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Entries from September 2014

Wednesday, September 24. 2014


I heard some talk about two of the girls that worked here in the summer and their trips to the grocery stores around town. That they would dress up kind of SEKSI and go up to random guys shopping and advertise their "services". I don't know if they were approaching the men with some kind of invitation about coming into the club and see them naked or if there were invitations to spend other kind of time together. You know, play for pay. They supposedly did some of that also.
Sure, this was gossip but these two ladies built a nice reputation for themselves while being here.....so I doubt it is completely unfounded.
Now, going up to guys shopping for groceries can be rather risky. He might be there with his significant other that is just temporary out of sight because she might be bagging up some tomatoes or grabbing milk. If I would had seen two skanks trying to rub up on MY man, well I would had grabbed one of these fish whackers that you can buy at Fred Meyer and smacked them around a bit. Bitch whacker OK?!
Actually I am going to get one of these whackers, not to slap around some skanks with......I am going to slap guys around with it at work. Provide some extra discipline when they don't behave how I see it fitting. Boss Lady will be thrilled when I bring it in next time I work!

Tuesday, September 23. 2014

Crater Lake

On the way back from Burning Man I stopped by Crater Lake, that's in Oregon. First of all, Oregon is a beautiful place, I need to spend more time there. I know there must be some amazing hot springs and hikes there and I need to explore more of Oregon. Crater Lake is magical. The color of the water is a blue I have never seen before, rich, deep and intense.
No picture I have is making the place any justice.....

The island out in the lake is called Wizard Island, a very fitting name. I can just imagine a Harry Potter style wizard living there with a few owls as company.
I explored the surroundings for a few hours.

My dream right now is to get an RV, travel around the country and see beautiful sights, go for hikes and visit hot springs. Stop for a latte at cute or interesting cafes. Take my time, enjoy, dip my toes in the ocean, lakes and streams. Gaze at a sky full of stars in a forest somewhere. Fall asleep to the sound of chirping crickets and the wind rustling through the trees. All of that and more.


Monday, September 22. 2014

Let's Cook

I am very excited to announce that it's Breaking Bad time for me again. I am going to watch the whole show from the beginning until the end and savor every second. I loooooove Breaking Bad, I think it's the best stuff ever. Even better than Dallas that was my fave when I was little, oh and Little House On The Prairie too of course. When I was little (young teen or tween can't recall exactly) they would show Dallas on Swedish television and I thought Dallas was great, I was fascinated of what I saw. Everybody was so pretty (Pam and Lucy were my faves) there were horses and a ranch - in my mind back then Dallas was the way to live life. Never would I had imagined then that I would live in the US in the future, building up to having my own Dallas kind of life.....oh yes it's going to happen.
I'm not the only Breaking Bad fan, have you read Anthony Hopkins open fan letter to Bryan Cranston (that plays the fantastic Mr Walter White in the show)? If not, you should. Here are some snippets, "I have never watched anything like it. Brilliant! Your performance as Walter White was the best acting I have seen - ever. Thank you. That kind of work/artistry is rare, and when, once in a while, it occurs, as in this epic work, it restores confidence. You and all the cast are the best actors I've ever seen."
I have to say I agree. The plot and the acting - superb. I love Walter and I love Jesse.

And before anybody's crappy imagination starts running wild. It's freakin' baking soda and food coloring OK? I have humor, if you don't - too bad for you.

Saturday, September 20. 2014

Very Grateful

This will be my last entry about my Burning Man 2014 experience. To sum it up - I had lots of fun, I was happy, it was amazing, I want to go again and I'm very grateful that I had the opportunity to go and experience Burning Man again.

If you want to read more about it, check out Sarah Wonderhussy's fantastic blog here
We camped together this year again.


Some parting words that I read somewhere, I don't know who the author is......

"Come with an open mind and an open heart. Let go of any sort of agenda or expectation and you will be right where you need to be."

Friday, September 19. 2014

Black Rock City Experience

I'm not quite done yet with my Black Rock City experience.....I have a few more pics to share.

If you know me then you know that I don't like littering and I care, or try to at least......care for the environment. I mean if I was a true environmentalist I would not fly, so maybe next year I just bike to Burning Man? Yeah right, I'm hoping for an RV again! Well, I had to take a pic with this because it's so me and a few days later a couple of Black Rock City Earth Guardian volunteers came up to me and gave me a green bracelet and appointed me a Black Rock City Earth Guardian. That's right! Speaking of volunteering, so far I have arrived at Burning Man and enjoyed everything that was there, so generously awaiting me, at my fingertips. I might volunteer next year. MIGHT. Do not hold me to it but I have an idea of what I want to volunteer for! Leave No Trace, a message to live by everywhere you go!

This was the first day......it's been 24 days already since that first day. Going into Center Camp. Me from the front.

And the back.

Mooooore pics of me and......stuff.

At the deep Playa I found a very interesting medicine cabinet. A free for all fest. All kinds of goodies, I grabbed fistfuls.

I stopped at the Census wall of information, lots of interesting stuff to read. And I even completed the Black Rock City Census this year.

Stubborn Man

I attended the same two burns this year at Burning Man as last, the burning of the Man and the Temple. The Man got set on fire Saturday night and I made sure to take some pics of me in front if the colossus in the daytime. They start preparing the Man for the burn on Saturday by stacking up firewood and fencing off the area.

In the evening a large crowd gathers in a circle around the Man. There is a pre burn ceremony with fire dancers and stuff but I didn't catch much of that.

Then the Man slowly starts raising his arms and everybody cheers......

Me in the crowd.

The Man burnt for a looooong time, it was a very stubborn Man this year. I'm not sure how long I was sitting there watching the flames but I'm stubborn too and I decided I wasn't going to move until I saw the Man fall. And finally there was the collapse......

This was what was left the next evening, some parts, ashes, smoke and heat. Kind of weird.....you watch the whole thing unfold and then it's over just like that. Like life. Hmmmmm.......that is depressing actually.