Of course the Man statue itself is part of the art. The man burned down on a Saturday, I am not sure how tall the Man was this year but it was very tall.......
Then there was the beautiful Temple building......the Temple burned down on a Sunday.
This amazing structure was called Embrace. It cost about $266 000 (WOW) and a ton of willing volunteers to create, much of the cost was funded by Kickstarter and various fundraisers. Embrace burnt down on a Friday. Embrace symbolized the celebration of all our relationships. I loved Embrace, spectacular.
I spent spent some time one night out by this LOVE structure. You have to actually be there to capture the feeling and understand the beauty and magnificence of it all.
Some parting words that I feel have lots of meaning, definitely in the spirit of Burning Man and Black Rock City.
Paul on :
I am sure only good looking people are allowed at Burning man right
TATIANA Post author on :
To me everybody is beautiful at Burning Man......sounds cheesy but it's just how it is. YOU SHOULD GO!!!!!