Sweden Other

Entries from February 2010

Monday, February 22. 2010

Ongoing problems in Sweden


If you have the time and energy to read it, takes about a minute or two.
This annoys Tatiana to no end. Sweden used to be a rather peaceful place UNTIL they started accepting too many immigrants. It's a small country. Tatianas solution? Kick out the MF's that cause problems, it doesn't matter if they are Africans, Arabs, Polish, Jews, Muslims etc.....(we have them all in Sweden by now) if they can't be "normal" and peaceful, if they do dumb shit and if they don't want to learn how to speak Swedish for various stupid reasons, then they need to go back to where they came from. That's it. Tatiana moved to Sweden with her Mom from Poland, yes it is not the first time she mentions this fact in this blog. She knows the feelings associated with not knowing a language and being targeted for that, arriving somewhere new and foreign. No, it wasn't always easy (actually it was bad at times) BUT if all she would had done was cause problems in Sweden and spread negativity then why even be there?
Sweden is NOT a Muslim country and should NOT become a Muslim country, that would be awful. Neither is is a Jewish country. It is Sweden. Should be calm and peaceful.
There are way too many immigrants in Sweden causing big problems. Tatiana is just waiting for the Swedes to get pissed off and dig out those old dusty Viking helmets and weapons and start cleaning house. See, Swedes are by nature very calm but once they get mad, the old Viking in them wakes up and then you better run.
Tatiana is like a Polish/Swedish mix probably. Kind of hot tempered and feisty but at the same time calm. She thinks. It is not easy making judgements about oneself.