Week 3 already? February is around the corner.
Tuesday a friend came in with a nice surprise, several gifts. An upcycled one of a kind denim vest called "Wanderlust" made just for me, some books, a deck of mini card with naked ladies, a mini Hello Kitty purse and a pair of Anora panties.
I feel spoiled!

Friday we got another surprise at the club. Four new additions. Not welcome additions.
They did not speak English, or so they said. We are a NON touching club, something that was blatantly ignored by all of them. So us regular girls were not pleased. The manager wants them gone but the owner wants them (them = the four that she hired) to stay. We shall see how this situation will unfold. At this point it is not good.
Also we never have ten girls working. I have not seen more than seven and that is during busy season, which is summer. Seven is the max, all of a sudden having ten is ok. And all of a sudden behaviors that have gotten girls immediately fired in the past somehow became totally acceptable. Like allowing touching. Their attitudes were shitty, their music was shitty and their behavior was shitty. Go back to were you came from and do not come back.

My compliment of the week? Somebody thought I looked like art by Michelangelo. Yes I am the equivalent of a female statue of David. I don't think Michelangelo did Venus. I worked with a girl at Riverside that thought I looked like a statue. Perhaps I do?
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