Stiff And Sore

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Stiff And Sore

Well.....I woke up with a stiff and sore neck today. I felt it starting to come on slightly yesterday but today it got uncomfortable.
After a breakfast of skorpor, ost (crisp rolls and cheese) from IKEA and tea which is my latest breakfast obsession I decided that I was going to take it easy today. Meaning sleep and eat.

I am in bed now and for the first time ever I am trying a medicated patch that I slapped on the back of my neck. I have now reached fogbone status, are medicated patches going to be a weekly thing from now on? I am not sure how I like it, it's like weird burning sensation. I am also thinking about rereading this book by Lars Kepler called The Sandman . I got it about a month ago and was so looking forward to reading it because I had heard that it was very good and also scary but I was disappointed. It was good enough but not great. Meh......I might read it again and then pass it on. Who wants it? ;-)

But now I have to tell you about what happened earlier. So around 9 PM I hear a bunch of barking outside, I look out the window and see a loose dog running around. About 10-15 minutes later I hear barking again, so I look and it is the same dog. I get dressed and go outside and discover a light brown pittbull with a collar and a doggie shirt on. It ran towards me, stopped at a distance and just barked. I felt that he was scared, lost and needed help. But I did not know if he was friendly. So I got Chhaya's leash, filled up a bowl with her kibble and another with water and got in my car and slowly drove until I spotted him again. I put the bowl on the ground and called him over, he approached carefully and gobbled down all the kibble while I told him he was a good boy. Then another car pulled up and the driver, a girl asked if that was my dog and I said no and explained what was going on. We both got out of our cars and the dog was just wagging his tail, I attached the leash to his collar. The girl said she thought he lives in our gated community but not exactly sure where and texted another neighbor while I walked the dog to the bowl with water that he drank. The neighbor came outside and looked at the dog and decided to keep him until she/we can find the owner, hopefully tomorrow. I am glad I decided to get outside and check on that dog, had he ran outside the gates who knows where he would had been tonight. Maybe not alive now. He was scared. I can only imagine if Chhaya was lost somewhere without me, she would had been scared too and I would had been devastated not knowing if she was safe.

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  1. Carla on :

    Tatiana: Oh my... please get well soon. You are doing the right thing... staying inside, drink lots of liquids (hot tea?) and get some extra sleep. Our bodies heal better and faster when we sleep and rest. I have never tried the medicated patch, usually the best thing for me is taking 3 Ibuprofen tablets and the pains usually go away or at least lessen somewhat.

    I read "The Sandman" last fall right after I finished the preceding book in the series "The Fire Witness" ..... there is a series of 4 Lars Kepler crime novels... all of them tend to be very dark and unsettling, particularly toward the end of the books but definitely a gripping read and because the author is Swedish along with other Swedish references it will be most probably something you will want to read.

    Kudos to you and your neighbor regarding your dog "rescue" .... imagine if you wouldn't have gone outside to investigate the barking noises.... you most likely saved that poor dog. Please keep us up to date regarding if the owner is contacted and if the dog returned to his home. Who knows, your Cchaya could end up with a step-brother.?

    I love your very cute slipper/booties.... they look like that they will keep your feet warm and cozy... you seem to always have the neatest footwear!!!
    Lay low today and get some rest... please get well soon.
  2. TATIANA Post author on :

    Yes.....Lars Kepler is the pen name for the Swedish literary couple. Their latest is The Rabbit Hunter . I'm not really understanding if they write together or separate.
    Scandinavian crime novels or Nordic Noir is a genre in itself.
    My fave is of course Lisbeth Salander.
    We (me and the neighbors) have yet not found the dogs owner!
    We are going to continue trying tomorrow.
    Unfortunately I can't adopt him.....I wish but no.
    The slippers I got at Dillards. I might get another pair. They are very comfy for bed.
  3. Carla on :

    All better today after a restful day yesterday??
  4. TATIANA Post author on :

    Yes feeling better!

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