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Entries from February 2015

Saturday, February 21. 2015

Heart Attack Grill

I've been craving shakes and fries lately and I've also been curios about a much talked about burger place here in Vegas, Heart Attack Grill, so I went the other night to satisfy my cravings.The Heart Attack Grill is located on Fremont Street. First of all, if you happen to be 350 lbs or more (about 158 kilos or so) you can eat free here, everyday, as long as you buy a soda to go with your free meal. I do not qualify for this free happy meal offer.

The menu features mostly burgers but I did get my shake I've been craving, they put a piece of butter on top instead of a cherry I'm guessing. I also got fries and onion rings. I was happy with the taste of my food, I like almost everything, my taste buds are not hard to please, BUT the shake was too small so I was disappointed in that.

What I did very much enjoy was that all the waitresses were dressed in super cute nurse uniforms. Looking something like this. Plus they will spank you with a wooden paddle (HARD!) in front of everybody if you want.

There are lots of cool posters and fun decorations all over the place. And they play music videos. When "Youth Gone Wild" by Skid Row came on I decided I definitely like the Heart Attack Grill. Sebastian Bach = best singer of the heavy metal (?) bands, voice of an angel and gorgeous too. So I was stuffing my face with fries and onion rings and singing along to the songs. This is a fun visit if you crave a burger, a shake or some fries and want a different experience than just the ordinary food place offers. I recommend a visit.

Friday, February 20. 2015

News From Vegas

Have you heard of the Mom of four kids that got shot at and died a few days ago here in Vegas in what, after some confusing reports, first was reported to have been a case of road rage and now it's turning into some still unclear story of the victim knowing her assailant. Well let me tell you, that happened two blocks from where I live. First of all, the night of the shooting I was driving home, I turned on Alta and passed a police car parked on the side of the road. The officer was putting out those yellow little things with numbers on them on the road.....I slowed down and had to slightly drive to the left to pass the police car.
I thought......there must be bullets or shells laying on the road that he is locating. The next day when I woke up I heard about the shooting. And today they arrested some 19 year old kid that most likely shot the lady, although supposedly one more guy is on the loose. This is a nice neighborhood close to a school, a church and a park where I take Chhaya for walks. It's the only park I walk to from my house because it's that close, the other two local parks I take Chhaya to I drive to. I drove down Cherry River Drive at 10 50 PM tonight. There were news vans from at least three different local news stations there, setting up to do interviews and plenty of police presence still. Earlier today, around 4 PM or so there were A LOT of cop cars and yellow tape, meaning don't cross. The reports of what really happened are still vague, confusing and keep on changing. The initial story told the day after the shooting is not the story they are reporting now. Hmmmm......I thought something sounded weird with the initial story and I have some theories but that's not too important right now. What is for sure is that the lady (her name was Tammy) that died, woke up that day, most likely feeling like it was just another regular day. Later on she was shot dead and a family shattered. Tammy was married and had four kids. I can't even imagine if that happened to my Mom.......Crazy!
I did not get out of the car or take any pics of cop cars/people. The situation down the street is tense and I don't want to annoy a tired cop.

Some more news from Vegas. Home invasions have increased here since the economy worsened after about 2008. Recently five teenagers got arrested after being involved in a brutal home invasion here last month. Not only did they steal from the family they also sexually assaulted some of them. There were children in the house. The five guys arrested are teenagers. I doubt this was their first criminal act. You just don't wake up one day, feel bored and decide to go and invade homes and beat up random innocent people just for fun. Burglary, home invasion, robbery and sexual assault are serious crimes. I'd rather have my car stolen than have a group of guys break into my house, steal my stuff, beat me up and sexually assault me. I don't know if I would mentally recover from that. And I've had my car stolen here in Vegas and I've been burglarized too. Trust me, that was NOT fun. I was very upset and I still think about it at times but home invasion? That's just too much!
I think these five assholes should be tried as adults and put away for a very long time. To me they seem like violent repeat offenders. They do not belong in society.
And that my friends were some recent and sad news from Vegas.

Wednesday, February 18. 2015


I found pączki (Polish doughnuts) at Smiths last night.....so I had to try them. When I was living at home with my Mom she would make pączki from scratch every Christmas and they were delicious! These ones from Smiths.....kind of yucky. I barely finished one and won't eat the other three. I haven't even been to the Polish Deli since I've been in Vegas. I must be lazy.
In fact I'm feeling very lazy and unmotivated right now. And hungry. I need to find the motivation to get out of bed and go hunt down some food. And get going with my day.

Tuesday, February 17. 2015

Red Rock Lanes

I went bowling at Red Rock Lanes again, this time with my two loves Fuckface and Skrootie.
I kind of like bowling (I think) this might become my new hobby as I am approaching old age faster than I care for. Bowling and an RV, I think I have my future figured out! 🙂
Of course we had to take pictures......well, I HAD to take pictures. Look, me and Skrootie are the cutest.

Fuckface is shy so he will only show his backside.....very SEKSI backside I think.

Since I am a natural and cleaning I decided to borrow the cleaning supply cart and made sure to leave the place spotless.
Bowling shoes are HOT!

I am Skrinkie, that's my other name and this time Skrinkie came in last. I thought I would be a strong second but then Skrootie started throwing down a series of nines and I just could not keep up. Fuckface is unbeatable, for now.

