Morning Routine & Morning Anxiety

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Morning Routine & Morning Anxiety

My morning at home and reading. Solving Wordle. I stopped going to the nearest coffee shop for the everyday lattes. The coffee was not good enough for me to make the effort and spend the money. If I am close to a Stumptown I will stop in for a latte, at least their coffe tastes good. No more wasting money on bad lattes. 
I sprinkle cinnamon on my coffee. In case you wonder what that is floating on top. Reading the news is borderline depressing. Just a bunch of misery and terrible stuff. But I do enjoy my morning rotine of slowly waking up in bed with a cup of coffee in my hand.

I also have morning anxiety. It's been going on for years now. I do not take any meds and I do not self medicate with any substances. So when I feel anxiety which I do almost every morning I just have to ride it out. It usually subsides once I get going with my day. I get anxiety over stuff that I have to do. It can be anything from procrastination (I procrastinate big time which in turn gives me anxiety) over things like getting a plane ticket for example or making a phone call or having to do something in particular that I am putting off doing. Some recent examples.....I got a plane ticket recently. I had some serious anxiety over that because for some reason I hate looking for plane tickets. So it took me like three weeks of thinking, I have to get the plane ticket TODAY and then thinking the same exact thought the next day until I finally did it. I had to make some phone calls in order to fascilitate getting the blog migrated. Easier said than done. It took several phone calls trying to figure out what to do. Another example, I had to cancel a service with one company and start the same service with another, I thought about it for months before I finally did it. Laundry is another hurdle, only because I do not have a washer and dryer at home (WTF!). Stuff like that, super easy to get done but for some reason I find it hard. I don't know why.
It might sound like my life is in utter chaos when I descibe these scenarios but it is not. I do procrastinate way too much regarding certain things and I do have morning anxiety. Usually once I am out and about or up and moving that feeling goes away and I feel normal. 

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