I think I am getting sick. Woke up early today with a raspy feeling throat, felt cold all day and could not get warm until later, been having chills, achy scalp, sneezing the kind of sneezes that feel like "sick" sneezes and now I am like almost feverish......very warm. My face feels hot and my ear openings feel like they are slightly pulsating. Perhaps I will sweat it out tonight. So when I started to get a cold as a child my Mom would wrap me in a blanket head to toe, fill up a bucket with piping hot water, had me put my feet into the water (ouch!) and then I sat there until my Mom decided it was enough and my feet looked like red lobsters. Then she put thick socks on my feet, on with pajama bottoms, rubbed some vodka around the chest area and on with a warm cotton shirt. At some point during the night she would check on me, if I had been sweating she changed my pajamas and shirt and sometimes the sheets and pillowcase and comforter too if needed. That was called sweating out the cold.
I am just drinking fluids and I will make sure to dress warm and put on socks before I go to bed tonight. I feel like a babcia sitting here explaining that I have a cold and giving out some remedies. Rub the vodka on chest!
Of course I am not in the mood to do anything besides nothing and I love doing nothing. Afterall the sloth is my spirit animal.
I had pizza in bed while solving Wordle, of course the first word was "pizza" and I got lucky and solved it on the second try. Yeay.

Well......we are a little more than one week into the new year. How are things going for you? I am in the midst of a LOT of stress, a LOT. Anxiety and tears. And that is all I can say about that. At least I have the best baby to keep me company - Kaya. I need a full day at the spa when I come out of this mess. I need to create a spa fund for Tati.......donations accepted now.
I do not know if you have heard that an airplane 737 emergency door got lost mid flight over Oregon yesterday and the door landed in somebody's back yard here in Portland and a cell phone that belonged to somebody on that plane landed in Portland as well - intact. Like......what a terrifying ordeal! I am glad that nobody got hurt. I don't know if I would step onto an airplane after an experience like that.
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