A few more games and I will be a seasoned vet but I think bingo once or max twice per year is all the bingo excitement I can handle. Ask me again when I am 90 something, maybe then I will appreciate bingo more. I'm not a fogbone yet....

But we still had fun playing, although we didn't win anything (of course).
Some people won more than once, one lady won twice and then her friend won once.....WTF? I smell a bingo conspiracy. It is Vegas after all. People hustle here.....all kinds of people, even old ladies.

After bingo we ventured out for some free world class entertainment on Fremont Street. You do not need $ on Fremont Street, bring a water bottle from home or a cooler with some beer and sit down and enjoy the show. First of all, if you catch Spandex Nation playing live you are in for a treat. They cover 80s hair and metal band hits and they are GREAT! Talk about sing along nostalgia, I love Spandex Nation! I am a fan.
And if you are currently at some confusing crossroads in your life......perhaps thinking about a career change, going through a midlife crisis or are broke.....do not worry! You can work at Fremont Street, no experience necessary! Just go down there, prepare a costume of some sort (does not have to be elaborate) just show LOTS of skin! You do not have to be in shape, actually if you are in bad shape, have visibly missing teeth, missing a limb or two, look disheveled in general.....EVEN BETTER! If you have a baby.....that will work too, bring the bundle of joy down to Fremont and make it earn it's keep. Don't forget to bring something to collect your tips in and start making money! The hustle on Fremont Street is amazing. There is a WTF moment everywhere you turn. Also people watching on Fremont is priceless. It's a great place to teach your children or yourself how not to behave in public.
Watch the adult drunks stagger around making a spectacle of themselves. I am so glad that I am not a white trash drunk. If I am "offending" any white trash drunks now.....oh well. I was like.....WOW.....these people are going to vote in the upcoming presidential election? SCARY! I don't even know how they FUNCTION in real life? Is it a life style or what is it? Whatever it is.....it is scary. Welcome to 'Merica!
Overall Fremont Street is lots of fun. My favorite of all the buskers (hustlers) is CUPID. He is an amazing hustler and has great energy, nonstop smiling and very cute in his own way, CUPID deserves every dollar he makes. He should teach others how to work Fremont Street for the most $$$ rewards.

But I can only take so much of Fremont Street extravaganza. I need to schedule a soul soothing afternoon tea session at the Mandarin Oriental soon......I need balance in my life and the Mandarin Oriental is my cup of tea.
Speaking of tea, me and my brother have similar taste in beverages and enjoyed some milk tea from some Asian place - yummy.

Well......all the good things sadly come to an end and I took Robert (my brother) to the airport yesterday. I miss him already and I feel sad. I hate goodbyes and airports make me feel uneasy because they mean separation to me. I hope he can come back soon. I hate that I am away from family and friends, that is a constant pain in my heart.
Today I am planning on going to the Women's Expo and then I need to find my tweezer or get a new one. My tweezer is missing since Burning Man and my eyebrows have not been this wild looking since I don't even remember when.
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