Today was a repeat of yesterday pretty much. Fika and books.
Met Monika outside Åhléns, hopped on the subway and tried the Vete-Katten on Söder. They did not have any cinnamon there. Meh. I like to sprinkle cinnamnon on my latte, a proper café should have cinnamon.
I had an oatmilk latte (of course) a wienersemla and a muscovadobulle - a first for both. I love semla and this kind is a hybrid of some sort. The traditional semla is a bit different. There is even a day dedicated to the semla here, Fettisdagen which falls on February 13th this year . Big thumbs up for the wienersemla, I loved it. The muscovadobulle got thumbs down from both me and Monika.

At the table to our left sat a couple that saw some books that I brought with me so we started talking books and authors. That was nice. I got some more books. These two. Stacken by Annika Norlin and Morgon och Kväll by Jon Fosse (recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2023).

When we were done with fika we walked. And took a peek inside Kulturhuset, I like that place.
Pippi, Barbapappa and the rest of the gang in this picture is childhood to me.

Then it was time for Hej Då och vi ses and a hug.
It might seem like all I do is meet up with friends for fika, read and take slow walks and take pictures of things. I WISH.
I have been occupied everyday since I arrived with stuff pertaining my Mom and I have been spending time with her everyday.
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