Surprise, surprise! No warrants! Even Tatiana was baffled! You know how it is, all strippers are either drunks/druggies/or totally crazy. So really, Tatiana should at least have one warrant out for her arrest but for some strange reason she was innocent like the little angel lamb she is.
Thank goodness that we have the pillars of society that we do, Catholic priests, coaches at Penn State and Kim K - what would the world come to if we didn't have those good moral characters and role models and only sinners like Tatiana?
In this little windy town with the courthouse, Tatiana found a quaint little coffee shop. She had to go in and see what the local latte and pastries tasted like. Yummy indeed!
Lunch later was a disappointment. Need to drive further in hope to get a good meal.
Tatiana has to wash her hair before work today. So it is time to go.
Paul on :
I issued a warrant for you, looks like they missed it
Are you spending Thansgiving in this mystery town?
TATIANA Post author on :