Arrival Tuesday with everything that is needed for the week. It is funny because we bring so much with us to the club and end up wearing outfits that fit in the palm of a hand, with exception for the shoes.
I get my little corner. Set everything down.

Then I prepare the corner for me and my stuff. This is where I sit and read, sometimes write, eat, take naps and get away from people. At the end of the night I take home the black bag (outfits, make up, lotion etc) and the grey bag (laptop). The rest stays. And at the end of the work week, which is Saturday I take everything home with me until the next time which for me is the following Tuesday.

You never know in advance what the evening will be like. Tuesday and Saturday I had very good shifts and Wednesday it was empty and I left with $25. So you just never know. It could be fun, it could be boring. My mood changes wildly throughout the night. All kinds of people come through. Some are annoying and some are nice. Sometimes I am a dancer, sometimes I am a therapist.
Swedish word of the day, "lycka" = happiness.

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