The first time (in 2020) I was sick for about three days. I did not get tested. I was basically sleeping, slurping soup and drinking tea the whole time I was sick. It's been two years after all and I don't really remember all the symptoms. But it was similar to this time around. Just like your older Auntie in Queens, I am now older and have started to develop some age related memory loss.
But here I am on day four, still alive and kicking and I can tell you ALLLLLL about my COVID symptoms.
Monday I started feeling a tickle in my throat which developed into a full on body ache, my eye sockets even ached, chills, all the hair follicles on my legs and arms ached throughout the night, the muscles in my back ached and I did not sleep well. I probably had a fever too but my thermometer is broken so I do not know for sure but my body felt hot. I took two headache pills the first full day/night with COVID.
Somebody please send Tati a thermometer!
Tuesday it all continued but instead of chills at night I was sweating. Another night of poor sleep. Oh and LOTS of peeing throughout this whole ordeal. Wednesday I woke up feeling OK, still felt sick but not that sick but later towards the evening I started sneezing and coughing.
And today is Thursday, the coughing and sneezing is accompanied by a runny nose. It actually hurts in my throat to sneeze. And my cough is deep. My nose feels hot inside, the right nostril feels sore. My hair follicles on my scalp are achy. My lips are chapped on the inside of the mouth somehow.
Have I been sick like this before? Yes I have. As far as I can remember. It feels like a full on cold/flu.
And in case you do not know yet.....I belong to the minority of unvaccinated people.

I might entertain you with some more sick stories one day. I have noticed that some people love to talk about their sicknesses and ailments. I don't really relate to them but to each their own.
I will continue this evening with blowing my nose and hopefully tomorrow I will be almost back to normal.
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