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Entries from February 2015

Saturday, February 14. 2015


The other night I went and saw Absinthe (a show here in town). I have seen most of the Cirque du Soleil shows and have been curious about Absinthe for a while (Absinthe is not a Cirque show). Well, first when I sat down I thought the tent (the show is in a tent outside) was kind of small and the seats very close together, you basically rub elbows with your neighbors and also the seats are the most uncomfortable of any show I have been to in Vegas. You sit on a basic wooden chair. But all of that did not matter once the show commenced. It was really good! You are very close to the performers (depending on seats, I was rather close) and some of them really put on some extremely difficult and dangerous acts. I was very impressed and slightly worried a few times that somebody would projectile out into the audience and cause a disaster. It's amazing how talented these performers are.....I snapped a few pics but they do not do the show justice and I was so into the show that taking pics wasn't a priority. Absinthe is also a fun show, lots of laughs.

After Absinthe I went to Little Darlings (yes, I decided to go one more time) because they were having a wet t-shirt contest there, well at least I thought they would. But no girls signed up for it! So no contest. How weird, the ad said $1000 in cash prices but no takers. I do not do contests, not my thing. Once a friend convinced me to enter in one (here in Vegas) and you had to be crafty and make a bikini and not out of fabric. So my friend told me (actually pleaded with me) that she would make the bikini if I wore it in the competition. She made a cookies and cream bikini out of Oreo cookies and small milk cartons plus saran wrap in certain places so the cookies would cover my private parts, very clever. I was kind of mortified when I stumbled out on the stage, like I said, I don't like "competing" like that. Anyhow, I got third place and $400 that we split.....or was it $300? It's been so long, I can't recall the amount anymore. I will look for the pics, I saw them the other day.
Anyhow, back to Little Darlings.....so no willing wet t-shirt contestants. BUT on the other hand, a HUGE improvement from the last time I was there which was on a Saturday. The last time, only rap, rather ghetto and the girls were not that great either. This time - good music and a handful of very attractive ladies. There were about five that were quite stunning. I remember one was called Pixie and another Queen. Both suuuuuper pretty. It's weird being in the audience in a strip club. I start thinking about things that I should perhaps improve on myself and I look at stuff like feet and if the dancers toes are polished, details like are their outfits nice and clean etc.....some girls looked very blase, bored and zombie like when on stage.
It looks bad but I know how it is sometimes (like BLEH & BARF) so I get it.......

Thursday, February 12. 2015

Clark County Wetlands Park

Today I decided to check out Clark County Wetlands Park since I never been there before.
It's on the East side of town, far out on Tropicana and I live on the West side of town.
It's getting hot here in Sin City and I made sure to bring water for Chhaya to drink and a spray bottle filled with water to mist her with. There was nothing really exciting to see in the Wetlands Park. Sunset Park is way better!
Just a bunch of dry bushes and crispy tall grasses that I learned is called reed. And a bit too hot. Dawn or dusk is the time to go to Wetlands Park, at least on a sunny day this time of year. I did finally arrive (after a short walk) to a pond so yes, there is water in the desert. No bathing in the pond though, it's some sort of a protected wildlife area. I might go swimming somewhere tomorrow. Maybe, haven't decided yet.
Right now I am waiting for somebody to come and fix a flat tire that I got. One of life's nice surprises! Hello, flat tire.....FUN! Then I'm going to go and take care of some errands and find some food.

Wednesday, February 11. 2015

Annoying Incident

So I got annoyed a few times in the last couple of days over small stuff but still stuff that is ANNOYING. I went to the post office because I have a package to send to my Mom and some Valentines Day cards. There is a small post office up the road inside a party supply store.
I went there. I guess they close for lunch every day between 2-3, like I said it's a small post office where the only person working gets to go on a lunch break. Fair enough. I get there and the person working rolls her eyes when she sees me cause she is on her way to take her beak and taking care of a customer is definitely not want she wants. I can understand that, so I say...."Is it already 2?" "Yes", was her reply before she ran off. OK then, I look at the clock and it's 1 50.....so ten minutes that I could had sent off my stuff. And shortly after an older lady arrived, I'm guessing around 70 years old. She too was hoping to mail something before 2 and was rather disappointed. Yes, I know getting your break is important. Especially if you are starving. When I exited, the postal worked stood outside and smoked. Hungry for nicotine. This is a government job, so do your job right. But what is really annoying about the post office is that today I found out that they changed some stuff regarding international mail.
It's still super expensive, around Christmas I usually pay $200 plus to mail stuff off to family and friends. Well, the labels you need for declaring what you are sending abroad are no longer available at the post office. You have to fill the label out online and print it out.
I'm assuming they are trying to save money on the cost of the labels. Well, what if you don't have a printer. Helloooooo? Not everybody has a printer. Or a computer for that matter. So I went to Kinkos to take care of this annoying label crap, filled it out and then the US post office website was experiencing some difficulties and told me to return another time. So no label. Thanks a bunch US post office. BARF!
Now to the next annoying incident. At Sambalatte - I go there a lot. The latte is rather pricy there, so I expect to get milk all the way up to the rim of my cup so I don't have to top it off with cold half and half. About 50% of the time I have to ask the barista who made my latte for more milk. No, I don't want an inch gap, I want my cup/mug full. Today the barista had a bad attitude when I politely asked for more milk and I'm super nice to all of them in there. Like I was asking for something impossible? Just fill the freakin' cup all the way, do it right the first time and you won't have people asking for more milk. Yes, when a latte is $5 plus some change and a tip (!) I expect it to be done the way I want.
At Sambalatte they have some intricate coffee alchemy mystery stuff on the menu, in case you want to "enhance your coffee adventure". I haven't done this to my drink, I just order my usual vanilla latte. That I want enhanced with hot frothy milk all the way to the top.
Thank You!