Monday, February 16. 2015

Lake Mead

I went to Lake Mead the other day with the intention to go swimming. Well, to be honest I only went in mid calf. It wasn't THAT cold but I can be a bit sensitive to cold water. Like a big baby. Anyhow, finding a nice place to lay down and enjoy the "beach" at Lake Mead is easier said than done. I went to a place I used to go to when I lived in Vegas full time. The water level at the lake has gone down a lot, so you are basically walking on large rocks and small crispy sea shells (or whatever they are) that are attached to the rocks. Not that comfortable at all. It's not like a nice beach in Hawaii or something. But I stayed for a couple of hours and tanned plus Chhaya did go swimming, she gets the sticks I throw out for her into the water. So she had fun. And that's all that matters to me.

She did not want anything to do with this though.....could not wait to get off.

Since we were already at Lake Mead we went back to Redstone. It's really gorgeous there.

Sunday, February 15. 2015

My V Day

OK, so Valentine's Day is almost over and I'm in bed with Chhaya next to me while some clothes are drying in the dryer. I did go down to the Strip and had dinner, I ate at Guy Fieri's and it was good. I'm a foodie and one of my pleasures in life is to eat and try new places to eat. Actually during dinner I blurted out that I should work as one of those secret restaurant evaluators.....giving out Michelin stars to places, or not. I think I would be great at that, the only catch - I don't eat meat (yes, that includes fish). But I will gladly savor and analyze all the other dishes on the menu, especially the desserts!
Here are some pics from my V Day. Chhaya of course - the love of my life. ❤

I finished all the chocolates in the read heart while in bed. Accompanied with a hot cup of tea. Delicious!

Kisses to all! xoxo

Do you ever have people tell you that you look like somebody? Once in a while you get some random person that you don't look like at all besides in they eye's of whoever that said it.
Like mistaken identity stuff, it happened to me a couple of times, kind of creepy actually that there might be some stranger out there that looks a lot like you.
But when many people say the same thing, you start to wonder. So for a while I would get Gwyneth Paltrow. A lot. Like at least 30 times I've heard that, probably more. I don't really see the resemblance but whatever. In the last two weeks three different people told me Iggy Azalea. What? Not body of course, we do not have the same shape. Face? I don't know? Maybe in motion I can see some resemblance but not in pics. Sometimes a person looks totally different in motion and real life than pics. A lot of times nowadays actually due to photo shop and filters.
Back to more V Day. So I read an article in The Sunday (free weekly Vegas magazine) about finding love in Sin City......It said that people here have too high standards and unrealistic expectations. Women want men with six pack abs, men want beautiful women much younger than themselves (like half their age) and with perfect proportions. "Dating" sites where men with money to throw around can find a Sugar Baby to spoil are oversaturated with hungry Sugar Babies. 47 000 Sugar Babies have 9000 Sugar Daddies to fight for. Ouch! I guess if I was in the habit of dating men double my age I would too look for a Sugar Daddy. But I'm not and it's not my thing but I don't really want to judge. As long as the two parties both are aware of what they are in for I guess.......There are more men than women in living Vegas, 118 to 100. But if you look at different sites you will get different results but all of them say that there are more men than women here. I can think of a place where the women outnumber the men in Vegas, the strip clubs. Far too many women and not enough guys. And the women (the dancers) are very hungry for what's in the wallet, some of them bordering some serious desperation. I think many men get confused in a strip club and think that real life and what they experienced in the club are somewhat similar, hence the men out there that want beautiful women with perfect proportions half their age. Duh, once your wallet is empty she will leave. Helllllloooooo!!!! Wake up and smell the coffee buddy! If you want a beautiful girl you better have something to offer her, as far as in your own qualities or you can become a Sugar Daddy too.
I know that finding a quality relationship is difficult. I want quality, not quantity. I am not into dating around. It takes work to have a good relationship, unless you are so incredibly lucky to find that perfect match for you that you get along amazingly well with on all levels OR you are a pushover and never speak up and disagree although you are dying inside. That's not me.
To me communication is the key. I can't read a person mind so I need them to talk to me.
I don't need a hard body or a deep wallet but I need a grown up man, not a baby. That means emotionally grown up, not some hair on the balls. That is NOT impressive. Of course I have to be attracted to the guy too but that only goes so far. You can be in a relationship but feel lonely and that is a horrible feeling. I guess they have a local place here now where you can hire somebody to cuddle with you, cuddle only - no kissing, touching privates and no sex.
You can buy cuddles by the hour ($80) of overnight ($325). In the article it says, " A lot of people are married and don't have a good relationship with their wife, so they just miss human touch." OK......how about you start COMMUNICATING with your wife and PAY ATTENTION to her and APPRECIATE her, I bet that would change some things up in the relationship and there would be no need for human touch from strangers billed at $80/hour or more. WTF? And BARF!
In the end, the most important relationship you should have is the one you have with yourself. This is true. That and whatever animal friend's you might have in your life. I love Chhaya so much. So here I am, Chhaya next to me, I'm about to turn the lights off and sleep, cuddling with her for free. So wherever you are, single or in a relationship, I hope you are happy and kind to yourself. Happy Valentine's Day! ❤

Pic borrowed from sugarbones.net