New Moon

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New Moon

There was a new moon a few days ago and I was admiring it on my evening walk with Chhaya. It was one of those magical night, just me and her. Everything was quiet with the exception of the sound of cars driving by in the distance. The lights from The Strip far away in the valley, the sweet smell of a blooming desert and the new moon above us. We took our time, Chhaya dictated the pace, sniffing almost every bush and exploring.

It's cold and windy today - YES! I love it, I don't like when the sun is burning my skin. A bit past 9 AM now and Chhaya is still sleeping and snoring lightly, laying on my foot. I want to stay in bed all day today and just drift in and out of sleep and snuggle with Chhaya. But I have to pick a friend up from the airport at noon. Perhaps I pick up a latte on the way there.
I have not done that much lately. Nothing exciting at least. Been a good fellow human to strangers. Found two cell phones and made sure they got back to the owners. Got offered money as a "finders fee" which I refused of course.
Finding somebody's property and giving it back should not have a price attached to it. Saw a man drop money and ran outside of a building to tell him, nobody else cared. I don't get that. Took a girl I barely know to do something that I think will improve her life. She still needs some more assistance and I will be there for her. Sometimes a person needs a push, a helping hand or somebody that takes time to listen. Be that person if you can, you might need that help one day. You never know how life will turn out.
Work at the cafe has been slow the last few days from being very busy the last few weeks, it was so busy that I didn't even have time to sit down for a minute a and catch my breath. I made up for that yesterday, I read the daily newspaper and drank my tea slowly. I drink tea at the cafe, not latte.

Do you talk to the moon?

I do. I talk to everything in nature. Even small insects.
I am looking forward to Sunday. Afternoon tea at the Mandarin Oriental is on the agenda.

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  1. Carla on :

    This above posting of yours is a very nice mixture of pleasant things happening in your life.... the leisurely moon walk in the park with Chhaya, the finding and returning to their rightful owners of cell phones and dropped money.... and unselfishly offering your help to a girl in need. You are correct, we never know how her life or our lives will turn out, we just need to be the best person we can be... kind, loving, empathetic, willing to listen and willing to help.

    Hmm, talking to the moon.... and to insects....
    I am many times talking to myself... and even answering myself sometimes!!!

    I am glad you posted again after such a long time! I worry about you when you don't post as often as you have in the past.
    🙂 Carla
  2. TATIANA Post author on :

    Thanks for checking up on me.....!
    Yes I know, not the usual amount of blogs but I am still standing (like Elton John sings).
    About to take Chhaya for a nice sniffy walk in Sunset Park now.

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