Keep in mind that Tatiana is rather isolated out here somewhere in the wide open spaces of the wild wild west. No tv.
But here is the latest.
Demi leaving Ashton. Hallelujah, finally this woman's eyes opened and she is leaving this boy monkey that she has been wasting her valuable time with.
Ashton is an immature, not good looking at all, annoying Neanderthal boy.
Tatiana is so pleased to hear that Demi realized this too. Maybe now, Demi can start eating and caring about things that really matter.
Everybody talks bad about Charlie Sheen and his bad boy ways, at least Charlie is honest about who he is. Ashton is walking around with his Kabbalah bracelet around his wrist, pretending to seek enlightenment......Whatever, all he is seeking out is pussy willing to sleep with him, yuck. His enlightenment is years, maybe lifetimes away.
At least Charlie is interesting, funny and quite sexy.
So Kim K, famous for her gargantuan ass and her sex tape with Ray J.
This ass, that Tatiana does not find attractive at all btw, this ass and whatever she did on that sex tape catapulted Kim into fame and millions of dollars. Her and her family.
They are annoying, please go away. Have you heard Kim and Kourtney talk? Super fake.
Tatiana thinks that Kim is a scheming, fame and money hungry person. And she is being worshipped for it. She is as fake as the tons of make up she plasters on every day before she steps out in front of the paparazzi. She has no talent.
How embarrassing to flaunt that gaudy engagement ring that she got from her ΓΌber Neanderthal Kris and then go through with that over the top wedding, two dresses, all the money and gifts she received from that spectacle, only to file for divorce after 72 days. Really!?
What did Kris do for Kim to want a divorce? Cheat on her? Did Kim discover child pornography on his lap top? No, she just didn't want to be with him anymore.
A highly publicized divorce was next on her agenda. There is no way they could possibly know each other after such a short time together. AND he burped into her mouth on tv when she leaned for a kiss. That act itself should had made her run away from him. Totally disgusting. This was not Kim's first rodeo btw, she is 30 and has been married once before and had plenty of boyfriends, she should know better. Now she is pretending to be sad and distraught, don't fall for her act folks. She is sad that people are opening up their eyes to what she really is.
Paris Hilton used to hang out with Kim back in the day, Kim wanted Paris's fame. And people don't like Paris and all she stands for. Tatiana thinks that Paris is way better than Kim. And Paris likes animals. Kim only likes herself and money.
Next for Kim is probably a Playboy spread. Tatiana thinks that Kim should go away. And take that enormous ass with her. Tatiana has seen countless of better asses than Kim's in local titty bars.
Oh, and Kim's momager Kris (her Mom) is an ordained minister. Can anyone become a minister nowadays? Well, that basically answers the question......yes, anyone can......
Who on earth would possibly want to be married by this person that cheated on her late husband and raised such a spectacle like Kim?
Jessica Simpson pregnant and not married? What? Isn't she super religious or something like that? At least she pretends to be. Her "man" that does not work is a lame free loader. After she squeezes that baby out she will turn into the big whale that she has been trying to control all these years.
Kevin Federline is HUGE again. He used to be a really good looking guy. When he was a starving dancer in LA trying to make it. Then he met Britney. Now he looks like a nine months pregnant woman. No more K Fed, now it's Well Fed.
He can still bounce back if he cuts back on the beer and grease and gets that ass on the treadmill.
Tori Spelling had another baby. Three is enough lady. Tie your tubes now and stop overpopulating the world. Thank You! Same message to Ben Affleck and Jennifer.
Tatiana hopes that J.R Martinez wins Dancing With The Stars. Now that her fave Carson Kressley is gone since a while. Love you Carson!
Tatiana does not get a good feeling about Jennifer Aniston's guy Justin. He seems to edgy for her. But at this point Jennifer is probably molding herself into whatever the guy that she starts something with is about, not a good thing for a girl to do.
Tatiana thinks that Justin is with Jennifer because of who she is. Tatiana likes Jen, she is pretty and seems nice. This guy might be bad news. Especially after he dumped his long term girlfriend the way he did when he met Jen.
And while talking about Jen one must mention Angelina.
Rumor has it that she is jealous of Brad's costar in an upcoming movie. Hmmmmm.....
Angelina is beyond gorgeous and immensely interesting. Tatiana always thought that Angelina should dump Brad, he does not even come close to what she is about. But now they have all these little monsters (children) to raise, so they should be together some more for the sake of the monsters. As far as the jealousy, Mali Levi is way gorgeous but she is no Angelina. Tatiana does think that Angelina has a temper and she might get jealous at times but she should know that with or without Brad, she is one amazing woman.
Kate Moss seen looking frazzled gulping down a beer and sucking on a cigarette in Jamaica. Even with no make up and unbrushed hair, Kate is still absolutely beautiful. Tatiana loves Kate forever.
Lindsay Lohan about to be in Playboy? Why not? Lindsay is highly entertaining Tatiana thinks. Better to do a nude Playboy spread where they will make sure you look beautiful with state of the art lights and a good make up artist than having some tacky sex tape of yourself released where you suck on Ray J's private parts, looking like an idiot.
Justin Bieber allegedly got some chick pregnant in some dingy bathroom in a 30 SECOND sex encounter? Tatiana sure hopes he has better taste than that. And stamina.
Speaking of pregnancies.......That creepy Duggar family, the lady is pregnant with bay number 20. Yes, 20. Seriously? Does Tatiana even have to tell ya'll that this is a serious problem? Should be illegal. What does her uterus even look like?
Please, please, STOP having children you awful people!
Btw, Lady Gaga is amazing. She truly is.
That was it for now........

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