I, Robot
The 2018 Burning Man art theme was I, Robot. To quote some about the theme found on burningman.org, "This year’s art theme will focus on the many forms of artificial intelligence that permeate our lives; from the humble algorithm and its subroutines that sift us, sort us and surveil us, to automated forms of labor that supplant us. Are we entering a Golden Age that frees us all from mindless labor? Everything, it seems, depends on HMI, the Human-Machine Interface. In a world increasingly controlled by smart machines, who will be master and who will be the slave?"
So lot of robots on the playa.....here are some of them and the man.
The man was mainly blue, an electric blue and stood on a platform.....surrounding the man on the platform were 12 robots (robot effigies) of different kinds. The robot family.
"Robot effigies to stand vigil around the Man during the Event, then accompany it to fiery oblivion on Burn Night."

"Robot Resurrection is towering 30 foot tall, human piloted, articulating sculpture made from reclaimed airplane parts and found objects. From the torso cockpit, the operator(s) manipulate the Robot’s motions and fire effects. This piece is a representation of we all have become… Robots. It is a wake-up call of how large these problems are. We have been controlled for too long. Robot Resurrection was born from what we as a society have discarded. Our hope is that this 28′ Robot will inspire reflection upon one’s self and be a reminder of the power we all hold. We hope it awakens some awareness of our situation and encourages some small change on a small scale that leads to big change in the massive system."
From burningman.org

Yellow tape around the man the day of the Burn which always is on a Saturday.

Beautiful and magical Black Rock City! ❤︎

So lot of robots on the playa.....here are some of them and the man.
The man was mainly blue, an electric blue and stood on a platform.....surrounding the man on the platform were 12 robots (robot effigies) of different kinds. The robot family.
"Robot effigies to stand vigil around the Man during the Event, then accompany it to fiery oblivion on Burn Night."

"Robot Resurrection is towering 30 foot tall, human piloted, articulating sculpture made from reclaimed airplane parts and found objects. From the torso cockpit, the operator(s) manipulate the Robot’s motions and fire effects. This piece is a representation of we all have become… Robots. It is a wake-up call of how large these problems are. We have been controlled for too long. Robot Resurrection was born from what we as a society have discarded. Our hope is that this 28′ Robot will inspire reflection upon one’s self and be a reminder of the power we all hold. We hope it awakens some awareness of our situation and encourages some small change on a small scale that leads to big change in the massive system."
From burningman.org

Yellow tape around the man the day of the Burn which always is on a Saturday.

Beautiful and magical Black Rock City! ❤︎