Bloom. A 40 foot tall jellyfish that first appeared on the playa last year.

I don't know this art's proper name, so I will call him Samurai.

With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us.
"With one of her aspects she welcomes and seduces; with the other she voraciously devours. She promises everything you’ve been hoping for. All she needs in return is your humanity."

McKenzie climbed up....look how happy and cute she looks!

Passage. I really liked this one. A man made of steel walking and touching some wheat.
The wheat represents the food we need to survive. Beautifully made, lots of detail.

Me and the steel man holding hands. I painted my nails blue as in bluenose pitbull. ❤️

A painting inside Center Camp, I think the little sailing robots were so cute....

Come-Million I found not too far from the trash fence (outskirts of the playa).
Shimmering with thousands of lights in the dark, beautifully lighting up the night.


Great Train Wreck. These two trains faced each other on a track, one evening they collided and wrecked into each other and went up in flames.

I got a ticket at the train station. In the background, Larry Harvey's hat.

Me in front of The Rainbow Bridge.

Night at the Climb In. I heard they had to rope this off after somebody fell down from it.

Rabid Transit. Very impressive mutant vehicle spewing fire and propane.

In Every Lifetime I Will Find You. This one I very much regret not seeing and I searched for it my last night at the playa but I could not find it. I hope it will be back again, if not.... perhaps it will be out there somewhere in the default world. So pretty! Somebody else that saw it sent me this photo. I wish I had a photo of this couple during sunset.

Last but not least....Larry Harvey.

I also wish I would had seen a dog named Dot. This is the story behind it, "This art piece was done in memorial of a Burner who passed away recently. His dream was to build a sculpture of his beloved dog Dot to share with the playa. His campmates lovingly fulfilled his dream this year with this furry, lovable piece. People were invited to leave notes on the art piece and to vocally interact with it."

Photo of Dot borrowed from
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