Monday, February 9. 2015

Up To

What have I been up to the last couple of days? Just some stuff. Went to Red Rock (usually I go there about once a week).

Had latte, this one while shopping at the Fashion Show Mall.

Found some weird store toting itself as a survivalist store. Some people are preparing for the end of the world, aka "preppers" or survivalists, so I got curios and had to see what they had in there. Thought that maybe they had a vanilla latte supply for the next 50 years or so in case I get stuck in a cave somewhere. But it was more of a fun store. Lots of fun photo opportunities though, so I might have to go back there. Me and my new friends.

Went bowling with Julia and our significant others last night. It was more like a crazy bowling convention. I thought Julia was going to break either the floor or the bowling balls cause she was throwing the bowling ball down the lane, basket ball style. But it was fun to bowl, I think it was like ten years ago last time I did it. I managed to get 90 something points.

And some random pics just because.......

Saturday, February 7. 2015

Shoots & Video

I have done a few more shoots and even some videos in the last week. This is all for fun and nothing serious. I like photography and I think it's fun to have pics of myself and I am not a bit ashamed to admit that. Everybody else that takes selfies likes pics of themselves just as much as I do. I just happen to be lucky enough to know people that are willing to sacrifice their precious time and take pictures of me. And yes, I take selfies too. Tons. My phone is not called a phone, it's called " the selfie machine".
Barry gave me two prints. One is one of my fave pics of myself. We were shooting at some abandoned crazy looking area outside Vegas and came across a chair, then I found a light bulb laying there and that resulted in this badass pic. I think it's from 2011. And the black and white is from a hot spring in the Lake Mead area and I think it's from 2007 or perhaps 2008. Now I can frame them and hang them up. Cool!

Then Wolf came over and we took some pics and he shot videos of me. I'm not used to video, I have no acting aspirations whatsoever and watching the result, yourself in movement, is both strange and fascinating. Kind of like hearing yourself speak on a recording, it doesn't sound like you had imagined you would sound like. So yeah.....the video was weird to watch. It's short (about three minutes) and I don't speak, Wolf added some beautiful music to it. After watching it I decided that I should had concentrated more on my posture and sticking my butt out (didn't even cross my mind) and I should had washed my hair (looks like bleh) but I was not prepared for any video taking. Oh well, maybe next time. Here are some stills taken from the video. Chhaya participated too!

And a pic from the shoot. Look how cute Chhaya's face expression is......! Awwwww the baby!

Photographer Wolf189

Thursday, February 5. 2015


It's getting hotter here. My favorite time to be in Vegas is between October and April.
After that I think it's just too hot and the sun burns my pale skin. Me and Julia spent yesterday afternoon at MadHouse Coffee, taking pics with our lattes so we can earn free drinks. I love everything free and I will torture Julia to walk for great lengths in the sun so I can save a few dollars on random stuff. Hey, it's in my blood! I can't help myself. Sometimes I even haggle. You never know unless you ask.....right?
The other day I drove to a gas station on Lake Mead and Losee to get cheap gas in the middle of the night......when I got out of the car and saw all the crazies running around the place, I wondered for a few seconds if I would make it out of there alive or with all my belongings.
I don't think I will get gas there again, even if it's cheap. So far the cheapest gas was two Sundays ago, $1.97 9/10. I get excited over bargains. Maybe I should take up couponing?
That might very well be my natural talent.
I found a "Smile On A Stick". I had one years ago but it disappeared, now I have one again. You can have lots of fun with it, I have some ideas already......