This is what the outfit for the evening looked like......
And Tatiana has a new friend. A very nice man named F.C Bud. He is a Korean War Veteran. He works at the club, taking admission.
He is very sweet. Tatiana got him a loaf of banana nut bread for his morning coffee. He showed Tatiana pictures of his brother and son.
Also, Tatiana is very happy to notice that more and more girls are reading her blog. She loves that! This is not a blog solely to be read by men.
It's not a sex blog by any means.
Tatiana wants girls to read it. The more the better. This blog is about Tatiana's life, the dancing in only a part of it.

Love to all you girls!

Victoria on :
Gonna head to Williston. Drop me a line some time if you have any advice :@)
TATIANA Post author on :
I sent you an email with info.