I've been thinking about my choices and I have to do better choices. One of my goals in life is to be a better person, if not my MAIN goal in life. I don't care about "impressing" others, I do it for me because it makes ME feel good. Yes, I might write about it here in the blog but it's NOT to brag, like some person erroneously thought and wrote about it on Facebook. It was so transparent that she was talking about me. But hey, it's OK.....at least I'm doing something instead of nothing or next to nothing. When other people do something to extend themselves for a good cause it INSPIRES me and makes me happy for them, instead of scoffing at them and think that they are bragging. I think, "If they can do something like that, I can too!"
There is nothing wrong to mention that you did something positive (unless you bring it up every other day or still talk about that one good deed you did over ten years ago, except if it really was something spectacular). I admire people that do good. And I want to do more good. It's up to each individual to decide what they want to do with their life.
The other day one of my readers mentioned that I have inspired her to eat less meat and it really made me happy! How did I become a vegetarian? I grew up eating meat. Well, first of all - I love animals, that is the key factor. I was watching a show late one night on how animals are treated in the short time they are alive and right before slaughter. Although I knew about animal cruelty it didn't really resonate with me until that one night and I decided no more meat. That lasted a few years, no meat at all and then throughout the years I have cheated at times. I had meat when going back to Sweden (could not decline my Mom's food), although not a single bite last year when I was there. No meat at all in 2015. I ate meat once for sure in 2014, maybe twice, I can't really recall. But since about 2008 I have basically been meat free with a few exceptions. So really I am a FLEXITARIAN, I have brought that up a few times in my blog but it's easier to say vegetarian. No meat for me means no chicken and no fish. I do eat eggs at times and I do consume dairy. I am aware of how hens and chickens are treated and the horrible abuse dairy cows suffer through, it's really HORRIBLE at some (many) dairy farms. I have read reports and books on this subject. I just read that one large dairy company is promising to improve the life of their cows (Leprino Foods) after several workers got caught abusing the animals. Look up Leprino Foods animal abuse and see what human beings do to defenseless, beautiful and sentient beings. I think that all places that deal with animals for our consumption should by law have 24/7 surveillance cameras streaming live so the public can watch whenever they choose to. These places are so secretive, guarding themselves from any footage. Why? If everything is done right they would have nothing to worry about and nothing to hide. And who the FUCK goes to work on a dairy farm and abuses the cows?
Or any place with animals for that matter. Talk about sick individuals. I believe in mandatory jail sentencing for that shit.
So yes, I drink milk in my lattes, I eat yoghurt, whipped cream, ice cream and cheese. I admire vegans although I am not a vegan. But I do like what they stand for and I understand.
I became a vegetarian because I decided that I could not eat dead animals, simply because I love animals. NOW.....here is my dilemma. I have bags made of leather and some clothes too. I use products tested on animals. I need to rethink my actions and start making better choices. I looked for some vegan purses online and saw that Stella McCartney has a few that look very nice. I mean, I do not really NEED a Prada purse made from baby calf. And Prada has purses in other materials besides leather, like hemp and some sort of a nylon. My small Prada is made out of nylon. So I have options. Now to products. I need to rethink what products I use both on myself as in beauty products and for the house as in cleaning products. It doesn't take much to research this online. So no more ESSIE nail polish for me, meaning I won't acquire any new bottles of ESSIE. I need to make an inventory of my shampoos, conditioners, make up etc and slowly start making changes. I can't promise that everything that I use will be cruelty free but I WILL make an effort. Why? Because for ME, it's the right thing to do. I can say that not eating meat has not affected me in a negative way health wise, at least to my knowledge. I feel healthy, I am strong, I usually have pretty good energy (besides when I'm tired from work but hey, dancing is exhausting)......and I look great.
I also try to better myself with the stuff most of us in the Western world take for granted. Transportation, running water and electricity. I TRY to think about eco driving, although I do drive everywhere (unless in Sweden or NYC). The last two times I was in New York I was super proud of myself that I did not get in a cab once, not even going to or from the airport. I just HAD to schlep those suitcases on the subway. But in Vegas I drive, never took the bus once here. And there is no such thing as public transportation in Kenai. I also try to be mindful of my water consumption, like when I brush my teeth I turn the water off and I try to not turn on the light when it's not necessary, for example if I just need to grab something out of the bathroom and I know where it might be. BUT Chhaya gets a light on at home when I leave her for the evening. And I slip up at times, then catch myself and always think I can improve.
Trust me, I have no problem fessing up to when I forget myself, I am far from perfect. I don't want to be one of those people that talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.
One can start small. Thinking you NEED meat every day is just wrong. You don't. You will survive without it, I promise. I like what Paul McCartney is proposing, Meat Free Mondays.
I think that's great. Do that, start with no meat once a week and ponder what it means......what life is for those animals that give up their life for you. That's how I started thinking. You have to start somewhere to make a change. And you do want to make a positive change for yourself and this world, right?
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