Kaya, I have a Mom and a brother, friends. But my year was also full of sadness. Like a lot of sadness. Sometimes overwhelming. I hope one of the extremely stressful situations I am dealing with will get resolved in the new year to come and that I can get some personal peace for some time.
Wishing you a Happy New Year. 🌟
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