I had a doctor's appointment this week Monday, a year since the last time. Last time I told them no blood test because I am so scared of needles, I have a fobia. So this time I decided I should try to get a blood test just to get it done. Because it is important after all.
Blood pressure 121 over 81. I don't even know what that means but the doctor said it was good. Weight 135.
Listened to heart, lungs, breathing and pulse and all of that was good. And then it was needle time. First I said no and then I decided I just had to go through with it. And I survived but it was not pleasant. It leaves a lingering weird feeling in my arm afterwards.

Wellllll.......the test results came back and everything that they test for came back normal EXCEPT that my A1C is 5.7 and that is mild prediabetes. What? I guess I do need to start thinking about all the sweets that I eat. I do not seek out exercise on purpose, I used to run (can't do that anymore) and go to the gym (no more of that either). Now I walk Kaya and work. Another factor that can lead to diabetes is stress. Like there is a link between stress and type 2 diabetes. I have been living with stress for years. The last few months have been awful. I do not know how to reduce the stress. I do not see that happening anytime soon. But I will try to reduce the sugar intake when I can. Not sure when I should have another blood test done, six months maybe?
Yeay......prediabetes. Another fun thing to add to my life.
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