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Entries from November 2023

Tuesday, November 28. 2023

The Ocean And The Moon

I saw the ocean and viewed the moon. There is one full moon left in 2023, this year is almost over.
The next full moon is happening on December 26 and is called the Cold Moon.

The Astoria Column with the moon and a barely visible star shining to the right.


Little treasures.

I spent some time with Julia yesterday, we went to Powell's on SE Hawthorne. I told her to try to come back for Christmas. 
I don't know how I feel about the arrival of 2024. This world is so unstable right now. I just want calm. 

Monday, November 27. 2023

Can't Get Enough

I will talk about my fave veggie and dressing meal again because I can't get enough of it. SO GOOD!
A large tomato, I usually get a hot house. A bellpepper, I usually get an orange or a red. An avocado. Preferably all organic. Cut up. Drizzle lots of green goddess dressing on top. I could probably have this every day. So simple and so delicious.


Other thoughts I have around food is that I am going to start eating walnuts and blueberries on a regular basis and add Lion's Mane mushroom mycelium powder to my diet.  

Thursday, November 23. 2023

Third Thursday In November

It is the third Thursday in November, also known as Thanksgiving if you live in the US. It is not necessary for me to celebrate Thanksgiving and I also don't eat turkey or pumpkin pie. I had a very nice and peaceful day. A walk with Kaya. Look at my beautiful princess! She gets to use Chhaya's jackets and necklaces. ❤️  But I got new harnesses and leashes for her.

I had dinner then tea and apple pie. Fed the birds. Relaxed a bit then went to see my friend Julia that is in town for a few days.

As always I am thankful for all the good things in life. A roof over my head, a warm and comfortable bed with clean bedding. Food. Clean water coming out of the faucets. That I am healthy. Friends. I am very aware of that so many don't even have their basic needs met. I think about that every day.


Tuesday, November 21. 2023

The Last Week Or So

Well I am feeling much better. I got my voice back and the cough is almost gone, still coughing once in a while though. This is what I have been up to the last week or so.
Met Ann for coffee. I had a cardamom latte she had something called "Cortado".

Went looking at mushrooms with Ann, took a bunch of pictures of cute mushrooms. Here are two. A majestic Amanita muscaria or fly agaric. This is what makes Santa's reindeers fly.

And I don't know what kind of mushroom this is but it was cute.
There is a mushroom growing in Oregon called Psilocybe azurescens, it is one of the most potent of the magic mushrooms.
I would like to find some. 

Went to a deli called Peter Pan Market & Deli (what a great name for a deli) and ordered a sandwich. Saw this and had to take a picture. Tinkerbell is a cutie.

Had Pet Pack. One of my favorite girls paid a visit - Lucy. She is such a good girl. I give her extra cuddles and lots of attention. I love dogs. 

One night last week work was slooooooow (nothing unusual). Somebody bought us all McDonald's (Thank You random nice guy!). I got an apple pie and was content with that. I am dreaming about a Work from Home job. I love being at home.
The thought of not have to get ready and be somewhere.......yea mucho appealing. 

And speaking of apple pie.....this apple tart is back at Trader Joe's. I eat a lot of this when it is in season.
I can easily scarf down one a day. I also got some bananas because I have a weird ache in my calf. It could be that I need some potassium although I ate the bananas and the ache is still there......or it is a blood clot or nothing at all. Exciting! The crumpets are for Ann, I am seeing her tomorrow.

Monday, November 13. 2023


I am sick. So I am at home, in bed with a cough that is ripping through me like every other minute it feels like. It started with a sore throat and then I lost my voice. I have been semi voiceless since Saturday......I am whispering. Add a runny nose to that. Even my hair follicles hurt. I have been spending many hours in bed binge watching Selling Sunset and eating.
Anyhow, I think I will be almost back to normal by tomorrow this time.
Meanwhile a picture from tonight's walk in Gabriel Park.

I just wanted to check in and say HI. So.....HI!

Monday, November 6. 2023

Far Out There

It has been raining like crazy here (or like they say in the UK -  raining cats and dogs) and last night there was even thunder and lightning. I am spending some time at the Oregon coast. It is easy to feel a bit down when the weather is this heavy.
I have to force myself to go outside and do something. It is going to be raining for the next five or six months so it is what it is. 
I saw a pair of Bearpaw boots at Ross the other day. Ross is a great store here in the US, you can find all kinds of things there at a reduced price. There was only one pair left in my size, size 8. But I decided to wait a day......the thought was that if the boots were there the following day then I would get them. I did not think they would be since I saw them Saturday and that is a busy day for shopping, I went back yesterday and there they were, so I got them. Why not. $38. These are not for wet weather though. Fake fur of course. I am anti real fur. Absolutely no to real fur.

Then I had to admire the colors of the trees for a bit. I took a moment in between errands. Nature is so spectacular.

I saw this sign outside a bar. Funny. 

Today I drove out to the beach. There was a break in the rain and the sun peeked through.

I saw this......it was way more amazing in reality. This picture does not make it justice. I almost expected an angel or something to appear, it was that majestic. Crepuscular rays.

And far out there I spotted something that looked like a building of some sort on a rock. Indeed it is, Tillamook Rock Lighthouse aka Terrible Tilly. About one mile out in the ocean. 

Now I am going to spend the next few hours reading. Then sleep. Feeling a bit down and anxious, trying to not feel this way.