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Entries from February 2015

Wednesday, February 4. 2015

Right Place Right Time

Yesterday before I was getting ready to meet Julia to walk a few laps around the park on Buffalo and Washington I stopped in at Trader Joe's for a free coffee. I love Trader Joe's......you get small coffees for free and they also provide cream and sugar. Perfect!

When we started walking I heard some kind of commotion behind us somewhere. I turn around and see a guy and a girl fighting.....it looked like he was being violent with her and there was lots of yelling. I got involved and started yelling loudly for him to leave her alone and that I was going to call the cops. He threw her purse hard into the ground several times and she was crying. Then he left and she was picking up her stuff that was scattered all over.....So we decided to approach her to see if she needed ANYTHING. Well, to make a rather long story short. Her name was Becky, 19 years old. Boyfriend 22 has been abusive towards her for the last two months. Including slapping in the face, pushing and choking her until she blacked out. She had decided to leave him and he was not happy about that (of course). Typical abusive and manipulative guy, telling her it's her fault when he gets mad and violent towards her, making her be with him only and not with her friends. We comforted this crying girl. She said she was embarrassed to be crying and we reassured her she had done nothing wrong. The boyfriend appeared behind us a few minutes later yelling nonsense like "bitch" and bla bla bla, I told him to stay the fuck away or he would regret it. Then we gave her a ride home to her Dad's house where she also was living. We told her to NOT go back to this "boyfriend" even though he most likely would try to win her back with sweet talk and I love you's. He at 22 is still living at home with his Mom, that according to Becky he would be verbally abusive to and he already had done some time for an incident involving violence. Typical loser and an abusive loser too. Me and Julia told Becky that she has her whole life ahead of her and with no ties like having kids together with him, she must cut him loose and move on to a bright future. We also told her that statistically women that get badly hurt and/or even murdered are usually the victims of a husband, boyfriend or an ex. We gave her our contact info if she needs us for anything, like help filing a restraining order or talk etc. We have her address and we are going to make her a really cute V❤lentine's card and send it to her. Outside her Dad's house we all hugged. Becky said she did not know what she would had done if we had not been there when all of this was going on with the boyfriend. We were simply at the right place at the right time.
And both me and Julia are really glad that we were there when this happened.
A few weeks ago I assisted another girl in distress. I was walking to my car after shopping at the Miracle Mile Shops when a girl came up to me and asked me if I could help her find her car. She said she had asked several people to help her and nobody would. She was a bit tipsy and I was concerned whether she was going to be able to drive home but she seemed OK, just somewhat frazzled and worried. It took maybe 15 minutes of looking and then we found the car. She wanted a hug too at the end. Sometimes you just have to do the right thing, even if it's taking an extra time out of your day or your comfort zone. Imagine if that was YOU going through something upsetting and there was nobody there willing to help. What an awful feeling! Speak up when witnessing something wrong. Do something if you can help.

Be kind. Easier said than done. I always say that actions speak louder than words. I came across this picture hanging on a wall in a store the other day and decided to snap a pic of it.
I think it ended up fitting this blog entry......

Tuesday, February 3. 2015

Pale Moon

I tried to get a good shot of the pale moon today when I was walking with Chhaya in the park. Another beautiful day here in Vegas.....

And here are some gorgeous colors coloring the sky as the sun was setting and I was about to get something to eat from Whole Foods. I felt so grateful to be alive and here in the moment.

Me and Chhaya have been enjoying a routine of getting latte and a pastry around noon, Sambalatte usually since it's right up the road. The we pick one of the parks close to the house, or drive to Sunset Park or out to Red Rock for the daily fun walk. Chhaya's hunting ears, looking out for rabbits.

I do not have a green thumb so I am very impressed with the roses that are growing on my rose bush right now. So gorgeous. All I have been doing is watering. I did clean up some old leaves and sticks outside today and cleaned the patio. Desert landscaping, meaning stones, rocks and bushes.

Right now I'm drying some laundry, Chhaya is resting. I'm going to take her out again in a bit. I'm doing good, feeling happy and grateful for a lot. A few weeks ago I was having a hard time for a short time. One evening I completely lost it for a good 30 minutes or so. My neighbors (if they heard me) probably thought I was crazy. Yes, I cried and screamed LOUDLY. And in that moment.....I did feel crazy. Like I was going to lose my mind and even hurt myself. Kind of scary looking back at it now. Because I was very close to actually doing something that I would regret later but I didn't. I did break some stuff and I did hurt myself a little but nothing serious, no bruises and no blood. This was triggered by a combination of me being fed up by the actions of a person in my immediate circle and a situation that I am reluctantly getting dragged into AGAIN, that has caused me a lot of stress in the past. All of that led to me just not being able to keep it together, I was overwhelmed. Why am telling you (a bunch of strangers mostly) this? Well, first of all my life is not perfect and neither am I trying to paint it out like it is. I have good days (like today) and bad days (like that day) and just normal days, days when I'm tired etc. But mostly I can honestly say that I am happy. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I was feeling really, really sad and everything was just so difficult right then but that turned and today I am very happy and loving my life. Nobody died and nobody is sick, so things could definitely be worse. Also, in case you do know me a little bit or know who I am and actually read my blog (yes, I know you are out there...... ;-) ) I'd rather you hear my version of the story, meaning the TRUE version than some half truth, or lie that somebody else might have told you. Just in case......Plus I'm not "ashamed" to admit to having an emotional moment. I would had been ashamed if I had been the person causing another persons pain and tears for no reason, or if I had out of anger injured somebody else. But I didn't. So no, there is no reason to be ashamed to admit to tears and having a temporary meltdown.
Many people out there pretend to live a life that they really don't. It's an extension of Facebook that I sometimes call Fakebook. I find that rather ridiculous but that's them and not me. I don't pretend to live a certain way. Never felt the need to.

Monday, February 2. 2015


This is one of my images from the shoot I did last Sunday. So it's basically brand new. I only got a few images to choose from and this might be the only one that I end up sharing from that shoot. Maybe one or two more, we'll see. That's how it goes sometimes. Wes, the photographer, told me to bring heels and boots. That's it. He shoots nudes. As you can see nude can be tasteful. When some people think of nude pics of girls they think of Hustler style pics. That is not my style. I don't mind shooting nudes as long as they look something in the line of this, or cute and playful. Everybody likes different things and views "art" differently.
To me this is art. And that is the actual sun shining like a huge star behind me, pretty cool!
I don't know how Wes did it but there were light reflectors on me and flashes bouncing off me.