Zion means place of refuge or sanctuary......it's a very fitting description.
Let me tell you about my first day here.
Got up around 8 am and had some breakfast.
The first hike was the the Emerald Pools, all three pools. They are called Emerald Pools because of the greenish looking water. Beautiful!
After that I went to the beginning of the route to a hike called The Narrows. This is a hike that I read about a long time ago, it is voted to be one of the best in the world. You need to be equipped for The Narrows - I wasn't. 16 miles round trip, much of it through water. So I just dipped my feet in the freezing water, they got numb in less than a minute. Refreshing!
Then it was time for Weeping Rock. That one consists of is a quick uphill walk. It was now late afternoon and I still wanted to go up to Angels Landing. I did not have my cellphone on me so I wasn't for sure what time it was but I think I started walking the path leading up to Angels Landing a little before 5 pm. I was the only person going up there (due to the late start). The hike itself is spectacular . I got to the first section of the chains, the last 0.5 miles you hike holding on to chains because some parts are very steep, and decided to turn around safely before it started getting dark. Plus I did not want to scramble out to Angels Landing all alone hanging on to some chains for dear life. And I am scared of heights.
I had a wonderful day. Loved it. Here are some more pics. I took my first couple of self portraits with the self timer on my camera, it worked great.
And my new thing is to make a heart symbol with my hands, cute.
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