A new restaurant, East Coast Eats, or in my opinion more like a fast food sit down place opened up in Warrenton. In case you do not know Warrenton is the town next to Astoria and you have to drive across a bridge to get to Warrenton from Astoria. Either the New Youngs Bay Bridge or the Old Youngs Bay Bridge.
Pierogies on the menu? Ok, Tati needs to try the pierogies and write a pierogi report.
My opinion, the pierogies were ok. A bit slimy on the surface and I prefer red onion over white or yellow. The onion should had been cooked longer and there was a bit too much melted butter on the plate. I think that I will stick with the Jaju pierogies that I get from either New Seasons or the Astoria Co-op. I can fry them to the exact level I want and chop up a large organic (very important) red onion and fry it the way I want it too. I will know that the sour cream is organic for sure. This place just did not feel like organic products is a priority BUT I could be wrong on that. Would I have the pierogies here again? Possibly, if I do not feel like preparing any at home and have "I am craving pierogies now" moment.
I also tried some fries, they were drenched in too much of some sort of seasoning. I will stick to ordering the pierogies only here if I go back for more.
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